All Signs

Saturn is a strong clue to what is going on in our lives. Saturn governs the law courts and legal matters. It has domain over physical structures and the support systems we establish in our lives. Saturn limits and defines us. This week Saturn will go retrograde and remain that way for about five months. (Until Aug. 25). During this time, we all have an opportunity to reassess things. We can take a second look at the commitments, duties and responsibilities that we have. Read your sign to see how this affects you in particular. Saturn retrograde is not breather to relax. Instead it is a time to readjust, reassess and reorganize. It's a bit like stopping to tighten your skates, check your tires or scan your side mirrors. In fact this is the perfect time to hum a few bars from, "Happiness is Seeing Lubbock, Texas in My Rear View Mirror." All together now.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The next five months are definitely the perfect time for you to reassess any travel plans that you have on the horizon. It's okay if they're for pleasure. No matter what your motivation to travel, it's always an educational experience that enhances your life. Basically, you want to make sure that what you do in the next five months supports your bigger plan - assuming that you have one. And of course you do, don't you? You are approaching a career peak in the next year or so. That means this is the time to get performance ready. So think about what further training or education or travel that you can do that gives you a better advantage to strike while the iron is hot in 2018-19. Some of you will also give serious thought to religion and politics because your belief systems are being tested. Meanwhile, this week is a good time to think of new ways to earn money; as well as new uses for things you already own.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus is considered to be the financial wizard of the zodiac because you're very good with money. In fact, many Taurus people work in banks and financial institutions. During this time of Saturn retrograde for the next five months, you will have a wonderful opportunity to reassess all arrangements you have with others in terms of shared property, taxes, debt, insurance issues and wills and inheritances. Take a second look at things. You also have to acknowledge that you are dealing with other people's values that might not agree with yours. You might also re-examine the duties and responsibilities you have to others. Meanwhile, this week is the perfect time to exercise or do anything to improve your body because your results and benefits will be magnified. Trust me. An exercise regime this week might be equal to that of three other weeks in total. Now that's some serious razzle-dazzle!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The next five months will give you a chance to do some serious thinking about partnerships and close friendships. No question that they have been challenging the last year. At times, downright demoralizing. So what are you going to do? It's important to know that by next year, this challenge will greatly diminish. Yes, you're in the final stretch. Think about the limitations you have put upon yourself to keep the peace. Ask yourself if you think it's worth it. In most cases, I think it is. All relationships suffer from crises at different stages. Define what you think the expectations in terms of these relationships are. Are you fulfilling your side of the bargain? It's easy to chafe at slights and feelings of disappointment in someone else while all the time not seeing how you might disappoint them as well. This week something going on behind the scenes will give you great strength and empower you. (More than changing your clothes in a phone booth.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

In the next five months, you have a wonderful chance to make use of this particular Saturn return. It will help you to reassess and restructure your job and anything related to your work so that you strengthen your position. You can see how to work better. You can see how to create better systems either at your job or within your own work routine. This will apply even further - to your health. You will see ways to improve your health, especially that are related to your bone structure, your teeth and your skin. Some of you will even come up with a better system for relating to pets. You get a lot of practical benefit by rethinking some of these areas and coming up with a better approach that ultimately make your life easier. This week, you will attract someone powerful to you, perhaps in a group. This person might help you change or improve your goals. "Forget the pony. Get a car!"

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're in for an interesting five months ahead because you are going to revise your style and your approach to dealing with kids, specifically your own kids but certainly, kids in your life. You will see ways to improve your approach. Don't focus on doing something new. Think of improving what already exists. Likewise, you can take a more serious approach to a creative project. Give yourself some deadlines and outlines and parameter so that you know how to move forward with your creative ideas. You can be extremely productive by September. This is a very good week to think of this, incidentally because right now your ambition is strong. Ironically, you are thinking of fine-tuning your life direction. You don't want to waste time. You want to be the best that you can be. Or a reasonable facsimile. (Start by lying about your age.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The message for your sign that retrograde Saturn is bringing to you is that you need to take time in the next five months to reassess everything to do with your home, your family and your private life. Let's start with your home. Before you initiate any new ambitious projects, what about existing repairs that need to be done? What about all those things you've been meaning to do? Now is the time to revisit that list. Basically, you want to strengthen your home so that it is reliable in a safe, functional way. Likewise, what about your family relationships? How are they working out? We all take family for granted until suddenly, one of them is gone. Don't do this. Value and appreciate your family because family is gold. And finally, what about your own personal, private life? Do you feel self-respect for how you use your time? Ben Franklin was right - Time is the stuff life is made. (It improves with a Pina Colada.) This week you might see a better way to deal with publishing, the media, medicine, the law or anything to do with travel plans.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Many of you are caught up in a flux of change now with respect to changing jobs, changing residences or both. You have to give this a lot of thought in the next five months. Have you resisted these changes? Have you done them too quickly? Whatever changes are taking place can certainly improve your life if you put the right spin on them. Saturn wants us to be responsible with how we handle things, especially change in our life. For example, change might give you more free time. If so, what are you going to do with this free time? What a gift! Theothrastus said "Time is the most valuable thing that a man can spend." (Women are better shoppers.) Perhaps how you handle your time on a daily basis is something that you can rethink and study in the next several months. This is also a good time to think about how well you communicate to your daily contacts. What kind of report card would you give yourself? Something to think about.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You are going to do some serious thinking, and it's a good thing, about how you deal with your money in the next five months. Basically, you have to earn enough to keep your house of cards in play. But also, you want to earn money in a way that makes you feel happy. You want to be fulfilled in what you do and you also want to find joy in doing it. This is a tricky one because it's easy to focus just on the job, and not your own attitude. Technically speaking, your attitude could give you joy in doing practically anything. Yes, that's a stretch and we're not enlightened. But you see my point. In other words, your attitude has a lot to do with your job satisfaction. Having said that, it's no fun working with someone who is just a killjoy. These are things you have to consider. How should you best earn your living? And how should you best spend your money? Mars is still opposite your sign creating tension with others. Chill out. Go easy on the little people.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Saturn has been in your sign since 2015. The last time it was there was 1986-88. For the next five months, it's going to be retrograde, which is actually excellent for you because it's going to give you a chance to reassess your commitments in life. We're talking your commitment to yourself, your commitment to partners and friends and your professional commitments. All kinds of commitments. Even your commitment to your health. Yeah, it's time to put on your big girl pants. You might want to renegotiate certain obligations or reassess the situation that you created but perhaps it now needs to be tweaked or readjusted. This means you have a great opportunity to fine-tune things in your favour. Meanwhile, this week you can introduce reforms and improvements to your job and to your health. Yes, you're right - a meal without wine is called breakfast.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Saturn is your ruler. (Every sign of the zodiac has a ruler - Mars rules Aries, Venus rules Taurus etc.) This means that the retrograde action of your ruler Saturn will change your options in some way in the next five months. Basically, it will be good news. It will give you a chance to do some behind the scenes, serious thinking about all the stuff you have been doing in the last two years especially with regard to letting go and saying goodbye. Now you can reassess that process. Take a look at where you are now and think back to where you were in 2014. Have you lightened your load? Have you got rid of people, places and possessions that are really no longer relevant in your life? If not, why are you stalling? This is the kind of thing you can ruminate about in the next few months. If you've been reluctant to get with the program - it's time to face the music. Meanwhile, this can be a very creative week for you; and powerful week if you are in sports.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Saturn is the one planet we cannot fool. It's firm; it's stern; and it establishes rules, boundaries and limitations. There is no getting around this. At this point in your life, Saturn is trying to teach you how to juggle the demands made on you to satisfy other people versus the demands you have for your own wants and needs. It's a tricky line. You don't want to be selfish. You don't want to be a doormat. Naturally, you have to fulfil your responsibilities to others because that's what living in the real world involves; nevertheless, you can't sell your soul. The trick is knowing when and how to stand up for yourself. Because yes, you count, too. Obviously. Saturn is no fool. Saturn is a stern taskmaster. If you veer too much in either direction - from that middle path that is ideal for you - you will feel the painful consequence. This week you might want to improve things at home. Let's hope others agree. ("Awright, I confess! The body's in my trunk.")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The biggest thing you have to ask yourself in the next five months is what is your life direction going to be? You have struggled and struggled to get where you are right now, which is definitely in a powerful space because you have the option of choice. Of course, that means you have the option to blow it. Well, that's pretty heavy. I just want you to know that now is the time for you to reassess your talents, your opportunities, desires and hopes so that you will know by September what it is you really want to do. More than ever before, you can see what is working in your life and what is not. You can't ignore this information. But also, more than ever before - you actually have a choice. You can define some goals and choose to go after them or you can sit back and let life happen to you.