The West Coast is cutting-edge (or so those of us who live here like to think). And although the first day of summer will be June 21 this year; summer will arrive a day earlier on the West Coast on June 20, at 9:24 PM. Splitting hairs? You bet! The month of May was named for Maia the goddess of fertility; and next Sunday, May 14 is Mother's Day. This week we have a Full Moon in Scorpio on Wednesday. (That will be a vein-in-the-forehead moment for many.) After Wednesday, which is definitely hump day this week - it's clear sailing. But hey -- let's talk about Jupiter to buoy our spirits. I need to be buoyed! (Not like the boidies in Spring when the grass is riz, and the boid is on the wing, which is absoid cuz the wing is on the boid).
This is a strong week for you. Both Venus and Mercury are in your sign along with wild, wacky Uranus. This is a great week to shop for wardrobe treasures. Tuesday will be full of surprises and high energy in the buildup before Wednesday's Full Moon, which could bring disputes about money and possessions. By Friday, you're high energy and positive in all your communications! With Jupiter opposite your sign, you will continue to encounter people who will help you in various ways. In fact, people from foreign places might have a strong impact on your life this year. Ole! Of course, this continues to be the best year for Aries to marry in over a decade. (Sigh.)
Things will be restless at the beginning of the week because you can feel the energy building up before Wednesday's Full Moon (which is the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year). Gulp. Be cool and never underestimate the power of courtesy when everyone around you is losing it. This particular Full Moon will create tension between you and others, especially partners and close friends. However, the Full Moon energy generally lasts only 48 hours. By Friday, you're gung ho about a financial situation. Meanwhile, remember that this is the best year for you to improve your job or get a better job that you have had since 2005. Yeehaw!
The Sun is still hidden in your chart, which means you're happy to play things low key and plan for your new year ahead. Wise move. Nevertheless, you might be agitated with a friend or a member of a group at the beginning of the week. (A friend will surprise you on Tuesday.) Take things in your stride because the Full Moon on Wednesday will create tension on the job for you and possibly with your health. Fortunately, by Friday, you feel vigourous! The thing to keep in mind is this is the best year in over a decade for you to enjoy vacations, romance, social outings, sports events and fun activities with children. Lucky you! (Mom always liked you best.)
It's important for your sign to know that you have the best chance since 2005 of creating your dream home. (And before that it was 1993.) These opportunities do not come along every year! Therefore, think about how you can expand your existing home through renovations or renting something bigger and better. Some of you might move to a bigger and better home. Others will benefit from a real-estate transaction. Please know that this is where you can really make a difference this year! The Full Moon on Wednesday might create tension with children and romantic situations. All is well by Friday. Whew!
The Full Moon on Wednesday will be one of the tougher Full Moons for your sign. No question. You will feel challenged dealing with the needs of home and family versus the demands of your career, job and public reputation. It will be the old squeeze play. Travel plans will be unpredictable on Tuesday - be alert for that. But in the bigger picture, this is your year of optimism! Your confidence is increasing because your scope of activity is increasing. You might want to plan ahead, and start thinking about how you can improve your home and real-estate scene in 2018 - because that is a definite possibility for your sign.
Keep an eye on shared property, taxes and debt Tuesday. Quarrels might erupt because tension is building up before Wednesday's Full Moon, which incidentally, is an accident-prone time for you. Oops. Pay attention to everything you say and do this week. Be mindful and alert. (The world needs more lerts.) All will be well because by Friday you will be enthusiastic dealing with bosses, parents and power people. Yes, you too, can be a super hero. ("No capes!") Do remember that lucky, moneybags Jupiter is travelling through your House of Earnings this year for the first time since 2005 (and 1993) - so make the most of this. It's your year to earn more money! Ka-ching!
On Tuesday, you could have a dustup with someone. They might surprise you. ("I'm moving to San Francisco.") Whaaat? The Full Moon on Wednesday could create tension about taxes, debt, inheritances, insurance and shared property. Something will come to a head. By Friday, you want to get outta Dodge. You want fun, adventure and a chance to live life large! And you can do this because you are the only sign that lucky Jupiter is in for most of this year. This means life is easier for you. You're contented. You are fortunate in personal terms as well as in your surroundings. Yes - life is good! Alphabetize your blessings. (Next year the money will roll in.)
At the beginning of the week, there will be tension and upsets with your job. This is SOP because by Wednesday, the only Full Moon in your sign will occur. Naturally, you will feel tension with others in the days leading up to it; and things might not really calm down until Friday. You have amazing inner discipline; and this is the week for you to use this and demonstrate grace under pressure. And hey, you have so much to look forward to because lucky Jupiter enters your sign in October, for the first time since 2006. How sweet that will be! Your happiness quotient will double. Hmm, that's just a guess - it might triple!
Alert for parents: The beginning of the week is an accident-prone time for your kids so be vigilant. By Wednesday, the Full Moon will create some tension at work and with coworkers. Just be as mellow and breezy as you truly are. Admittedly, this is a tough time for you with Saturn in your sign; and it's been tough since 2015. Relief is in sight because Saturn will leave Sagittarius in December this year and not return for 30 years. Glory hallelujah! The thing to remember here is that all your interactions with others will benefit you. Not only will they be fun, upbeat and enjoyable - people will also help you. Therefore, be friendly!
Stock the fridge because something unexpected will occur at the beginning of the week. Food and drink always help any situation. Wednesday's Full Moon will create tension with kids and romantic partners. Sports events might also suffer. Fortunately, by Friday, you are back in the game on steroids. (Oops, did I just say that?) The thing to remember is that this is the only time since 2005 that Jupiter is crossing the top of your chart. This won't happen again until 2028. Obviously, this is a rare occurrence! It's a fantastic blessing because it means you can boost your reputation in the eyes of others. This could mean a promotion, a victory, a graduation - something that makes you look mahvelous dahling!
Please pay attention to everything you say and do at the beginning of the week, especially Tuesday because that is an accident-prone day. Nevertheless, you will also be full of genius-like ideas! It will be a tough Full Moon on Wednesday. That's a fact. You will feel the tension before and after. It could manifest with home and family or with your boss; but you will not be able to keep everyone happy. Pull in a little and do less to minimize the stress on yourself. By Friday, things are great. Do focus on travel plans because you have the best chance this year in over a decade to broaden your horizons and get more out of life. This is exciting!
Keep an eye on your finances at the beginning of the week, especially Tuesday to avoid a loss. This week has some agitation because the Full Moon on Wednesday could create arguments with others. In fact, this Full Moon is an accident-prone time so be mindful of everything you do and say. With respect to the good fortune of Jupiter for your sign this year, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Factoid. People will give you money. People will give you gifts. People will do favours for you. It's the gravy train! Just remember to be generous to keep this formula going in your life because what goes around, comes around.