I think we're in for a cold winter with lots of snow because Saturn, the planet associated with winter will be in its own sign. The last time this happened was Feb. 1988 to Feb. 1991. Among the many things that Saturn represents, it includes the life of hard knocks. "No pain, no gain." "When life is tough - it's character building!" (You get the picture.) Saturn will move into Capricorn on Dec.19. Buy winter undies! Get warm foot gear! What about snow tires? If you face power shortages - get candles, flashlights and a butane stove. I'm gonna stock up on wine and salmon pate. (I don't like too much character building.)
This week you are concerned with shared property, taxes, debt and insurance. Discussions about inheritances might also be prominent. Basically, you have to work out how to deal with shared expenses and the division of labour with a partner or close friend. Something regarding these areas will come to a head because the Full Moon at the end of the week falls into both your Money houses. ( I say both because every Full Moon is in opposition of the Sun and the Moon, which means the Moon will be in your House of Earnings and the Sun will be in your House of the Wealth of Others.) And Mars opposite your sign can promote arguments! Fortunately, Venus will smooth things over. Whew! Patience is a virtue.
At the end of this week, the only Full Moon in your sign all year will take place. Traditionally, a Full Moon in your sign indicates difficulties when dealing with partners and close friends. You might feel a buildup of this occurring throughout this week until it peaks on the weekend. But the truth is the only reason you have difficulty dealing with others is you feel impatient or annoyed with them. This is something you can control with some emotional self-discipline. Meanwhile, Mars will give you the energy to work hard and be productive this week. And Venus encourages smooth relations with coworkers. Perhaps even a raise - certainly praise.
Two distinct influences are at play for you this week. One makes you want to party, have good times, enjoy sports events and playful activities with children. It also promotes romance and love affairs! Toujours l'amour! The other influence (a bit stronger) makes you want to focus on work and living your life as efficiently as possible. You want to be effective and productive and get the most out of your efforts. So it's a "work hard/play hard" week; along with a focus on health issues. However, the Full Moon will create difficulties with work and health. Relationships with coworkers might be strained. Be patient at work, because by the weekend - all of this is history!
A strong emphasis on play, vacations, romance, love affairs, parties, social diversions, sports events and children continues for you this week. However, these are the same areas that will manifest a build-up of tension because of the Full Moon at the end of the week. Do not worry about this tension because it will dissipate or disappear by Sun./Mon. Don't give it any energy. Instead, be polite and accommodating with others because they feel the Full Moon as well! Instead, focus on redecorating and enjoying your home. In fact, entertaining at home will please you.
Your interest in family and home repairs is growing. Some might have increased interaction with a parent, along with important family discussions. You are an especially good communicator this week because both Venus and Mars will promote your ability to speak to others as well as to teach, act and write. Many of you will make money with your words. Keep a lid on things with family disputes. Be patient because this will all dissolved by Sunday. Meanwhile, appreciate the beauty in your daily world and just how much love there is that surrounds you. Lucky you!
This is a busy, fast-paced week because you have things to do, people to see and places to go! Short trips, errands plus increased reading and writing keep you hopping. Furthermore, you have a strong need to talk to others. Nevertheless, the Full Moon that takes place at the end of the week hits you in these same areas! Everyday tasks, everyday communications and everyday transportation. Therefore, be careful! Pay attention to everything you say and do to avoid accidents. This includes verbal gaffe's as well as physical accidents because you are distracted. Your money scene looks good this week. I see impulse purchases, which means -- keep your receipts!
Keep an eye on your finances and your cash and belongings because stress in these areas will build up this week until the Full Moon on Friday. This might mean disputes about the ownership of something. Or disputes about who will take care of something. You might even have disputes about how you earn your money or money that you owe someone. Fortunately, these disputes will be resolved by next Sunday. In the meantime, keep your cool because Mars in your sign makes you feisty! Fortunately, it helps you get things done. And also, your ruler Venus in your sign makes you charming and cuddly.
Your are empowered now because the Sun is in your sign along with Mercury and Jupiter. Lookin' swell, toots! And let us not forget that because Jupiter is in your sign for the first time in 12 years (to stay for a whole year) you will have a contented, happy year! (Of course, this is relative to other years because nothing is perfect.) But alas! At the end of this week, the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year takes place - creating stress between you and partners and close friends. Just remember that you have this fabulous year ahead with Jupiter in your sign. And remember that this week's stress will be gone by next Sun./Mon. Therefore, take the high road. Be big! Show largess and patience. (Get a nice Pinot Noir with some brie and red pepper jelly.)
This is a curious week because the Sun is hiding in your chart, which means whatever impacts the Sun will have a subconscious influence on you. You may not be consciously aware what is going on - but you will sense it. Specifically, the tension that will arise from the Full Moon at the end of this week will hit you in a vague, subliminal way. Therefore, if you feel this building up this week within you, do not think you're losing it or becoming paranoid or agitated for no reason. It's a hidden, Full Moon energy that is real - but it will disappear by the end of the week. Certainly, by Sun./Mon. Instead, focus on warm friendships as well as physical competition with groups. You shine when you do your best!
This is a social week! You will enjoy interactions with friends and groups. You will also enjoy schmoozing with younger people. However, the Full Moon at the end of the week can bring issues with friends and groups to a head. You might find yourself in conflict between the demands of your kids or the demands of a romantic lover versus the demands of your friends and groups to which you belong. You are strong and ambitious right now and you can deal with this. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. With skilful means, you can keep everyone happy because this stress will almost disappear by next Sunday. (If you are more fortunate than others, build a longer table not a taller fence.)
You continue to be high viz. (in a good way) because the Sun is at high noon in your chart. This means people in authority admire you! Yet ironically, the Full Moon at the end of the week will stress your relations with authority figures including parents. You will feel pulled between the demands of your career and the demands of home and family. Yup - you can't keep everyone happy. Because you have so many wonderful career opportunities right now - you cannot ignore your public reputation. Fortunately, marvelous travel opportunities continue to lure you to fun and wonderful places! But avoid controversial disputes about politics, religion and racial issues. (Remember: Jesus is watching but the police have radar.)
Do be careful this week because this is an accident-prone week for you. Obviously, an accident does not have to happen. But the Full Moon that occurs on Fri./Sat. occurs in the part of your chart that affects driving, jogging, walking and communicating to others. This means the Full Moon will create a build up of stress in these areas that does not peak until next Sunday. Therefore, this week could harbour distractions and tension, that in turn, create an accident-prone situation for you. (Either verbally or physically.) In conversations with others, think before you speak. If you ride a bike or drive - be vigilant and aware at all times. Remember the advice of Dean Martin: "If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt."