This week the Sun and Venus in Aquarius will promote warm relations and good times with friends and interactions with clubs and groups. Mars moves into Sagittarius on Friday, to stay until mid March. Because Mars is "energy," this will zap different parts of our lives according to our personal sign. Sagittarius is the sign of the truth seeker - and Sagittarians dearly love the outdoors! This reminds me Thoreau's observation: "Men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish they are after." And of course, we all know that a reel expert can tackle anything.
It's a lovely week to enjoy good times with friends plus interactions with clubs, groups and associations. You will have a powerful exchange with a boss, parent or VIP. Be careful about being too pushy because if you are, you will only arouse opposition to you. Meanwhile, Mars has moved into the part of your chart that is about travel and education. In other words, Mars want you to learn more and expand your horizons! Mars will make you gutsy about going after opportunities in publishing, the media and anything to do with medicine and the law. Oh yeah - you're on a roll! Book travel plans for now or next year.
The Sun and Venus at the top of your chart make you look fabulous, especially to bosses and VIPs. Quite likely, someone will approach you to ask for your advice about how to make something look better. Little romantic crushes (or something more involved) might begin with a boss. This could be encouraged by the fact that Mars will amp your sex drive for the next seven weeks! In this same window of time, expect a dispute with someone about shared property or inheritances. This dispute might also be due to a difference of values. (All conflict is "I'm right.") Put yourself in someone else's position to appreciate what it's like to walk a mile in their wedgies.
It's an exciting week because the Sun and Venus want you to explore your world! If you can travel - do so. If you can't travel, be a tourist in your own town or be an armchair traveller. The bottom line is you need to experience more of life! You want to learn more! You want to sense of adventure and discovery! You might strike up a romance with someone "different." Meanwhile, be forewarned: fiery Mars is opposite your sign for the next seven weeks making you impatient with others. Yes, you! Be aware of this. Be patient and stay in touch with your inner heart. Whoever annoys you now is the same person you adored last month.
You will be productive in the next month because Mars will make you want to work hard. You will work so hard that you might think coworkers are being slackers. But no! They aren't. They are just going at their usual pace. You are the one who has raised the bar and unconsciously you expect everyone to follow suit. Therefore, don't be judgmental of others. Just continue with your own ambitious pace and be happy with your accomplishments. Keep your pockets open because gifts, goodies and favours from others will come your way! Especially if you're nice.
You need more sleep. Just acknowledge this and get more rest. No guilt! Enjoy binge watching your favourite TV show on Netflix. Fortunately, Venus will promote warm, loving relationships with partners and close friends. Meanwhile, back at the bar, Mars is encouraging you to party for the next seven weeks! It also urges you to explore sports, playful activities with children, the arts and yes, romance, romance, romance! ("My girlfriend was complaining last night that I never listen to her - or something like that.") Sex will be hot! In the next few weeks, you just want to do what you want. Factoid. (Might be fun!)
You're in serious work mode because the Sun makes you want to be efficient, productive and effective! And you will! Venus will pave the way for discussing agreements and work procedures. It promotes good relationships with coworkers. It makes you focus on the practical side of your relationship - how to share expenses and the division of labour. Your health will be good but you will be tempted by desserts and desserts. (Did I mention desserts? Maybe just cookies.) You will put out more energy at home because of increased chaos and activity. But hey, you like to create order out of chaos. It's your thang.
It is still fun city for Librans! The Sun and Venus want you to party, socialize, enjoy restaurants and hotels, meet friends for lunch and dinner, and cheer on your favourite team at a sports events or delight in playful activities with kids. That's because fun and pleasure are your motto for the next few weeks! Romance will flourish too because it's part of your "enjoyment package!" Meanwhile, Mars makes you forthright and direct in your communications, which is why you won't hesitate to speak up. You will spend more money on having fun and socializing with others! (Join the ranks and make butter chicken for your friends in your new Instant Pot.)
Naturally, with lucky Jupiter in your sign, things will tend to go your way this year. Of course, nothing's perfect because life doesn't always cooperate. John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans" Your focus on home and family continues. Relations with family members are warm, friendly and supportive! Many of you also want to redecorate and spruce up your digs. In fact, because Mars is activating one of your money houses to make you work more and spend more. This might mean some of you will explore real-estate opportunities at this time. Sometimes Venus and Mars work together very nicely, and they can do this for Scorpio in the next few weeks. Ka-ching!
It's great news that Mars enters your sign now! And it's going to stay there for seven weeks! (This can happen only once every two years.) Think of it as getting a major vitamin B shot - daily! It means you will have tons of energy to go after what you want! You will have a chance to show the world what you can do! It's also an indication there will be more activity in your life but you will like it. You'll be charged up! You will be more of a fighter for your own rights than usual. It's a great time to get physical exercise and enjoy outdoor sports! Meanwhile, the Sun and Venus make you want to talk to everyone and travel, especially for short trips. What's not to like?
You are never casual about money because you value security and you intend to live to a ripe old age, which will probably be the case. But you also hate waste. This doesn't mean you don't enjoy beautiful things - because you do. In fact, you're a sucker for labels and status purchases - sometimes. This week you're focused on money because you are buying little treasures for yourself and loved ones. But you also have moneymaking ideas! Have the courage to explore these ideas. Believe in yourself. (Howard Hughes was a Cappie. Hmm, so was Al Capone.) Meanwhile, Mars has moved into a hidden part of your chart, which means you might not get credit for work you do. Bummer. It might be wise to work alone. It will also be wise to help others as much as possible.
With the Sun and Venus in your sign - you are absolutely blessed! You are empowered, charming and diplomatic. It's a great time to buy wardrobe items because you are confident and feeling attractive. This is also a good week to ask for what you want because doors will open easily for you. (This doesn't always happen.) Meanwhile, Mars is energizing the part of your chart that symbolizes friendships and your interaction with groups and organizations. You will play a more active role in groups; however, you might also be in competition with someone. In fact, a dispute could arise. Fortunately, things will go your way because you hold the winning hand! (Mom always liked you best.)
The Sun continues to be in a hidden part of your chart before it bursts forth in your sign. (That's because your personal year is coming to an end just before your birthday arrives.) The logical thing to do right now is to lie low and make plans for your new year ahead, which begins with your birthday. Venus is also hiding in your chart, which is a sure sign of secret love affairs for many of you. But it also means that you will enjoy solitude in beautiful surroundings. ("Peel me another grape, please darling?") A very different influence now enters your life because Mars will be at the top of your chart for the next seven weeks arousing your ambition! So you might be pulling strings from behind the scenes to set the stage for victory! (Well, at least a good table at a nice restaurant.)