I'm getting lots of e-mails; and yesterday I did two radio interviews about the "new" findings by NASA. Let me reassure you: Your sign has NOT changed. Every five years this story hits the press. The last time was in 2011 when my book came out and a TV crew came to my home. NASA is correct in that all the constellations have shifted. (Every 72 years, they shift 1 degrees.) And although NASA is correct about what going on "up there;" they are incorrect by assuming this is a game changer for Western astrology. Not so! In Western astrology, the zodiac signs are named after the constellations; but they never did line up because they never could line up. Why? Each constellation is a different size. (Virgo is less than 10 degrees and Scorpio is almost 50 degrees.) But in Western astrology, mathematicians created 12 different signs (named after the constellations) each with 30 degrees to make a perfect circle of 360 degrees. But hey, what concerns me far more is that as each year goes by, there is a subtle, steady weight gain on my bathroom scales. Whaaat? My towel weighs 15 pounds more than it did in 2006!
Remember to get more sleep. This is the one month of the year where you are really tired. Be careful on Wednesday because you might promise more than you can deliver (and you can deliver a lot). But you could get carried away because you feel so passionate, especially sexually. However, this passion also extends to discussions about shared property, which means you might be tempted to give away the farm. Don't do this. Be careful about power struggles on Friday. Don't even go there because they will be nasty. Instead, get thee to a Happy Hour where you can relax. Remember: You are super ambitious this month, and you are super tired. Good luck!
You continue to work to make your life as productive and efficient as possible. In fact, this week, Mercury enters the part of your chart, boosting your interest in your health, as well as your ability to do mental work. You will find it easy to be attentive to details and to discover the best technique for any job that you do. Fair Venus, opposite your sign, paves the way for warm relations with others, especially close friends and partners. Midweek around Wednesday, you will work hard and with enthusiasm, but you will be realistic. Don't take on more than you can handle. Continue to create a good impression at work because this is your year to improve your job!
This continues to be a playful time for you. (Lucky Geminis are on vacation.) Look for ways to explore your creative talents and artistic expression. Accept invitations to party, to enjoy sports events and have fun with playful activities with children. And yes, romance and flirtations abound! Even things at work are going well right now, which is why coworkers are inclined to help you. Some of you might strike up a passionate relationship with a coworker on Wednesday. In fact, that day is an intense, passionate day for many reasons. Actually, your sex drive is amped all month! Oh my - you are both so busy!
Your focus on home, family and your private life continues. This week Mercury will trigger family discussions along with your concern for home repairs and making practical changes where you live. It's important for you to set the groundwork now for the great benefit that is coming to you in the coming year regarding your home and your family. Look for ways to improve where you live. Meanwhile, this is a fun-loving week! Accept invitations to party, especially midweek. Be realistic with your plans on Wednesday at home because someone could be excessive or overboard in their estimations. Stay real.
Your busy pace continues! You are reading, writing and study more than usual, plus taking short trips, visits and running errands. Fortunately, you're getting a lot done! Many are also redecorating at home doing what you can to make where you live look more attractive. (Take note: Wednesday and Thursday are great times to entertain at home.) The overall tone of this week is that you want to enlighten others about something. You have something to say and so you will say it in writing or in person. Because you are more in touch with the reality of the power of positive thinking, perhaps you want to share this idea with others?
Sometimes, we say, "It's not about money." But lemme tell ya, this month it is about the money! Money, cash flow, earnings and even issues related to your possessions are tops on your menu. You are thinking of ways to boost your earnings or look for a different job. You enjoy feeling more flash with some cash in your pocket. It feels good! (Yes, happiness is a positive cash flow.) Because Mercury changes signs this week, you will do even more planning regarding financial negotiations, property and money. It never hurts to be well prepared, does it? Caution on Wednesday about going overboard or overestimating something. If you think you might be doing this - you are.
This week busy Mercury enters Libra to join the Sun and Jupiter. Yes, it's all about you! You definitely feel energized! In fact, you will notice this around Tues./Wed./Thurs. You will have abundant energy to go after what you want and to express yourself to others. This same abundant energy might also express itself by encouraging a shopping expedition! You will enjoy shopping whether at home online or strolling through a mall. You love beautiful things and this week, you will treat yourself in abundance. Do whatever you can to smooth over troubled waters at home because when your home scene is chaotic, you pay an emotional and psychological price. Keep things tidy and mellow. (If you put out fresh flowers you don't have to dust.)
This is an excellent week to buy wardrobe goodies because you will like what you see in the mirror. (This is important when you want to buy flattering clothes. Never shop when you are depressed.) Furthermore, your ability to negotiate with others is stellar right now. A word of caution for Wednesday because you might come on too strong for others. You might even agree to something that you later regret. Be careful and be realistic. Your ability to do research and work behind the scenes is excellent now. Continue to think about your goals and objectives for your new year (birthday to birthday), which is about to begin. And put deadlines with those goals!
Your popularity and enjoyment of other people's company continues to be a primary objective. You will be busy schmoozing this week as well as super active with clubs, groups and organizations. You might influence someone who is younger. (Some are dabbling in secret love affairs.) Midweek you are very powerful in a group setting. You might even be elected to a board position or something like that because your leadership qualities are shining now. Everyone wants to sit at your table and be on your team! Meanwhile, because you like to plan for the future, think about where you are going. Ever since last year, you have been headed in a new direction.
You will be super charged with energy for the month because fiery Mars is now in your sign where it will stay until Nov. 8. This happens only once every two years so you definitely want to use this to your advantage. It means that you have more physical energy to address whatever you're doing on a daily basis. But more than that, it also means that you are confident about going after what you want and fighting for what you want. You'll find yourself more competitive than usual and less inclined to take a backseat about anything. Meanwhile, bosses and VIPs think you're the cat's meow! People are impressed with you! Just chalk all this up to your own good fortune. This is a winning week for Capricorns!
Continue to grab every opportunity to travel or do anything that expands your experience of your world because you want a change of scenery and you want a chance to learn something new! Yeah! Basically, you need to break free of the feeling of being stultified or in a rut. You're keen to run away and join the circus! "I'm free! I'm free!" This same influence bodes well for those of you involved in publishing, higher education, the law, the media and anything to do with medicine. It's a great time to study or write. You make such a favourable impression on bosses and VIPs that some will even strike up a romance. (Hmmm.) Just consider yourself fortunate that life has this much pizzazz and zest!
You couldn't pick a better time to discuss issues regarding taxes, debt, inheritances and shared property. In fact, this beneficial influence will actually last for the next 12 months for you. ("Lucky me!") By the same token, now and in the next 12 months is a fabulous time to get a loan or mortgage because you can benefit from the wealth and resources of others. One minor warning: Midweek, you might be inclined to go overboard. You might ask for too much or you might give away too much. Be aware of this so that you can stay realistic and know what you're doing. At the same time, you are influenced by political and religious issues right now. Or possibly, you will spend too much money on travel? Something "different" is exciting your passion.