Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Today fair Venus flirts with Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn; and all three of these relationships are favourable. They bring joy and increase; they bring surprises; and finally, they bring common sense and stability. This week, the opposition of lucky Jupiter with unpredictable Uranus means anything can happen, especially a sudden windfall! You know how it is -- one minute you're shoveling snow in Cache Creek, and the next, you're in a charming hotel in Paris and your kids are watching Bob l'Eponge. Enjoy this last week of the year! And remember that you will never again be a young as you are today.
This week is full of surprises, but primarily, your focus is on relationships with partners and close friends. Someone close to you might give you a stunning gift or surprise you in some way. Maybe they will pop the question? Lord knows this is a good time for Aries to get married. Meanwhile, bosses, parents and authority types you haven't seen for a while are back in your life. Enjoy schmoozing with friends, especially artistic, creative types. Even your relations with members of the general public will have surprising perks. I think something will happen that makes you feel freer or more liberated. Yeah!
You need to get outta Dodge. You will welcome any change of scenery. Many of you already have travel plans and are just counting the days to get to that sunshine. Ideally, because Mercury is retrograde, try to travel someplace you have been before because you are going "back." Meanwhile, back in Dodge, some kind of surprising situation will take place this week. Hopefully, it's a good surprise. Most likely, it will be connected to your job or the way you do your daily tasks. It could be a promotion or some unexpected work-related travel that sounds exciting. (That would be a bonus!) But it might also be something that is health-related.
This is a passionate, intense time for Geminis. No matter what is going on in your life, you feel strongly about everything. Everything matters. Things are black-and-white. Yes or no. Go or stay. Nevertheless, remember that you have a wonderful opportunity now that Mercury is retrograde to finish up red-tape details concerning inheritances, wills, insurance issues, taxes and debt and anything to do with shared property. Meanwhile, the Tooth Fairy will grant you wishes for fun times, parties, sports events, ski outings and chances to schmooze with others. Enjoy meeting friends for dinner. Enjoy playful activities with children. So many opportunities for fun and pleasure!
This is an exhausting time of year for you, especially because many of you are spending more time in the kitchen, slaving over a hot iPad. This is why you need more sleep. Some might be stressed because ex-partners or old business with ex-partners is back on your plate. Fortunately, something surprising will impact your home and family scene. It could be exciting family news; but it might also be something that affects your real-estate holdings. You might have an opportunity to expand your home through renovations or you might see a way to move to a larger or better home. And some of you will get news about expanding your family. Oh wow!
This continues to be a busy week because you are trying to do so much. With all the dazzle of the holidays, of course, you will do your best to be all things to all people all the time. You thrive playing the role of social director or camp coordinator, depending how many relatives are sleeping on your sofa. Relations with partners and close friends are smooth now because fair Venus is opposite your sign. Admittedly, your efficiency at work might suffer because of Mercury retrograde. (Join the club. We number millions. We can't find our T-shirts.) But the main theme of this week is one of optimism and stimulating change. Surprising news will excite you and give you a renewed lease on life. ("What's the expiration date on this lease?")
You are the big winner this week because several planets urge you to party and enjoy sports events and good times. Many of you will be more interested in the arts than usual. You will also be more involved with children and children's activities. In fact, something to do with the past and children will be a focus. For others, this quality of the past returning to the present will mean you encounter old flames and old romantic interests. But the most exciting news of all will pertain to money, earnings and cash flow. Some of you will get a promotion or a new job. Or you might get a bonus because you will feel richer. Whatever happens will be unexpected and sudden, Ka-ching!
With such a strong emphasis on the holiday season, you are focused on home and family. You might also be more involved than usual with a parent. In fact, because of Mercury retrograde, all kinds of relatives are coming out of the woodwork eating out of your frideg; and you are too polite to tell them to move on after two nights. (Librans have to learn to stick up for their own rights. Being pleasant and considerate to others is one thing; being a doormat is another.) Fortunately, something out of the blue will really surprise you and make your week. Lucky Jupiter is in your sign and this week wacky Uranus is sending it a thunderbolt, which means some kind of lovely surprise will catch you off guard. Let's hope it's a gift with a big gas tank.
This is a busy, almost frantic time for you because you are juggling so much, taking short trips, running errands as well as doing lots of paperwork - reading, writing and studying. What really adds some pressure to the mix is that Mercury retrograde will create transportation delays and mixed-up communications. Aagghh! Nevertheless, no matter how frantic your life is right now and how many balls you are keeping in the air - something will happen this week that gives you a warm feeling in your tummy. It will please you; and at the same time, it will make you feel content and very happy to be in your own skin. Life is good.
"Show me the money!" There is no question that your focus is on money, cash flow and earnings right now, which makes sense because so many people spend so much more money at this time of year. We eat more, we drink more, we party more and we are generous to others. But this can create a pricey tab! And as the sign who works hard and parties hard - you know what I mean. Nevertheless, relations with others are wonderful this week. You are the epitome of charm and grace. This might be why you are surprised by something that a friend does or something that a group does. Or maybe you yourself are the surprise with a group? It's all quite fascinating.
You are in fine form now because the Sun is in your sign boosting your energy and attracting people and wonderful situations to you. Admittedly, retrograde Mercury in your sign makes you feel you are losing your ability to remember anything or think straight. Misplaced items, mixed-up communications and delays can be maddening. Oh well, it is what it is. To balance these irritations, something lovely will surprise you with respect to bosses, parents and authority figures in your life. Someone important might single you out for recognition. Something unexpected might suddenly boost your reputation in the eyes of your peers. Naturally, this will make you all warm and fuzzy inside. Well done!
A little reminder to you that this is an excellent time for Aquarians to buy wardrobe items - one of the best times in the year. That's because for the most part, you will like what you see in the mirror. If you feel good about yourself, the odds are you will pick clothing that makes you look fantastic. Yes, people talk about shopping therapy; however, I believe you should never shop for clothes when you feel depressed. But enough about your wardrobe. However, you might want to buy tropical because unexpected gifts and chances to travel somewhere will fall in your lap this week. Something surprising will expand your world in a thrilling way!
This continues to be a popular time for you. Everyone wants to see your face. Even friends from the past are back on the scene, and it's all good. (For the most part.) Do remember that this is also an excellent time for you to make future goals and think about where you want to be in the next three years. However, the real surprise this week will be something to do with shared property, inheritances, taxes, debt or insurance issues. Many of you will receive a windfall or a gift you never expected to get. Others will feel fortunate because they benefit indirectly from partners who get a bonus, a raise or some kind of practical, financial benefit. Just say, "Thank you universe!"