This week three celestial changes will occur: the Sun will move into Taurus; Mars will move into Gemini; and retrograde Mercury will slip from Taurus back into Aries. (Reminder: Mercury is retrograde until May 3; however, if buying a car, computer or cell phone, wait until after May 21 to be safe. You'll be glad you did.) The Sun is in Taurus for four weeks once every year; and generally, Mars is in Gemini for about six weeks every two years. (The last time was May-June 2015.) So what does this all mean? Hey, let's go slowly because the only exercise I get is jumping to conclusions.
Despite the restrictions on purchases with Mercury retrograde right now (bad time to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and cell phones), nevertheless, your focus on shopping will be strong in the next four weeks. This is because you will give more thought to your finances - cash flow, earnings and major purchases. Meanwhile, Mars will make you unusually forthright and direct in all your communications with others. (Yeah - more than usual!) You will be a force to contend with! Be careful because you can become argumentative and get carried away with your ideas and opinions. Easy does it. Speaking louder does not make people hear you better.
You will be pumped with energy and vigour in the next four weeks because this is the only time all year that the Sun will be in your sign. In fact, this is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Not only will you have increased energy, you will also have more opportunities to explore because the Sun will attract important people and favourable situations to you. Make the most of this! Mars will make you aggressive in financial matters during the next six weeks. This is why you will want to shop more than usual. Your only shopping restrictions are related to Mercury retrograde, which are items like cars, trucks, bikes, computers, cell phones, printers etc. Aside from that, you can shop till you drop!
The Sun is hiding in your chart for the next four weeks, which means you will prefer to work behind the scenes. Use this time to plan what you want for your new personal year, which begins after your birthday. How do you want your new year to be different from this past year? Define some goals with deadlines - ah, deadlines, the litmus test. Even though you want to hide in the tall grass and watch the world go by; nevertheless, Mars in your sign will pump your energy and encourage you to go after what you want. That's why you will blow hot and cold in the next four weeks. Note: when the Sun enters your sign on May 21, while Mars is still in Gemini -- oh wow - you will be unstoppable!
In the next four weeks, you will be way more popular than usual. Everyone will want to see your face. Friends will demand more time with you and you will also be more involved with groups, clubs and organizations. In fact, you might be elected or appointed to head a committee or an organization. Incidentally, this same time frame is an excellent time for you to make goals for the future. In fact, share your dreams with someone to get their feedback. Meanwhile, you will also be involved with something secretive or behind the scenes for the next month. Got something to hide? Hopefully, all you have to hide is your plans to travel somewhere for a good time! (Or perhaps a secret love with someone unusual?)
For the next four weeks, the Sun is at the top of your chart acting like a flattering spotlight on you. This is good news! It means you look fabulous to everyone, especially bosses, parents and VIPs. Obviously, you can use this to your advantage by asking for you want. Make your pitch to the boss. Push your agenda. This will be easy because not only does the Sun make you look fabulous to others, Mars will make you particularly effective when dealing with friends and groups. This is very favourable for those of you in management or if you have to direct the efforts of others. "Move that mountain!" "Build that bridge!" "Can I have a coffee?"
Do whatever you can to break free from routine in the next four weeks. Ideally, travel somewhere if possible because you need a change of scenery. You want stimulation, adventure and a chance to learn something new! This same time frame is excellent to pursue opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. Your interaction with people from other cultures will benefit you. Meanwhile, fiery Mars, which is at the top of your chart for the next six weeks, will arouse your ambition! Major! Fortunately, fair Venus sitting opposite your sign will pave the way for smooth relationships with partners and close friends. It doesn't get much better than this.
For some reason, you are up to your neck in money matters. In the next four weeks especially, you will focus on taxes, debt, shared property, inheritances and insurance issues. And most of these financial matters will involve others as well. But you can sort this out, especially while Jupiter in your sign gives you divine protection. Meanwhile, you are pumped for adventure and change, which is why you want to travel! Do anything to expand your mind in the next six weeks because this will be gratifying to you. Contact with ex-partners and old friends will be classic during this Mercury retrograde. Fear not - you're on top of things.
You will need more sleep in the next four weeks. Just accept this fact and go with it. Be kind to yourself cuz you're bagged. You will also focus on partners and close friends more than usual because the Sun is opposite your sign. (This is the only time all year this happens.) To offset this, Mars will boost your sex drive and make you quite intense about many issues. In particular, you will defend your rights regarding shared property and inheritances. In fact, you might have disputes in these areas. Do take time out for fun and games because Venus promotes romance plus fun, social opportunities and spontaneous vacations. Life is getting exciting!
You realize that it is now time to roll up your sleeves and get busy for the next four weeks. This is why you are setting such high standards for yourself and others. The bottom line is that you actually want to work hard to get better organized. You want to be as efficient and productive as possible. With this in mind, get hold of shelving systems, file folders, labels, cleaning supplies, paint or whatever it is you need to do a great job with your ambitious plans to reorganize your world. Do it right. Many of you want to redecorate your digs and make where you live look more attractive. Note: Be patient and accommodating with partners and close friends in the next six weeks. Stay chill.
The next four weeks are the perfect time for a vacation for all Capricorns. If you can't get away for a vacation, then take more time than usual to socialize and hang out with fun people. Explore the arts; enjoy the theatre and musical performances. Be aware that sports events and playful activities with children will bring you joy and good times. Actually, your style of relating to others will be very charming and diplomatic at this time. Do not think this means you will let things slide on the job. This won't happen because fiery Mars will help you to work extra hard and direct the efforts of others. "Back to the salt mines! No slackers!"
Your focus will be on home, family and your private life in the next four weeks. No question. You will love to cocoon at home and be comforted by familiar surroundings. ("Where's my baby blue blankey?") For some of you, an interaction with a parent will be more significant in the next four weeks. Nevertheless, Mars will encourage playful times as well as vacations. Mars will also inject energy and pizzazz into your social calendar. Enjoy sports events, the theatre, musical performances and fun times with kids. Make time in your busy agenda to really do what you feel like doing. "Is everybody ready? Blast off!"
You hit the pavement running in the next four weeks because you will have a jam-packed schedule. Appointments, increased reading, writing and studying, conversations with everyone plus short trips will keep you hopping. You are also keen to enlighten someone about something. Meanwhile, your home scene will be chaotic and hectic due to residential moves, renovations, redecorating or visiting guests. Fortunately, fair Venus in your sign will help you be tactful with this insanity. Note: this is a good week to buy wardrobe items - including shoes and summer sandals. Remember to accept the generosity of others own because Jupiter encourages wealth to come your way. Just say thank you!