This year Mercury goes retrograde four times; and the third time is about to begin. What you need to know is to avoid certain purchases - specifically, ground transportation and items of communication. (Cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and cell phones.) Note: Before and after Mercury is retrograde, there are shadow times when it's still not good to make a big purchase. The actual retrograde time is from Aug. 13 to Sept. 5; however, to be safe, avoid major purchases from July 30 - Sept. 20. Forewarned is forearmed! It's okay to buy other items. Just check details because these are error prone times. Imagine is your errors were counted and published every day like those of a baseball player? Oy! Thank heavens pencils have erasers.
The next four weeks will be one of your loveliest times of the year! Both the Sun and Mars will give you the courage to feel free to express yourself artistically, creatively and of course - in all aspects of romance. This window of time is perfect for socializing, enjoying the theatre, attending parties and sports events plus enjoying playful activities with children. In particular, new romance can blossom. Needless to say, you could not pick a better time for a vacation. At least, get away for a mini vacation if you can. This is your turn to be yourself. You will feel lighter and happier as you enjoy fun times and stimulating social events. "Anyone for another mojito?"
More than any other month of the year, the next four weeks are all about home and family. For starters, you might be involved with a parent more than usual. Some might be caught up in a family dispute because increased chaos and activity at home have triggered tension with someone. Others are excited about home renovations or major redecorating projects. Some are involved with a residential move. Whatever the reason, it is totally appropriate to channel your energy and focus on home and family in the next four weeks because your efforts will be rewarded in the future. George Burns was right: "Happiness is having a warm, loving, caring family in another city."
The next four weeks will be fast-paced upbeat, energetic and just your style! Geminis don't do boring. To begin with, many of you will enjoy short trips and mini vacations because you have the inclination and energy to keep things happening in a stimulating way. You want to see new places, interesting faces and hear fascinating ideas. Many of you will read, write and study more than usual. Both the Sun and Mars will make your interactions with others very direct - even forceful. You will say what you mean and mean what you say! Fortunately, you will get away with this because fair Venus is in your sign softening your image and encouraging behaviour that is charming and diplomatic. What a winner!
Except for those rare, wild moments, you are a frugal sign. You would never buy towels full retail. ("Are you nuts?") My Cancer friend Crazy Bob is that guy at a garage sale holding a George Foreman Grill yelling out, "I'll give ya fifty cents!" I pretend I'm not with him because I find it all too taudry, even thought the grill is for me.) I mention this because in the next four weeks, your focus will be on money, cash flow, earnings, assets and major purchases. You will work hard to earn money and to your amazement, you will spend money much more than usual. Ah yes, money talks but it doesn't always make sense. "Spare change?"
Ta da! For the next four weeks, the Sun is in your sign. (This is the only time all year this happens.) When the Sun is in your sign, you recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. In addition, inexplicably, you seem to attract favourable situations and important people to you. Obviously, you want to take advantage of this good fortune and use it in a way that benefits you. For one thing -- you will have lots of energy! And this month, you will be enormously invigorated because fiery Mars is also in your sign, lined up with the Sun. Whoa Nellie! You will definitely have a great need to express yourself. Think of it this way - in the next four weeks, your first duty is to yourself.
During the next four weeks, the Sun is hiding in your chart. Therefore, it will serve your purpose to work alone or behind the scenes and play it low key. (Obviously, in four weeks, you will step out centre stage because it's your turn in the Sun!) One reason you want to be low-key is your ruler Mercury will go retrograde in August in your sign; and at the end of July, it begins to slow down (an illusion with the motion of planet Earth). This will encourage errors and silly mistakes on your part! Aaggh! Why advertise this? Fortunately, fair Venus at the top, makes you attractive in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs. In fact, you look so good, you might strike up a romance!
Yay! What a joyful four weeks ahead for your sign! Libra is the most social sign in the zodiac. You always like to have someone on the end of your teeter-totter. It just so happens, that the next four weeks will be the most popular time of the year for you because you will be involved with friends casual acquaintances, and most definitely, more involved with groups than you usually are. In fact, some of you might find yourself in a competitive relationship with someone either in sports, business, or socially speaking. In addition, travel for pleasure will delight you! Some of you will fall in love with someone different, perhaps from another culture. Buy something to wear to the ball!
The only time all year when the Sun is exactly at high noon in your chart will be during the next four weeks. This symbolizes a flattering spotlight on you, which means you impress bosses, parents and VIPs without doing anything special. Everyone just loves you! Because of this smoke and mirrors situation, this is obviously the time to ask for a raise, or a promotion, or make your pitch. Do whatever you can to advance your agenda with those who are powerful and have influence over you because they are so impressed with you! Meanwhile, another influence attracts money, favours and goods to you. You can accomplish a lot with this combo! Ya think?
You are the traveller of the zodiac so you'll be happy to know that the next four weeks will bring mucho opportunities to blow town! Book your reservations now. Do whatever you can to get outta Dodge. If for some reason, you cannot get away, then do something different where you live. Be a tourist in your own city. Explore new places and ethnic restaurants. Talk to people from different backgrounds so you feel stimulated about a chance to learn something new. Do anything that breaks you free from routine and boredom. Horrors! One further perk - fair Venus is opposite your sign beautifully massaging friendships and partnerships in a lovely way. Enjoy!
While other signs are kicking up their heels and partying or slipping away on vacation - you will find the next four weeks to be more intense than usual. For example, in the next four weeks, you might resolve disputes about shared property, taxes, debt, inheritances and anything to do with insurance claims. You might also establish boundaries with someone, especially if their values differ from yours. Perhaps you want to clarify shared expenses or the division of labour? On a lighter note, your sex drive will be heightened, which means you might want to purchase lingerie or book a room. (Sex is after five and before seven.)
In the next four weeks, your energy will be diminished. You will need more sleep and more rest during this window of time. Just accept this and go to bed. One further thing that might drain you somewhat is fiery Mars also opposes you now, and this tends to make you feel annoyed with partners and close friends. (Yes, they are annoying.) But all is not lost! Oh no. Fair Venus, the planet of love, beauty and good times is travelling through the part of your chart that rules romance, vacations, love affairs, the theatre, the arts, fun times and playful activities with children. Run away and join the circus!
Two different influences are at play for the next four weeks. One will make you work hard because you will want to be the best you can be! You want to be efficient, effective and productive in everything you do both the work and at home. "I'm indestructible!" Grab the baton and run with it. However, another influence makes you want to redecorate where you live and relax at home and invite everyone over for a party or an evening barbecue. Maybe Tiki lights and watermelon daiquiris? This same window of time is an excellent opportunity to create warmer bonds with family members. (Buy sandals on sale.)