This week the Sun enters Aquarius to stay for four weeks. (This happens only once a year.) Venus will also be in Aquarius; and by Feb. 1, Mercury will join them to create a strong Aquarian energy in the world! (Albeit briefly.) This will increase a world focus on net neutrality, global warming, ecology and science plus the healing power of uniting like-minded individuals to fight for freedom against oppression. Heady stuff, eh? Don't mess with Aquarians! They're born 50 years head of their time. Then there's Stephen Wright who is a peripheral visionary. He can see the future but only off to one side.
When the Sun moves into Aquarius this week, it ushers in a four week interval when your popularity rating will soar! Everyone will want to be in your presence. You will enjoy hanging out with creative, artistic types. Friendships will be warm and supportive. Some of you will turn a platonic relationship into a romance. Meanwhile, disputes about shared property, inheritances and insurance issues will continue. (Likely, these will settle in your favour.) In addition to enjoying your popularity, use this time to set serious goals for your future. What are your hopes and dreams? Chase your dreams with all your strength!
This is an important week because this is the only will time all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart for four weeks. Symbolically, this means the Sun is "shining" down on you like a spotlight. Furthermore, this spotlight is flattering. This means you don't have to do anything's extra special, and yet, bosses, parents and people in authority will admire you and see you as competent, capable and talented. (Do not do anything to dissuade them of this illusion.) You can take this to the bank!) Furthermore, when the Sun is at the top of your chart, it's appropriate to ponder your life direction and make some decisions.
Life will take on an exciting tempo starting this week because your desire for adventure and your urge for something fresh, new and different will treble! You want to travel. "I need to blow this pop stand!" You want the stimulation of new places, new faces and exotic adventures. (Well, what's new? This is who you are anyhow. It will just be exaggerated in the next four weeks.) Therefore, grab every chance to travel! Grab every chance to take a course or get further education because you will enjoy learning anything new! A new romance with someone who is "different" will begin for some of you. The next four weeks are an excellent time for a vacation!
This week the Sun will move into one of your money houses. (We all have two money houses - one which concerns our own earnings; and one which concerns shared wealth and how we benefit from others.) The emphasis for the next four weeks is about an increased focus on the wealth and resources of others: your partner's wealth, inheritances, money back from the government, shared property, taxes, debt and insurance issues. (You get the picture.) Because Venus is present, this looks very favourable! Venus attracts money! This means not only will your focus be on issues about shared wealth but these issues will be likely decided in your favour. Keep your pockets open because gifts and goodies are coming your way!
Once a year, the Sun sits opposite your sign for four weeks. That time has arrived. Because symbolically speaking, the Sun is your source of energy, and it is now as far away from your sign as it can get all year (in your chart), this means you will be more tired and you will need more sleep. Go to bed. It's important to know this. (You're not losing it - you just need more rest.) Fortunately, Venus (also opposite your sign) ameliorates difficulties with relationships and makes your interactions with others charming, diplomatic, warmer and friendlier. (Gosh.) While these two planets are opposite your sign, you can learn more about your style of relating to those who are closest to you. (As long as everyone bows, you're happy.)
"Gentleman, start your engines." As the Sun changes signs this week, it ushers in a four week interval where you will bust your buns because suddenly, you are setting your sites high! Oh yeah! You want to be effective, efficient, productive and on top of your game! You want to be healthy, energetic, vibrant with a great sense of humour and an ability to accessorize with any kind of scarf. You want shoes that don't hurt, and pants that that you perfectly in a smaller size. Relations with coworkers will be warmer and more supportive because Venus will guarantee this. Not only will you receive praise from coworkers, you might get a raise from your boss. You wanted more?
It's play city for Librans! Yahoo!! The next four weeks are the perfect time for a vacation. (Actually the next six weeks are great.) This is a wonderful time to schmooze, enjoy social events, have fun at parties, explore the arts, attend sports events and participate in fun activities with children. Your motto will be, "Let's play!" Romance and love affairs will flourish! Venus will attract new romance to many. (Both these planets will promote "romance" in existing relationships.) It's great that you're attracting more money because this fun stuff costs money! (Hmm, why do we never see a headline saying, "Psychic Wins Lottery!")
For the next four weeks, your focus will be on home, family and your private life. Many will be involved with a parent. You will enjoy family discussions. Anything to do with a family business will flourish and increase in profit. You might buy beautiful goodies for your home or a family member. You will be more interested in redecorating your home and exploring real-estate opportunities. You will entertain at home more than usual - perhaps to show off new purchases? But despite these busy distractions, you will take time to cocoon at home for your own peace of mind and sanity. It's a good time to think about this coming year that will be so fortunate for you because lucky Jupiter is in your sign.
This week you hit the pavement running because the Sun is in a fast-paced part of your chart that will accelerate your daily rhythm and create a jam-packed schedule in the next four weeks. Oh yeah! Expect to be busy with short trips, errands, ambitious To Do lists, conversations with everyone (especially relatives, siblings and neighbours) plus increased reading, writing and studying. Have I left anything out? You will love to learn as much as possible, which is why this is a great time to take a course or interview other people. Life will be happy because you will notice the beauty of your daily surroundings, and you will realize just how much love there is in your daily world. Lucky you!
"Show me the money!" Both the Sun and Venus are in one of your money houses this week, which means that in the month ahead, your focus will be on earnings, money, cash flow plus the possessions and assets that you own. You will buy beautiful things for yourself and loved ones and enjoy shopping more than usual. You will be more aware of your earnings and your wealth, and think of ways to boost your wealth. But at a more subtle level, you will give thought to your basic values in life. In other words, "What really matters?" You want to make sure you know what matters so that you don't end up with regrets in your old age. Oh yes, you are a long-lived sign.
Ta da! The Sun enters your sign this week to stay for four weeks. It's your birthday! When the Sun is in your sign (which happens only once a year) you can recharge your batteries! The Sun will also attract favourable situations and people to you. You will enjoy increased good fortune and increased popularity. Things will tend to go your way -- as if you are living your life like a hot knife slicing through butter. The next several weeks are a perfect time to buy wardrobe goodies because you will like what you see in the mirror. You will be charming and diplomatic (the influence of fair Venus in your sign). Plus this year everyone will admire you!
Because your birthday is just one month away, this means your personal year is coming to an end. As such, the Sun is now moving into a "hidden" part of your chart, which means you will want to hide and seek solitude in beautiful surroundings. This is not to just check out. Au contraire. You will use this time to think ahead and strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be. We know you're going to take a great trip and travel in the coming year. You will also welcome any opportunity to learn more by taking courses. What are your plans? Make some personal goals with deadlines. Write them down. (You can use disappearing ink if you must.)