This week, we are exactly half way through the year. According to Google, the average North American lifespan is 81 years, which is actually 972 months. Doesn't sound like much, does it? This means that by the time we're an adult, let's say age 20, we have only 732 months to create our adult world. (Whaaat?) Just 732 months to set the world on fire? Twenty years later, by age 40, there are only 492 months left. Tick tock, tick tock, and by that golden senior moment of 65, we have only 192 months left. Wow, makes you think, doesn't it?. (Makes me want to reach for a drink!) Obviously, if there's something important you want to do - get on it! Grouch Marx was right: "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."
It's midyear, so let's take a look at where you've been and where you're going. Ever since 2010, you have been out of the gate running because you are headed for an important goal that you will achieve next year. (Perhaps 2019 for some.) This means that this year is a time of preparation for you as you get ready for this wonderful time of fruition. This year continues to be a fantastic time for partnerships of all kinds, both personal and professional. In fact, it's a great year to get married. Many of you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others in 2018. Meanwhile, continue to be patient with increased activity on the home front.
You were busting your buns from 2010 to 2012 to prove to the world what you could do. Following that, was a three-year window that was tough on close friendships and partnerships. In fact, for some of you, an important relationship ended. This is why many of you are now getting along with less financial, psychological and emotional support than you previously had. Fear not, these financial challenges will be over by next year. Until then, you have the great good fortune to improve your health in every way, as well as to improve your job prospects. This means you can get a better job or improve your existing job. Looking good! This month continues to be busy with travel and mucho errands!
There's been good news and bad news for your sign this year. The bad news is that you have had great difficulty dealing with partners and close friends for the last couple of years. Lots of tension. In fact, some of you have split because things were too much. This applies to personal relationships as well as professional partnerships. The good news is that this pressure will be gone by next year and things will look much better; although, you might get less financial support from your partner. Furthermore, this year has been fantastic for vacations, fun, romance, sports events and joy with children. Party on! You win some - you lose some. This month continues to be a strong focus on money, earnings and cash flow. Meanwhile, you look mahvellous dahling, absolutely mahvellous because fair Venus is in your sign.
You have been busting your buns since 2015 simply because you have to. It's that simple. But you're not afraid of hard work and you know that this is when you have the chance to prove to the world what you can do. (It's almost as if you are being tested as human being.) Fortunately, the good news is this year everything on the home front has improved. Your relations with family members are improving and will continue to improve. This is also your best chance in over a decade to improve your home or get a better home or to financially benefit from real-estate investments. Don't worry - next year promises vacations, fun, parties and increased joy with children.
Children have been an increased responsibility for you in the last year or so. Nevertheless, this year has been upbeat and strong because you have stayed in a positive frame of mind - and as we both know, attitude is everything. Looking to the future, life will get less serious. (Whew!) Although you will find yourself working hard. One thing is certain, next year you will look for ways to improve your home or find a better home or explore real-estate deals because your private life will improve! You will love where you live and family relationships will be warmer and more mutually generous. Some will expand their family as well. Meanwhile, continue to have fun schmoozing. (Dreams are free but there's a small charge of alterations.)
In the last few years, you have worked hard to stabilize your home scene. Many of you have been involved with home repairs or residential moves. Likewise, family issues have created increased responsibilities. It's been serious, especially perhaps with a parent, for some. Fortunately, this year you have increased your earnings or you will do so because it's a good money year for you. (Friendship is the bread of life but money is the honey!) Things look good because next year, you are in a happy frame of mind. It's a busy, fast-paced year with travel, short trips and lots of personal contacts. Continue to enjoy your popularity with others this week. In particular, you look good in the eyes of bosses and VIPs.
It's been a bit of a revolving door in the last two years because many of you have had residential moves or job changes even if you didn't anticipate them. Yes, life happens when you're busy making other plans. Fortunately, lucky Jupiter has been in your sign assuaging difficulties and keeping your spirits positive. This is a wonderful blessing and it is still in play until mid October, so use this to your advantage! Next year promises increased earnings, which is good news because you like beautiful things. In addition, you will work hard next year to solidify your home base so that you have a warm feeling in your tummy about your future. (I predict some fun redecorating!)
I have always thought it's important to live within your means even if you have to borrow money to do so. And this has probably been the case for you because for the last two years, finances have been tough for Scorpio! Many of you have racked up some serious debt, which is a bummer. Fortunately, lucky Jupiter will return to your sign in mid October for the first time since 2006, which means you will start to feel better on all fronts. Life will just get easier. (Easy is good.) This month, travel plans look thrilling and you are pumped for action! Favours, money and help from others continue to come your way. (We like!) Pay down your debt because job changes and residential moves in the next few years are likely.
Life has been challenging for your sign since 2012. First, many of you had to give up a lot of things - people, places and possessions; and then a new kind of challenge entered your life when Saturn went into Sagittarius in 2015. This is almost over. You have survived until now. Saturn will leave your sign in December and will not return for another 30 years. But it did open doors for you and set you on an entirely new path - indeed, a new world. This has been a popular year for you with friends and with groups. Furthermore, your interaction with others has benefited you. This month, fair Venus is opposite your sign warming up your closest relationships. Your sex life has been hot as well. ("My name is Blond. James Blond.")
In the last few years, life has been a challenge. It's not an exaggeration to say it's been the dark night of the soul for you. Many of you experienced loss and were forced to give up things or let go of people and possessions. But really, it was time to move on, wasn't it? Fortunately, to offset this, lucky Jupiter has been at the top of your chart, which is a rare thing, and this has boosted your reputation in a marvellous way. This is why you look wonderful in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs. This is also why promotions, accolades and admiration has come your way. Next year marks the beginning of a whole new world for you. You will set off in a new direction and ultimately reinvent yourself by 2026-27. Oh wow - pretty heady stuff!
Many of you have enjoyed and are continuing to enjoy more travel opportunities this year. You might also take courses or learn something new because through travel and further education, your world is expanding and encompassing so much more. And you like it! This is all good news because next year, you can put your name up in lights! In other words, people are really going to notice you and admire you. It will be a time of promotions and all that good stuff. Quite likely, some of you will be promoted in a way that entails a residential move; and for a few of you, even a change of countries. It happens. In the meantime, continue to work hard this month; and at the same time, explore opportunities to party and enjoy romance. Yes, you can have it all!
This is a time of harvest for your sign, which is why you are doing so well. Many of you are graduating or getting a promotion or doing something significant that is important to you. You feel proud of your life and you're glad to be in your own skin. Not only that, this year has benefited you in other practical ways because you have been the recipient of favours, money, inheritances and help from others. Yes - this is a wonderful time! Appreciate who you are and what you have because appreciation is one of the most valuable "meditations" you can do daily. Next year, exciting travel opportunities will come your way as well as chances to get further education. Continue to redecorate your digs this month and have fun partying with others because sometimes in life you're a winner - and that time is now.