Today the Sun moves into Pisces for the first time in 11 months. (The Sun is in each sign roughly four weeks a year with a bit of overlap cuz there are more than 48 weeks in a year.) The Sun rules our basic energy, which is why the Sun affects our health and vigour. In our charts, it shows where we feel we have to express ourselves. Sometimes when the Sun is in a certain sign, everything goes postal. At other times, we want to sit around and make friendship bracelets and braid each other's hair. Relax. This will be a walk in the park. The Sun in Pisces is a gentle placement - but it's also mystical and the stuff of smoke and mirrors. (Puleeze - no bad puns about boo's and spirits.)
Because your birthday is drawing close, this means your personal year is coming to an end. This also means you have about four weeks to think about what you want for your new year ahead after your birthday takes place. Any ideas? We know two things for certain: This is a time of harvest in your life (in a 30 year cycle) and that is major. Even though you have a lot of responsibilities, you can call the shots and steer your life however you want. The second thing is that this year you get the financial and practical support from others that you need through inheritances, loans or mortgages. Consider these advantages and make some goals with deadlines in the next few weeks. Do yourself this favour because you will achieve these goals more quickly if you identify them.
The next four weeks are more popular for you! People want to see you. They want to be in your presence; and they also want your presence at functions, meetings and certain occasions. Your interaction with friends will increase as well as your involvement with clubs, groups and organizations. This is also one of the best times of the year for you to make goals. What are your hopes and dreams for the future? What do you have to start to do now, to go in the direction of making those dreams a reality? In the next four weeks, if you bounce your ideas off someone, their feedback could help you. Look for a chance to do this. Could be anyone you meet because life is strange.
Starting today, the Sun will be at the top of your chart for the next four weeks. This is the only time all year this occurs. What it means is you have a symbolic spotlight on you that is flattering. This is why bosses, parents and people in authority think you are competent, successful, witty, intelligent and maybe even fabulous. (Fabulous is always nice.) The point is you don't have to do anything special and yet, you look good to others! Obviously, you can use this to your credit. The next four weeks are the perfect time to make your pitch and advance your cause. Demand the advantage! Be the squeaky wheel. You'll get the attention you want.
Your desire to travel and get away from all this will be strong in the next four weeks. Generally, your sign travels for a reason like work or family situations. Of course, if you have Sagittarius in your chart - you travel just to travel. Whatever the case, grab every chance to get a change of scenery because this will be rewarding for you. You also want to expand your world intellectually and experientially, which is why you will enjoy studying something new or experiencing different situations. Be open to adventure! Try new things. Enjoy the stimulation of talking to people from other backgrounds and different cultures. Visit ethnic restaurants. Remember the advice of Miss Piggy: Never eat more than you can lift.
You will be more observant of your subtle feelings and emotions in the next four weeks. This is because you will be more in touch with your being, which gives you a chance to observe your inner self. In particular, you might identify some compulsions you have that you weren't aware of before. ("OMG, I'm a cad.") You might even undergo some kind of experience that gives you a psychological transformation. Yes, sounds trippy but it could happen. Something might occur that challenges your value structure. Or something else might happen that forces you to examine shared resources, finances and the wealth of your partner. We're not talking frivolity. But you will probably get to know yourself better.
In the next four weeks, the Sun will be opposite your sign, something that occurs only once a year. This is definitely a chance for you to learn more about yourself through your one-to-one relationships with others. You might examine your relationships and ask yourself what need this relationship does or does not fill in your life. For that matter, what need do you fill in someone else's life? What makes a partnership successful? You will think a lot about your relationships in the next four weeks. And if you have conflict - you will examine that conflict to see your role in the drama. Remember: There are three kinds of people in the world -- those who can count and those who can't.
You're gung ho to be efficient, effective and productive in the next four weeks. You might become almost perfect, which of course will make you obnoxious. This is because you're trying to figure how to manage your life the best way possible. Not only do you want things to run smoothly, you want to get the best results for your efforts. You want to make every action count. Meanwhile, you might also have to work for the benefit of someone else or satisfy someone else's wishes or needs. (It happens.) And while you fine-tune your physical efficiency, you will also give thought to your health as well. How can you improve your health? What can you stop doing that is unhealthy? What can you start doing that can benefit you? A balanced diet is more than a cookie in each hand.
Lucky Scorpio! (Mom always liked you best.) The next four weeks are all about play, romance, vacations, parties, social outings, long lunches, fun sports events, the arts, movies, the theatre and rewarding activities with children. But at its essence, this window of time is all about finding a way to express yourself and be exactly who you are. By all means, get out and have a good time! You feel lighter and more fun-loving! Your relationships with others will be more enjoyable. Some of you will discover new love. Others will awaken the playful side of an existing relationship. You won't feel a need to run the show but you will oppose anyone who tries to stop you from doing what you want to do. Oh yeah.
You feel the need to hunker down and cocoon in familiar surroundings. In fact, in the next four weeks, this is why your concern with home and family will be stronger than usual. Of course, you will continue to meet the demands of your outer world, but you will really enjoy relaxing at home. You might want to contemplate or meditate. You will enjoy your own company. You will also enjoy talking about your past and your youth and recalling childhood memories with someone. (Memories are so malleable. It's never too late to have a happy childhood.) Some of you might be involved with a parent more than usual. Use this window of time to remember what it is that you really wanted in life. So easy to forget, isn't it?
Fasten your seatbelts because the next four weeks are busy! Suddenly, you have a jam-packed schedule full of appointments, meetings with others, unscheduled moments with siblings, relatives and neighbours, increased reading and writing and of course - short trips! You're on the go and you're not getting dusty. You will enjoy a vacation if you can fit it in. This window is an excellent time to tell someone how you feel about a certain subject or perhaps even how you feel about that person. You are eager to communicate and enlighten others about your ideas and it feels natural to do so. Churchill once said, "There are a lot of lies going around, and half of them are true."
"Show me the money!" Yes it's true that in the next four weeks you will be more concerned with money, cash flow, assets and wealth. This will get your attention. However, at a deeper level, you will ask yourself if you really benefit from what you own. Does your stuff serve your needs or is it an albatross around your neck? It's nice to have enough, but too much can be draining. So the question you need to ask yourself is what is your relationship to your resources in life? Obviously, you want to have better control over your life through what you own. And another question you want to ask is what is it that you really value? Remember - after the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
Well, well - the Sun is in your sign for the next four weeks giving you glamour on steroids! This is your turn to replenish and re-energize yourself! It's okay to be self-centred right now because it's all about you! The Sun is your source of energy, which means it will boost your personality and how you project onto your world. You'll be larger-than-life! You will attract people to you as well as favourable situations. You want to express yourself to others. You want to do your thing and you will be able to do so because when the Sun is in your sign (this happens only once a year) your first duty is to yourself and if you don't fulfil that duty - you will be no use to anyone.