All Signs

This year a major event between Jupiter and Pluto occurs three times: January, then this week in April, then in September. These events signify success through positive change! Pluto creates change by stripping something down to the basics in order to rebuild; and Jupiter magnifies the success. Depending on your sign, this "regeneration" can mean spiritual growth, wealth creation, professional advancement or increased personal power. That's why we all feel the urge to improve or reform something this week. Take advantage of this urge! Personally, I'm going to stop eating pizza in bed and eat it in the kitchen like responsible people do. (And same for those sticky finger pork ribs.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This continues to be a powerful time for you because the Sun is in your sign boosting your energy and drawing people and opportunities to you. Your ruler Mars is high in your chart, arousing your ambition. Admittedly, Mercury is retrograde in your sign creating delays, silly mistakes and encounters with ex-partners. However, the Jupiter/Pluto event this week will attract money to you from other sources - the government, inheritances, your partner or an insurance payout. If you were turned down for a loan or mortgage before - try again. And it's not just money. You can benefit from things that other people own. They will let you use their stuff or their property. (Not too shabby!)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Continue your low key position until the Sun enters your sign on the 19th. Until then, set goals for your new year ahead (birthday to birthday). This is an excellent week to buy wardrobe treasures for yourself. It's also a wonderful time to travel or make travel plans. The Jupiter/Pluto event will benefit you in terms of your closest friendships and partnerships. You might feel tested. You might hit the wall and feel you have reached an impasse. Then, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, comes a renewed, deeper bond with someone important to you. (This can also apply to relating to the general public.) It's kind of like you had to go to hell and back together -- but you're together in a better way.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The placement of the Sun boosts your popularity! You continue to run into old friends from the past. Your sex drive is pumped. Disputes about shared property might arise. Where you are really fortunate now is in everything to do with your health, your job and even your relationship to a pet. You feel much healthier! And you had to work to get this reward. Likewise, you feel happier about your work and your job - and you might also have had to undergo a struggle to reach this point. You can relax now and for the rest of the summer, because things will go smoothly! You have achieved a certain success - a level you will maintain and ultimately even improve in the future!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun is still at the top of your chart, which means it's the perfect time to ask for a raise, a promotion or to advance a project or get approval or permission for something. Relations with friends are warm and supportive. Where you will experience a dramatic difference is in your relationship with kids, especially your own kids. You can improve these relationships this week. You will feel proud of your kids. Likewise, romantic relationships are on a wonderful footing. Even your own faith in your creative talents and artistic aptitudes has deepened, which encourages you to produce more work. This optimism could lead to a great vacation as a reward. Yay!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your urge to travel and study is strong because you want to enrich your life. (More power to you!) You make a great impression on others because Venus is at the top of your chart. However, the most dramatic change taking place relates to home, family and real estate. This is where you have plans and hopes! You want to get down to the bare bones of something so that you can refinish, repair, restore, reupholster, recover and reclaim something so that it is much better! Voila! This desire to improve something in your domestic sphere will also apply to family relationships. In particular, you want to get rid of stuff you no longer want to see! "Out damned spot! Out!"

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Like Leo, you want to travel for pleasure. And like Cancer, you feel creatively productive. But the area where you are undergoing the greatest transformation right now is rather subtle. It has to do with your daily communications with everyone. It even has to do with your daily take on things you view and see your world. Something has triggered a wake-up call within you. You are forced to look at your daily surroundings with new eyes. Likewise, you are communicating at a deeper, more real level with everyone you meet. It's powerful and the fact that it is more real makes you feel more alive. And indeed - you are!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Get more rest. Your energy is flagging. Ironically, home and family require more energy because of increased activity, chaos, domestic upheaval and tension. (Whaaat?) Fortunately, gifts and favours from others continue to come to you, which is a perk. But the biggest perk is that you see ways to boost your income. Yes! This might have begun in January; but it will continue to happen if you look for ways to do this. Be resourceful and bold and believe in this possibility! For some, it might not be an increase in earnings. Your assets might be augmented in another way. You might buy something special for yourself that makes you feel rich. It is a time of increased wealth!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a remarkable time for you! Venus paves the way for warm relationships. Mars makes you forthright, direct and on point talking to others. But what is particularly lovely is that at a time when the Jupiter/Pluto event takes place this week, the placement of your Sun in the sixth house is already urging you to improve your health and your job. This is a timely base energy ready to receive the Jupiter/Pluto influence that wants you to improve yourself in absolutely every aspect of your life! In particular - your body. Secondly, your relationships. Thirdly, your immediate environment. Since motivation is everything, your world is going to improve immensely!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Two very different influences are at play this week. (This explains why some feel you're going through a Jekyll and Hyde phase.) The Sun and retrograde Mercury urge you to play and indulge yourself! Romance, social outings, the theatre, the arts, sports events and fun activities with children plus vacations and glorious getaways all demand your attention. (For which you are happy to oblige.) "Let's have fun!" (For many, old flames are back in the picture.) But that Jupiter/Pluto event, by contrast, is not at all frivolous. Something is occurring in your life to deepen your spiritual convictions and your connections with your Inner Child. A curious combination, indeed.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's wonderful that with Mars in your sign, you have lots of energy to address your private home and family needs, which are making demands on you along with romance, the arts and entertaining, social situations. "Wheee!" You might also be more involved with children than usual. However, your biggest shift this week has to do with friends (both close and casual) and clubs, groups and organizations. Some event has made you appreciate these people in your life. Furthermore, you see the truth of the interdependence that we all share with each other. It's inspiring and humbling. Quite likely, your take away from this will be a new goal. Something you will want to do in the future. (Sounds promising.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your busy, fast pace continues! Short trips, conversations with many, appointments, increased reading and writing plus interaction with siblings, neighbours and relatives all combine to give you a jam-packed schedule. But you like it! Family relations are warm. Many of you are keen to redecorate your digs or do something to make your home more attractive. You also want to entertain at home. The Jupiter/Pluto influence this week (and remember it was triggered in January) will boost your reputation in the eyes of your peers in a wonderful way! Some event that takes place now will thrust you into the limelight so that others admire you and see - without a doubt - that you are successful! Let's hope that you can see this, too.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Money is still on your mind. This means you're thinking about how to earn it and you are also pondering some major expenses. It's a juggling act. This is a happy week because relations with others are warm and caring. Furthermore, your positive outlook on things helps you to really enjoy your daily environment. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (An observation that is more profound than it might seem.) Nevertheless, the Jupiter/Pluto influence for your sign is profound! Something has occurred or will continue to occur that opens up your mind. This could come through study and travel. You will also have increasing influence through publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Hey, this is heady stuff!