This week the Sun is in Cancer, Mercury is in Leo, Venus is in Virgo and Mars is in Aquarius. (Naturally Jupiter is still in Scorpio and Saturn is in Capricorn.) Basically, it's a gentle week. But lo! What news from yonder modem breaks? Could it be that winged Mercury doth prepare to slow down? For sooth, 'tis true! Slowly, slowly before it goes hurlyburly retrograde on Wednesday, July 25 creating much ado about nothing until August 18. Is't over then? Nay! All will not be at rest until naughty Mercury reaches the starry degree it held when first it turned - and that degree presents itself on September 2. Till then - bite my thumb!
This week, you will continue to focus on home and family. Your interaction with a parent might well be significant. Fortunately, coworkers are supportive, which is always a welcomed thing. You might get a raise at work and certainly praise from coworkers and bosses. Your challenge is to be patient with friends and members of groups. (Something annoying here.) Be especially patient with someone with whom you might feel competitive. Grrr. Meanwhile, old flames will be back on the scene. Oh yes. You can count on this. Grab your sexiest hat, wear it at a serious angle and remind them of what they're missing. You've still got what it takes!
You cannot ignore that this is a busy fast-paced week because it's a busy, fast-paced month! Just go with the flow and keep smiling. Venus will bring you many opportunities to party and schmooze with others. Romance is blessed. Flirtations abound! Sports events and playful activities with children will delight. Nevertheless, Mars at the top of your chart keeps your ambition aroused, which is why you are relentless about doing whatever you have to do to complete your goals. And you will succeed! Meanwhile, a special family occasion will attract relatives to your doorstep. Stock the fridge. You'll have lots of opportunities to trade lies and talk about the bad old days.
Money, cash flow, earnings and financial negotiations are still a primary focus for you. This could be due to real-estate negotiations, which are favourable at this time. Cash flow decisions might also relate to opportunities to redecorate and fix up your digs. You will definitely enjoy entertaining at home as well, which can be costly. And of course, exciting plans to travel also require money. Some will divert money towards education and classes. Unfortunately, cheques in the mail will be late. In fact, cancelled trips, confused communications and transportation delays will be par for the course as your ruler Mercury starts to slow down. These delays and errors are silly and frustrating but they are not major. They just make your teeth itch.
This continues to be a powerful time for you because the Sun is in your sign rejuvenating you and giving you a boost of energy! This placement of the Sun will also attract favourable situations and people to you. Meanwhile Venus sweetens all your words with others. People will enjoy talking to you, especially relatives, siblings and neighbours. This is an excellent week for writers, actors, teachers and those of you in sales. Disputes about inheritances and shared property might wear you down. You don't need this. Remember: Your first loss is your cheapest loss. If looking for work, return to places you previously applied or where you worked before. To make money, "go backwards."
Even you might be surprised at the degree to which you will go in order to seek privacy. You will want to hide at home and keep a low profile. Don't worry; this is just what's happening. No biggie. When the Sun enters your sign next Sunday, you will suddenly step out, centre stage, flying your colours! In the meantime, continue to be patient with close friends and partners while Mars is opposite your sign. It is what it is and you have no choice. Mercury is in your sign now slowing down before it goes retrograde, so you will encounter silly delays, errors, mixed-up communications, missed appointments, misplaced items -- and you will wonder if you're losing it. Don't worry. You're not. Meanwhile, you can boost your income. Enjoy buying beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. "For me? Thank you!"
Your popularity continues! Everyone wants to see your face! Enjoy schmoozing with friends and acquaintances as well as members of groups. You have lots of energy to work hard now because Mars will give you that drive and focus to achieve something either at your job or for any task that you set for yourself. You will also delegate to others. Meanwhile, fair Venus is in your sign making you charming and diplomatic. Incidentally this is an excellent week (yet again) to buy wardrobe goodies. As your ruler Mercury slows and begins to go retrograde, it ushers in a marvellous time for you to do research and discover answers to old questions and solutions to old problems.
This week the Sun is still at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you. Remember, this limelight is flattering, which is why bosses and VIPs are so impressed with you. Naturally, you can use this to your advantage and take it to the bank. (This advantage occurs only once a year for you and last for about four weeks, therefore, use it! ) Ask for what you want because you might get it! All is not hard work. Au contraire! Mars encourages you to play and explore your creative talents. Accept invitations to party! Enjoy little vacations because this is a fun week for you! Old friends are back in the picture. Even if it's initially scary, it's always ultimately rewarding. Be open to these exchanges.
Many of you are dealing with profound situations and contemplating the big, serious questions of life. This might provoke escapist tendencies for some of you, which is why you want to blow town. Ah yes, travel beckons! You will also appreciate any chance that comes your way to learn something new. Even though your communications with others are unusually direct and to the point right now, you are having a wonderful time schmoozing with friends. Be aware that as this month progresses, you will have more and more opportunities to run into parents, bosses, teachers and authority figures from your past. No need to click your heels but do be ready for this. Old contacts might prove to be helpful?
This is another intense week for you. Issues are black-and-white. Everything matters. Many of you will be focused on inheritances, shared property, insurance issues, taxes and debt. All this intensity also translates into sexual energy. Oh yes, you're passionate! Some of you are involved in a romance with a boss or someone older or more established. You might be very bold about going after what you want because Mars lends energy to your communication style right now. Travel plans might be delayed or cancelled. Bummer. If travelling during Mercury retrograde, ideally its best to go someplace you've been before. Considering how much you travel - the world is at your fingertips!
The Sun is still opposite your sign, which draws your focus to friendships and partnerships this week. These one-to-one relationships are important to you. You can also learn more about yourself from these relationships. Meanwhile, travel for pleasure appeals. Romance with someone different or from another culture might also arise. You are working hard to earn money but you're also spending it! As Mercury slows down and goes retrograde this month, this will help you to finish and wrap up old details regarding inheritances, taxes, insurance issues and shared property. You will get things done with amazing speed. Voila!
This week you want to get better organized. (This has been your theme song very recently.) You're working hard to feel like you are on top of your game. Likewise, you want your health to be tops as well. High standards! Bravo! Keep your pockets open because you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others this week. This is the perfect time to decide how to divide or share something. With Mars in your sign, you'll have no trouble standing up for your own best interests. Meanwhile, Venus makes intimacy memorable. Your sex drive is heightened. In view of the fact that ex-partners are back on the scene, this will be interesting for some of you.
Lucky you! Opportunities for vacations, socializing, exploring the arts, enjoying parties and sports events plus being involved with kids activities are all topics on your menu this week. In other words, you want to have fun! You want to play! In addition, fair Venus opposite your sign promotes and enhances all your relations with others, even your enemies. Yes, your social calendar is promising! The only downside is that as Mercury begins to slow down before it goes retrograde, you will experience snafus, errors and frustrations at work. No getting around this. Just grin and bear it. Continue to look for opportunities to expand your world through travel and further education and training.