All Signs

Each week I look at where the planets are -- and it feels a bit like looking in my fridge to see what I can eat. What has changed since the last time I looked there five minutes ago? This week is gentle. Our weekly line up has the Sun in Cancer (Natch. You knew that.) Mercury is in Leo and Venus is in Gemini. Hmm, Mars is in Cancer along with the Sun, which will rev up the troops! (Oh yeah.) Jupiter is in Libra and Saturn is in Sagittarius. The outer planets rarely change: the first shift will be Uranus moving Taurus in 2018. Yes, time marches on -- but hey, just remember that you're as young as your jeans!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are focusd on home, family and your private life because things are kinda wild! This crazy energy on the home front could be due to renovations and redecorating. Or perhaps a residential move is in play? Or perhaps you have guests that won't go home? (Aagghh.) Nevertheless, this will be a playful, fun-loving week, especially with partners and close friends. Yay! Please remember you are the artisan of the zodiac. You can do anything with your hands! This week you might create something to get a stunning result. You might also be involved in activities with kids. Meanwhile, Venus will guarantee that your words are sweet, smooth and diplomatic. Bonus!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your fast-pace continues this week. Short trips, errands, conversations with everyone plus increased reading and writing keep you hustling! This is a strong week for those who write, sell, market, teach or act because you are proactive and forthright with your words. You will say what you mean and mean what you say! Meanwhile, you have ambitious, exciting plans to do home repairs. Along with this, you will have opportunities to boost your income plus spend money on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. It may be easy to borrow money this week if you need to. You might also want to invest in art and beautiful objects. "Going once, going twice, sold!"

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

"Show me the money!" This week you will identify with what you own. You might think your finances indicate your personal worth. But your finances are just finances. Your personal worth is something quite different; but it does depend on the kind of car you drive. (Just kidding - I like cars.) Seriously, you are not your bankroll or your car or your furniture. However, this ego identification will trigger disputes about possessions or money. Basically, you want to use what you own to get stuff done! Fortunately, with Venus in your sign, you are charming and diplomatic with everyone. And yes, this is still a great time to buy wardrobe goodies. Trust your big ideas!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun and Mars are both in your sign pumping you with energy! You might be so stoked it would be wise to do physical exercise or gym workouts to blow off any pent-up steam. (Because if you don't find a healthy outlet for this energy, it will sneak out as snide remarks. Moi? Yes, you.) One thing is certain this week: You have ambitious ideas about how to make money or boost your earnings. Respect your ideas. This week, your mind is clear and has an understanding of the overall patterns of your life. You can swing business negotiations and commercial transactions because you see the bigger picture down the road. Lookin' swell, kiddo!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

In one way, you want to be low profile and hide behind the scenes (with delicious food and drink, of course; preferably served with adoration). This suits you now because you are doing a lot alone or working on a project. Nevertheless, Mercury is in your sign now, and this makes you want to communicate to others. You will put a lot of yourself into what you have to say. (Convincing!) Admittedly, it makes you a bit scattered - jumping from issue to issue. It also makes you want to get out and travel, which you will probably do because Venus encourages socializing with friends and groups this week. Splurge on a thoughtful gift and go visit your pals. Leos like to arrive in style.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a popular week! Many of you are involved in competitions or physical sports because you are active with friends and groups. ("Go, go, go!") In addition, something is going on in your life that makes you look very good to bosses, parents and VIPs. They are impressed with you. In fact, in some cases, they're so impressed a romance could begin. Expect to be involved temporarily in something artistic like design, layout, office redecorating or some kind of PR work even if you do not normally do this because people want your ideas and creative input. This is why your quiet diligence behind the scenes will produce results that are bigger and better than you anticipated.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is one of the most powerful months of the year for you! You will notice that this week you impress bosses, parents and VIPs (and the police) even if you don't do anything different. Call it smoke and mirrors; but what is really happening is the Sun is at the top of your chart symbolically casting a flattering light on you. Fiery Mars is there as well, arousing your ambition. Take time to think about your goals and your expectations in life. (What will I do with the time left for me?) Not only will you think about the people you hang out with, you will also encounter younger people. Meanwhile, Venus will encourage travel for pleasure, especially to places you've never been before.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You want to expand your world through creative intellectual dialogue. You will love to discuss your beliefs because you identify with your ideas. Travel will be gratifying because it will expand your world in an immediate way. Mercury is at the top of your chart, which makes you want to make plans for your professional life. You might even take up a new study. It's an excellent time to talk to bosses and VIPs. Meanwhile, romance will be sexy and affectionate! You might even attract gifts, goodies and money through your partner or spouse. It's a good week to ask for a loan or seek a mortgage. (It's true that all power corrupts, but we do need electricity.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Money, mortgages, debt and shared property are on your mind. You're always willing to play the long shot. (Which invariably has the big payoff.) And indeed with Venus opposite your sign right now plus the placement of Mars, you are perfectly positioned to bargain on your behalf. This means you can get a loan or mortgage or settle a financial deal amicably and to your favour. Some of your big ideas will involve doing business in a foreign country or exploring opportunities in publishing and the media, as well as medicine and the law. Ah yes, new worlds! The end of the world for the caterpillar is the beginning for the butterfly.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This week your focus is on partners and close friends. There will be highs and lows but Mars will create trouble. Mars makes you impatient with the foibles and failings of others. Instead of turning a blind eye or being forgiving, you feel judgmental, irritated and annoyed. Fortunately, this phenomena only lasts for a month and only occurs once every two years. (Whew!) But unfortunately, it's occurring right now! It will be gone in two weeks, but you still have to work at being patient with others. The good news is relations with coworkers are warm, friendly and supportive. With Jupiter at the top of your chart, you continue to have opportunities to create a favourable impression with authority figures. We like.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Many of you are travelling more and it's thrilling! With Mercury opposite your sign, you want to share your ideas, especially with close friends and partners. You want to clarify issues and explain something. It's a good time to discuss difficulties in a relationship. It's also a good time to sign contracts and enter into negotiations. Meanwhile, you want to pull your act together so that you can take it on the road. You want to be efficient, effective and productive, which is why you are making lists and introducing improvements to your job and even to your health. And why not? Why not be the best that you can be? Why be less?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Grab every opportunity to party and have fun because it's your turn to play right now. Accept all invitations to social events, sports, parties, the theatre, art openings, reunions, and fun vacations, especially with children. Your desire nature is strong now so sex and flirtations will be important to you. Athletic activities will also be an exciting choice. "Anyone for tennis?" Basically, you will not put work first now. You want to put your own self gratification and enjoyment first! Cut yourself some slack because in a few weeks, you will be busting your buns to be efficient and productive. Never resist temptation because it might not come your way again!