All Signs

Last Wednesday, the planet Mercury moved into Cancer. Even though it will stay for only 15 days; Mercury will do an amazing razzle-dazzle just this week dancing with Jupiter, then Neptune, then Mars and finally with Pluto. Mercury is about everyday activities, words, ideas, communications and talking. This week everyone will be all over the map trying to communicate and deal with daily events. First we will be jubilant and optimistic! Then we will be uncertain, perhaps disappointed but sympathetic. This quickly turns to being confident and pushy; and finally, we will sink to being secretive, manipulative, compulsive/obsessive and convincing! Wow! One thing is certain: Everyone will get lots of exercise chasing ideas, ducking confrontations and jumping to conclusions!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week you will undergo a variety of situations at home, especially dealing with family members and perhaps, a parent. Initially, you might be excited about big plans to expand and improve things. "I've got ideas!" Something might also make you feel sympathetic to a family member. You feel genuine concern for them; and perhaps, you want them to understand your feelings as well. Ultimately, something will spur you to take action and get the show on the road - perhaps with renovations or residential moves. Unfortunately, whatever you do could lead to a heavy-duty confrontation with someone, especially an authority figure or a parent. Be careful. Tread gently!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a busy fast-paced time. In particular, you are eager to communicate your ideas to others and enlighten them about something. Initially, this week you are enthusiastic! This enthusiasm might be about short trips, future plans or something that is work-related, especially work-related travel. You might share dreams with a friend or a member of a group or be involved in a charitable activity to benefit others. You will speak with force clarity and others will listen! Unfortunately, you might end up in a strong dispute with someone, possibly a sibling, relative or a daily contact. This dispute will be an impasse - a do-or-die scenario. Yikes!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This week is a roller coaster for you because Mercury is your ruler and Mercury undergoes so many different influences as it makes different angles to four different planets. Initially, you will be enthusiastic about finances and your earning power. Money will flow. You will feel confident and you might spend big as well. You might buy luxurious items. (Note: You might have some regrets so keep your receipts.) You will be intellectually charged and excited about moneymaking ideas and specific purchases. In fact, you will feel empowered! However, as the week wears on, you will have disputes with someone about possessions, cash flow and how to take care of something. Easy does it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You are enthusiastic about something this week! However, be careful your enthusiasm doesn't tempt you to be unrealistic or to overestimate something. (Don't worry; most of you will just feel upbeat and happy.) You will appreciate the beauty of your surroundings and you will share this appreciation with someone in a touchy-feely, warm moment. Because you feel enthusiastic about something, you will convince others to go along with what you want to do. People will sit up and take notice! Possibly because you are feeling your strength for some other reason, you will end up in an argument with a partner or close friend. (Yeah, you can only push people so far.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week so much is taking place privately or behind the scenes for you. You might choose to be low-key or it just happens that way. Initially, you feel happy with yourself and pleased with your progress in what you hope to achieve in the future. However, something might happen that makes you feel sympathetic for someone. You might explore spiritual disciplines or even the supernatural. (Woo, woo.)This thought-provoking time will grow into a feeling of firm resolution. Something will test your values are make you more aware of them. This is a good thing. Nevertheless, you end up at odds with someone, perhaps about a health issue or something that is work-related. (As it ever occurred you that a cubicle is a padded cell without a door?)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a busy, social time for you because you are involved with friends and perhaps groups as well. This week begins with a lot of optimism, backslapping and high-fiving. You might share your enthusiasm with someone younger, perhaps about a competition? Then something happens that makes you feel sympathetic. Gosh. You want to share a closeness with someone. However, this soon grows into a feeling of confidence and strength within you. You will speak up, and quite likely influence others or lead them to follow your path and your ideas. Naturally, not everyone is going to agree with you, which is why you ultimately will dispute something. This dispute could be related to children, romantic events, vacations, the entertainment world - anything. Stay calm.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Relations with parents, bosses and authority figures will be important this week because Mercury is at the top of your chart undergoing all these changes that I mention in All Signs above. At the beginning of the week, things are positive and reassuring. Yay! You have big ideas about how to expand something or explore future travel. Others will concur. (The word 'concur' always makes me think of Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can.) You're on a roll and people will listen to you because you are authoritative, knowledgeable and convincing! Nevertheless, not everyone is on your side. Oh no. A nasty confrontation with a family member will develop later in the week. Ouch.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You want to blow town because you need a change of scenery this month. You're restless and full of ideas, wishes and dreams for exciting adventure. Lucky Scorpios will definitely travel this week. Others will expand their world through training and education. One thing is certain; you have to do something that makes you feel alive and worthwhile! You will also enjoy the beauty of art as well as the beauty of ideas. (This could be inspiring!) You will convince someone to open their eyes as well. Because your interest in ideas might be controversial, you will likely get into an argument with someone, perhaps a sibling or daily contact. But hey - we can't all agree on everything. And yes, the joke is that we are all more alike than we are not. (Who wants to be unhappy?_"Not me," said Chicken Little).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The beginning of this week is excellent time to discuss how to share or divide something, perhaps an inheritance, because all parties feel generous and optimistic. This favours you! It's a good time to ask for a loan or mortgage. You feel confident and excited about big ideas that will expand your world. Although you might waver and second guess yourself, you will once again feel strong and ready to defend your ideas. Nevertheless, life has a way of balancing things, which is why you end up arguing with someone. You might even feel forced to convince someone you know what you're doing. Thoughts of your mortality will force you to decide what attitudes and activities are truly worthwhile.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This week you will be busy talking to partners and friends. This means that at the beginning of the week, everything is copasetic and hunky-dory. People are glad to see you and your relations with others are upbeat and pleasant! In fact, you might want to help someone in trouble. As the week progresses however, your interactions with others become more aggressive. You might even feel annoyed with someone (as you have lately). And eventually, this annoyance turns into a battle - a real ego conflict. Each party wants to tell the other one what to do and how to improve things. Naturally, no one is listening! This is tough. Patience is your only recourse.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your focus this week is on your job and your health. No question. Initially, as the week begins, you are upbeat and happy with coworkers. Group activities are positive. Ditto for work-related travel. A coworker might want to confide in you or need a sympathetic ear, which you will provide because that?s who you are. Later you will be energized and ready to work so hard you are giving orders to everyone and delegating like mad. Could this be why you end up in a big argument with someone? Later in the week, difficulties with coworkers and customers are almost unavoidable. Sheesh! Be cool.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This continues to be a playful, flirtatious, fun-loving time for Pisces! Yay you! Many of you will have ambitious vacation plans or fun plans for social activities, sports events and interactions with children. At some point, you might idealize someone and feel swept off your feet or very sympathetic to them. You will also feel active and energized and ready to party as well as to compete in sports. Do what you can to keep the tone light because meltdowns and hissy fits with kids might take place later in the week. Likewise, arguments with romantic partners might also occur. Don't let these overwhelm you. This too, shall pass. (Especially if you drink lots of water.)