All Signs

Last week I discussed tomorrow's Solar Eclipse: "The eclipse is just a New Moon that is turbo charged and tuned for the track. Each New Moon marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of another. Instead of a 28-day window, this eclipse highlights a six-month window back to last Feb. and forward to next Jan." Yes, it heralds a time of new beginnings! A real shift. Plus, this week the Sun changes signs bringing something new for the next four weeks. Another shift! The key to change is this: The way we experience things depends largely on the way we expect to experience them. It's true. I expect to happily eat and drink and lose weight. (After all, what length should I go to change my width?)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

In the next four weeks, you will set high standards for yourself. You will decide to become a better person - starting with your health. And although you will make every effort to be as productive and efficient as possible, the fact of the matter is that retrograde Mercury will play tricks with your job and the work that you do. Expect silly errors to plague you. Past behaviour and issues from the past will be on your plate again. Don't be hard on yourself about the goofy mistakes that occur. Keep on with your effort to turn over a new leaf. Fortunately, both Venus and Mars bring opportunities to party and have fun! Romance looks sweet as well!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

As the Sun shifts signs this week, it ushers in a four-week window of time that is all about parties, the arts, good times, vacations, romance and playful activities with children. Your involvement with the entertainment world and the hospitality industry will be positive whether or not you work in these areas or you are just a paying customer. During this window of time, it's important to value your creative talents. It's also important to feel free to just be yourself. "I've gotta be me!" Many of you will deal with old flames from your past. Meanwhile, home and redecorating projects will hold your attention and keep you busy. You work hard at home because you like nice digs. (Preferably mortgage free full of antiques.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Although the Solar Eclipse might trigger more short trips and lots of communicating with others, as the Sun shifts signs this week, the next four weeks will definitely usher in a strong focus on home, family and your private life. Furthermore, this is the area of your life where Mercury retrograde is taking place. For starters, this will attract relatives you haven't seen for a while back into your life. (Yikes!) In a helpful way, Mercury retrograde will make it easier for you to finish repairs and DIY projects at home. To be more specific, finishing anything that is already begun will go quickly; nevertheless, be careful to avoid silly mistakes. Remember the carpenter's motto: "Measure twice. Cut once."

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Without question, the pace of your days will definitely accelerate in the next four weeks. Suddenly, you have things to do, places to go and people to see! Expect to take more short trips than usual and also to be reading, writing and studying more than usual as well. Interactions with siblings and relatives will be important. However - beware! Mercury retrograde will cause transportation delays, car problems, missed appointments and silly, goofy mistakes in your communications with others - (this includes speaking as well as writing). Cheques in the mail will be late; daily items will be misplaced. Aagghh! Fortunately, your money scene looks great! Cash will come your way.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Of course, you are interested in the Solar Eclipse taking place in your sign. Natch! Fear not, because with Venus in your sign, you are charming, attractive and diplomatic. Plus Mars in your sign makes you energetic, forthright and proactive! Meanwhile, in the next four weeks, your mind turns to money. Where is it? Actually you will wrap up old deals about wheeling and dealing with financial matters that were already in the works in the last few months. You might be able to pay off bills or do something with money that actually relates to your past. Admittedly, money might be delayed. Cheques in the mail might be late. Take note that this is a lovely week to buy wardrobe goodies for yourself because you love what you see in the mirror. Kiss, kiss!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week the Sun moves into your sign to join Mercury retrograde, which is also taking place in your sign. The Sun will energize you! Indeed, it will give you a chance to rejuvenate and restore yourself for the coming year. It will also attract favourable situations to you along with important people. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde in your sign will triggers silly errors in communication. You will misplace things. You might miss an appointment. And most definitely - you will run into people from your past, quite likely ex-partners and close friends. (Dress sharp because living well is always the best revenge.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It's always this time of year when it serves you best to keep a low profile. This is because the Sun is in a part of your chart where it is hidden for four weeks. This means you want to hide, or work alone or behind the scenes. (It's an excellent time for research.) Fear not, you will not be living a monk-like existence because both Venus and Mars will encourage interaction with friends and groups. In fact, a friend could become a lover. Furthermore, physical activity, possibly competitive, will keep you active! Many of you are already dreaming moneymaking ideas. Oh yes - there is money in your future.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You now enter a four-week window where your popularity will soar! Suddenly, everyone wants to sit at your table and be on your team. Use this to your advantage! It's an excellent time to work with others to benefit in any way that you can. Friends from the past will be back in your life and you can learn something from this experience. (Perhaps an old pal is now a cautionary tale?) While all this socializing is going on, keep an eye on bosses and VIPs because they are watching you. They see that your ambition is aroused. They might seek out your advice about how to make something look better. (They might even seek out a flirtation.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This week the Sun moves to the very top of your chart where it will stay for the next four weeks acting like a flattering spotlight on you. This means that bosses, parents and VIPs see you in very attractive terms. They admire you even if you don't do anything different or anything special. Obviously, you can use this to your credit! This is the time to make your pitch or your proposal. Ask for what you want. Demand the advantage. Meanwhile, travel beckons. And if you cannot travel, many of you will expand your horizons through further education or training. Publishing, the media, medicine and the law favour you now. Ka-ching!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

"Oh to be in England now that April's here." Oops - wrong month. Oh well, you do want to travel. You want to see more of the world and you want to do anything that will expand your horizons and your experience of life. For those of you who cannot travel, you will be just as thrilled with a chance to study and learn something new. Meanwhile, your sex drive is amped and your intimate relations are tender, affectionate, wild and wanton! (Just the way you like them.) The month ahead is an excellent time to settle disputes about insurance issues, inheritances and anything to do with shared property. You'll be laughing all the way to the bank!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The next four weeks will be a very intense time for you. This could be due to a physical passion in a relationship. But it also might be an intensity that involves business deals, financial matters or disputes about shared property. These disputes might even be about a basic difference in values. There's a good chance that what arises is an old story. "Not this again." In other words, something might be back on your plate once more. With Mars opposite your sign, you continue to feel annoyed with a partner or a close friend. Fortunately, fair Venus is now in the picture softening things and making you feel sweet and forgiving. Smoochie boochies!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

It's important to know that in the next four weeks, you need more rest because you will be more tired than usual. It might also be a bit of a strain from encountering ex-partners and old friends. The strain of course, depends upon the way those relationships ended. (You might be Queen of Denial.) The good news is that both Venus and Mars are helping you at work. You're ready to dig in and work hard (which is another reason you might need more rest). And your work will definitely bring positive results; and possibly more money or a raise. Yes! Relations with coworkers will be supportive and happy. Col. Saito always said, "Be happy in your work." (But he was scary.)