All Signs

Three planets change signs this week: On Tues., Mars enters Aquarius; On Fri., Venus enters Capricorn; and on Sat., Mercury enters Sagittarius. Mars is energy! Venus governs relationships and our biases. Mercury shows how we talk and go about our daily business. Of course, it's a game changer this week with the US Election on Tuesday. The Donald (b.1946) is Gemini with Moon in Sagittarius and Leo Rising. Hillary (b. 1947) is Scorpio with Moon in Pisces and Scorpio Rising. Election Day is a moon alert in Aquarius until 4:45 pm EST, then the Moon moves into Pisces. George Carlin said, "In America, anyone can become President. That's the problem."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are checking your funds, wondering about future travel plans. In the next few weeks, many of you will be physically active with groups, perhaps competitively. A few will be at odds with a friend. Grrr. Fortunately, fair Venus will be at the top of your chart making you look fabulous in the eyes of others, especially bosses, parents and VIPs. (In fact, you look so good a romance with a boss or an authority figure might begin.) This is not surprising considering the coming year holds the best, most favourable influence for partnerships and marriage for you in over a decade. Wow! Existing relationships will improve; and new relationships will be promising.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Travel for pleasure totally appeals now. Go someplace exciting where you feel pampered with delicious food and wonderful, warm weather. Remember that you need more rest because you are tired. Perhaps one of the reasons you are bagged is you are working so hard! Mars is at the top of your chart arousing your ambition as never before; and this influence from Mars is not an everyday thing by any means. It occurs about every two years. This is also why you are giving everything you've to your job or whatever task you set for yourself. Romance with someone who is "different" might begin for some of you. Certainly, you are more focused on partnerships and close friendships than you usually are. Hmmm.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Work and your job continue to be a top priority, which is a good thing considering the distractions you have to party, vacation and explore social and romantic opportunities. (Yes, a fun-filled year ahead!) This week, Mercury moves opposite your sign to stay for three weeks giving you a chance to clarify and explain issues with others. Expect to have lots of intellectual, stimulating conversations as well as clever repartee with like-minded brainiacs. As Venus changes signs, it increases your opportunity to benefit from the wealth and resources of others. It also enhances your sex life. Meanwhile, Mars wants you to get outta town and see the world. Use those travel points!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a playful time for you. Grab every chance to socialize, enjoy sports events, fun activities with children, and explore the arts and romantic adventures. Take a vacation. Your ability to enjoy yourself is auspicious because this week fair Venus moves opposite your sign paving way for warm relations with partners and friends. And as Mars changes signs, admittedly, it heats up disputes about shared property and inheritances; however, it also amps your sex drive! Your job will become more hands-on in the next few weeks. Nevertheless, the whole tone of your chart now is party, play and socialize! ("I thought I was dancing until someone stepped on my hand.")

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Regardless of the changes taking place this week, your focus on home, family and your private life continues to be strong. Nevertheless, Mercury will make you more playful. It will promote your interest in puzzles, games and pranks. You might read mystery thrillers or watch them on TV. Venus enhances your relations with everyone at work, perhaps to the point that a work-related romance will begin. Cautionary note: For the first time in two years, fiery Mars will be opposite your sign making you impatient with partners and close friends. Don't blow your cool because this looks tacky on royalty - and you are royalty.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your busy pace continues! Short trips, increased reading, writing and studying plus a desire to talk to everyone because you want to enlighten thim about something gives you a jam-packed schedule. Family discussions are important in the next few weeks. This could be due to home repairs or plans for family events. Fortunately, Mars will help you work. Mars gives you energy and endurance as well as the courage to delegate some of your work to others. Fortunately, life is not just a slog now; fair Venus will encourage parties, romance, playful activities and fun times in the month ahead. Yes - you're cooking on all six burners!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

With Jupiter in your sign now, you are tempted to spend money, especially on yourself. You are checking out smart clothing, especially for winter -accessories, belts, shoes and cool leather items. You feel entitled and you want to look good. And why not? This is just one reason that you are focused more on money and cash flow. Another reason is that you are interested in tweaking your digs and redecorating a bit so that your home looks great for December. (You love a beautiful home that is comfortable, welcoming and casually elegant.) Mars will make you more aggressive about pursuing romance, extending invitations and setting up a busy social calendar. Yes, you need something fun and new to wear!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a wonderful time for you because the Sun is giving you energy and power. As Mercury shifts signs, your interest in money, cash flow and earnings will become stronger. Fortunately, Venus will make you charming and sweet with everyone in the month ahead, which is good news because fiery Mars will stir things up on the home front. In the next month, renovations, residential moves and changes at home will create increased activity and chaos, which might create tension with family members. Therefore, you need this wonderful influence that promotes charm and diplomacy. Be buttery sweet with others. Your objective is to make life run smoothly for everyone.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

As three planets change signs this week, (see All Signs) your life gets busier! For starters, with Mercury in your sign, you will want to talk to everyone. You'll be running around with an outboard motor strapped to your butt. Not only will you be busy with short trips, errands and conversations, your style of communication with others will be bold and strong, because Mars will make you aggressive. This means you will be powerful in sales, marketing, teaching, acting and writing. You won't hesitate to say what you mean and mean what you say. Meanwhile, Venus will attract money to you. Yes, you might get a raise. But Venus will also make you spend money on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. (Well, it's nice to have pretty things.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your popularity continues! You are involved with clubs, groups and organizations now because you are civic minded. You love to socialize but you like it best if your socializing becomes useful in the community. This is a wonderful time for your sign because Jupiter is at the top of your chart making you look great in the eyes of others. And this week, Venus moves into your sign making you charming and attractive! In fact, while Venus is in your sign ( from Nov. 12-Dec. 7) it's the perfect time to buy wardrobe goodies. And you will because Mars will make you work hard to earn money and spend it!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You will definitely feel the shift as three planets change this week because fiery Mars will move into your sign for the first time since 2014. We're talking PowerPoint on steroids! On the whole, this is a favourable situation because it pumps you with energy and gives you the stamina, endurance and enthusiasm to tackle life with exuberance. So this is a good thing. However, it's possible that energy will build up within you and if it has no release (like physical activity or sports) it will leak out as critical retorts and snarky replies that offend others. Not good. Just be aware of this. Start jogging. Mercury will make you more talkative with friends and especially with groups. (Not surprising because there is so much in the world that concerns you!)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a great time for your sign because it is your time of harvest and this will continue for several years. This empowers you. You see your strengths and you see your weaknesses. Where you have planted well is coming into fruition. This week, Mercury moves to the top of your chart as well increasing your concern for your professional life and making you question whether or not you're doing the right work for you. It's an excellent time to talk to superiors, parents and bosses. In fact, communications will be important in the next several weeks. Meanwhile, Venus makes you want to enjoy the company of friends and groups; while Jupiter continues to encourage support for you from the wealth and resources of others. Looking good! Make plans to get out of town if you can.