All Signs

We continue to have a strong Aquarian hit with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Aquarius - such a modern, forward-thinking sign. (They're all born 50 years ahead of their time.) I think with such a strong Aquarian emphasis, more people will sign petitions and pledges this week in person or online. If you need signatures - strike now! I just pledged to help save the planet by eating less meat. I figure this means I can have more ice cream. Perhaps something a bit political like Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. (I'm just kidding - I would always have Salted Caramel.) As Ham on Wry says, "Ice cream for dinner --- cuz it isn't just for breakfast anymore."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are very popular this week! Enjoy hanging out with younger people as well as creative, artistic types. This is the perfect time to identify and define your hopes and dreams for the future. Are your goals doable? Bounce your ideas off someone else to get their feedback. On Wednesday, the Full Moon might trigger a dispute with someone. Fortunately, it will be brief. No biggie. Continue to make plans to travel very soon because you will drum up the funds and financial support to pull this off. Lucky Jupiter will see to that. Plus, all your chickens are coming home to roost this year! This week -a friend could become a lover. (Is there a movie script in there?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Things are looking great for Taurus this week because the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all at the top of your chart, which means bosses, parents and VIPs are impressed with you. (You don't even have to do anything special to dazzle them.) Obviously, this is the week to make your pitch! Ya think? People want your creative input on how to make something look better. You sound articulate, like you know what you're talking about (and you probably do) with Mercury so prominent in your chart. Yada, yada, yada. (Jerry Seinfeld will be eloquent this week!) Avoid family battles midweek because of the Full Moon. Sidestep this. By Friday all is well. These difficulties could relate to a dispute about shared property or conflicting values. And so it goes.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a busy, fast-paced week and you're not sitting around getting dusty. Many of you are travelling more. Many of you are also studying or exploring opportunities in medicine, the law, publishing and the media. Romance with someone from another culture will begin for some of you. (This person is different and exotic and you've always been a sucker for intrigue.) Please note that Tuesday/Wednesday are mildly accident-prone for your sign because of the Full Moon energy. Pay attention to everything you say and do. Be mindful. And also be patient with partners and loved ones because with Mars opposite your sign now, you are easily annoyed. You know who you are.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Financial issues, inheritances, taxes, debt and matters related to shared property are a pretty big focus this week. You can talk your way in to and out of deals. Whatever happens, you have the advantage - Venus will guarantee this. In fact, this is a good time to ask for a loan or mortgage or to expect favours and gifts from others. Do be aware that the Full Moon on Wednesday might bring certain financial issues to a head. Be prepared for this. Meanwhile, you are gung ho to work hard not only in your job but also to pump your health. Romance is passionate and sizzling this week. What's your favourite ice cream favour?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Well, the big heads up for you is that this week on Wednesday the only Full Moon in your sign all year is taking place. You might even notice it starting Monday. You will definitely notice it by Tuesday. Basically, it manifests as heightened feelings about your closest relationships. You're either wildly in love or really ticked off. That's what the Full Moon does, it magnifies unstable emotions. Fortunately, after it peaks, a calm will return to the land. Crops will ripen and the fruit of your womb will get A's and have no cavities, and you will rejoice. For thou art in party mode all week with Mars in your 5th House. Yippee! Bring it on!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week you're keen to be productive, efficient and effective in everything you do. You want to make your actions count and you want the most for your efforts. "Bang for my buck!" In fact, your standards are so high, not only do you want accomplishments, you want perfect health. Yes, you're on a roll. It's a positive, busy week and you will get much done. Furthermore, coworkers will be supportive, possibly even flirtatious. However, tension from the Full Moon midweek might arise. This means you have to be patient with others. This also means you have to be patient with people at home because Mars is stirring the pot there. Easy does it.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It's play city for Librans this week. Romance is blessed - definitely. You find it easy to be involved with someone without surrendering your identity. Relations with children will be upbeat as well. In fact, this is great week for a vacation. Enjoy all social occasions - parties, the arts and sports events. However, there will be a hiccup of sorts midweek with the Full Moon on Wednesday. This could mean speed bumps with your kids or a fight with your main squeeze. Fortunately, whatever occurs will be brief and gone by Friday. Just remember that you are coming on extra strong now because Mars hypes your communicating style. "It's my way or the highway." Be nice.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The Full Moon this week is one of the tougher Full Moons for your sign. Factoid. But this is not The Wreck of the Hesperus. It simply means you have to be more patient with family members, especially parents and authority figures in the family. And you also have to be patient with bosses and VIPs, including the police (of which you might be one). And you really only have to be patient for about 48 hours. Considering that you are the most steely willed sign in the zodiac, this is not a big challenge. In fact, it's an opportunity for you to cultivate patience, which is a virtue. According to the Greeks, "First secure an independent income, then practice virtue." And according to Abraham Lincoln, "It is been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're feisty and energetic this week because fiery Mars is in your sign. Hit the gym. Get more exercise. Blow off pent-up steam. Meanwhile, be careful because this is an accident-prone week because of the Full Moon on Wednesday. Of course, you won't have an accident (unless you've ordered one on Amazon prime). What the Full Moon does is distract you with heightened emotions and heightened responses, which in turn, could trigger a mishap. Therefore, think before you speak. Think before you act. Aside from this little glitch, it's an upbeat, exciting week full of new places and new faces!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

"Show me the money!" (Cuba Gooding Jr, the actor who made that phrase famous, is a Capricorn.) This week the Full Moon on Wednesday hits both your Money Houses. Actually, this simply means that financial deals or arrangements regarding shared property or inheritances will likely come to a head. "Fire in the hole." "The dolphin's in the Jacuzzi." Fortunately, you are (generally) not a rash sign. Do not let your emotions take hold of you this week. If you have an important financial decision to make - give it a sober, second thought. Do not be rushed into a decision. Take your time. You're setting off on a whole new path this year, and you don't have to dance to anyone else's tune.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Of course it's all about you, dear Aquarius, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your sign. And the Full Moon on Wednesday is all about you because it's the only Full Moon all year that is opposite your sign. (Roger that.) This means from the beginning of the week, certainly by Tuesday, you have to be patient with partners and close friends. Be tolerant, be understanding, listen with genuine interest, even if you have to fake it. You can handle this pumped up energy with ease because Venus is in your sign, and Venus makes you charming and diplomatic. Meanwhile, you're stoked with energy dealing with friends and groups. Enjoy your week!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a tough Full Moon for some signs - but not you. You get off almost scot-free! Admittedly, you will have to be more patient with coworkers and health-related issues this week but it's minor. Nothing you cannot handle. Meanwhile, fiery Mars at the top of your chart is arousing your ambition, urging you to go for the gold. There's something important you want to achieve. In your efforts to succeed, this could trigger conflict with coworkers, especially if they feel threatened by you. Keep this in mind. Easy does it. Do not trifle in the affairs of dragons for you soft and taste good with ketchup.