In 2017, Jupiter, the planet of wealth, good fortune, joy and wisdom will be in Libra for most of the year. This will promote an interest in the arts and beauty in general. If you've been hankering to redecorate your digs, this is the year to do it. Jupiter in Libra will also increase your success in partnerships and close friendships by helping you appreciate what it's like to walk a mile in someone else's wedgies. It encourages an open-minded approach to help you see all sides of an issue. It will also help you see the wisdom of moderation and taking the middle road, which is an appreciation that generally comes with age. (Although I think a big advantage of getting older is you see how you turned out.)
For most of this year, lucky Jupiter will sit directly opposite you in your House of Partnerships and Marriage. As mentioned in All Signs above, Jupiter will increase your awareness of your close friendships and partnerships primarily because you will have greater empathy and understanding of where that other person is coming from. Naturally, this understanding will help you to have a better relationship with this person. This placement of Jupiter comes to your sign only once every 12 years; and it is the best placement for an Aries to get married. And yes, of course it will come again, but you will be 12 years older. You will never again be as young as you are today.
When you are interested in something, you are a hard worker. (But you do have to be interested in it.) It's important for you to know that the great advantage that you have this year is that you can improve your job. For starters, you can improve the duties of your existing job, or you can improve the surroundings where you work, or you can somehow get rid of anyone unpleasant in your work scene. Alternatively, you can get a better job. Many of you will also have more job-related travel this year. The main thing to know is that you have a chance to improve your health and your daily work this year - and this chance is better than any opportunity you have had in over a decade. Obviously, you have to use it! Why wouldn't you?
This year, with Jupiter in Libra, you have the most fun advantage over all the other signs. This is because Jupiter will amplify the part of your chart that is all about fun, games, sports, vacations, playful activities with children, the arts, the hospitality industry, the entertainment world and anything to do with love and romance. Flirtations will abound! Opportunities for new love and romance will be greater than they have been in over a decade. Most definitely, this is your turn to enjoy a serious vacation. In fact, being a Gemini, you will probably take at least two vacations! In addition to all this fun and pleasure, your own sense of creativity and artistic talent will be heightened as well, which means artists will be productive and all of you will enjoy expressing your creative urges.
You are a nester; therefore, it will please you to know that this year you have the best chance in over a decade to create a happy home and family. Family relationships will improve because family members will be more mutually generous and thoughtful with each other. There will be more joy in the household. And many families will increase through birth, marriage or adoption. When it comes to the bricks and mortar of your home, this too, will bring you a great advantage because you have the best chance in over a decade to make money from real estate or to move to a bigger and better home whether you buy, build or rent your new digs. If you have the money, please be aware that you have a great opportunity to buy real estate or invest in real estate or improve where you live in 2017.
This year is the year Leos discover the power of positive thinking. If you think about it (no pun intended) everything begins with a thought. Everything around you was once somebody's idea. And in an ongoing way, your thoughts become words, and the words become deeds, and the deeds soon becomes habit, and habit eventually hardens into character. This means that your character is essentially your thoughts. When you are full of positive ideas and positive thoughts - you are a positive person who will attract positive situations to you and people will want to be in your presence. It's that simple. This year you are going to be that kind of person because you will think big, you will be optimistic and you will be upbeat. And yes, your daily pace will increase. Wow - busy and exciting!
"Show me the money!" In financial terms, you are the lucky winner in 2017 because you will have many more opportunities to boost your income this year. You might get a raise in your current job. You might get a better paying job. If you're unemployed - you might get a job! And some of you will make more because you start making money on the side. However, there are other ways that you will feel more affluent and flush. Some of you will actually spend your own money and buy yourself beautiful things that make you feel rich and pampered. For different reasons, your assets may increase because whatever happens - you will feel wealthier in 2017. Ka-ching!
It is your great good fortune to have Jupiter in your sign this year. Jupiter is in your sign only once every 12 years. For example, the last time you had this great benefit was in 2005, and the next time it occurs will be 2028-2029. So this is not a common thing. As such, you should appreciate this benefit and make the best use of it. For starters, when Jupiter is in your sign, you feel happier and more content with life because things just seem to flow more easily. You are fortunate in personal terms with your everyday activities as well as your relationships with others. In fact, people will be drawn to you along with favourable circumstances, which means you can take advantage of things and situations. In a nutshell - it's your lucky year! (Surely this calls for a new outfit.)
Once every 12 years, Jupiter travels through a hidden part of your chart. To be more precise, it's the part of your chart the concerns spirituality and your inner world. Because Jupiter is associated with wisdom and learning, as well as world religions, you will undergo experiences that shape you from within. You will have a deeper, richer, interior world, which ultimately affects everything because whatever is going on in the inside eventually is expressed on the outside. You will become more of a do-gooder because you want to help others. And in the same way that "what goes around comes around," you will receive great benefit in October, when lucky Jupiter enters your sign for the first time since 2006. And it will stay there for a year! Yay me!
There is a strong social component to Jupiter. For example, it pertains to jurisdiction and the legal system as well as churches, universities and places of knowledge and learning. It holds sway over the tapestry that shapes and defines society. For your sign in 2017, Jupiter will bring increased popularity with friends. But most definitely, it will encourage your involvement in groups, classes and clubs. Your idealism will be aroused and you might want to become involved in social reform or work for charitable organizations. It will encourage you to have loftier goals; not only that, it will encourage you to have bigger more ambitious goals. Jupiter is your ruler and you are very comfortable when it is in Libra. In many ways, this year will unfold relatively effortlessly. Can't ask for more than that!
You are certainly looking pretty in 2017 because lucky Jupiter is sitting at the very top of your chart. The top of your chart is that aspect of you that is high viz., in other words, it's what people notice about you, especially people in power and authority. When Jupiter is sitting in such a special place, you look really good to others. You look friendly, appealing, wise and affluent. And you look successful! This means that the details of your life will substantiate this. You will be successful in your job or your career to be able to earn this kind of reputation in 2017. That's why this is a year of promotions, accolades and praise for Capricorns. And for those who do not get a promotion, instead, they will have an opportunity to change their line of work to healing, medicine, the law, higher education or travel. This is a fantastic year for you!
This particular placement of Jupiter for 2017 will bring you all kinds of travel opportunities. This is why you are already planning where you want to travel next year. (You know who you are.) If you have been contemplating a major trip - this is the year to do it. But at a deeper level, Jupiter wants you to expand your experience of life, so not only will you have opportunities to travel, you will also have marvellous opportunities to go to school, get further education, take classes or advanced training in something. You will also love going to any post education school because learning will be a joy. Many of you will be more involved with people from other countries and different cultures. You might even learn a new language. Because Jupiter will be in your fellow Air sign, this will be an easy year for you.
In astrology, Jupiter is known as the Great Benefic because it denotes wealth, joy, ease, comfort and wisdom. Its influence is beneficial. For your sign, in the year 2017, lucky Jupiter (which always expands and amplifies wherever it is in your chart) will be in one of your Money Houses. Oh my! Lions and tigers and bears! Specifically, Jupiter will be in the House of other people's money (versus your own earnings). This means it will be easy for you to get money from other people and other sources. For example, you might get a mortgage much more easily this year or a loan. You might also benefit indirectly because your partner gets a bonus or a raise. You will also have a chance to use the wealth and resources of others. This is a very fortunate year for you, indeed. (Money is so handy when you want to buy things.)