All Signs

This week builds to the Full Harvest Moon on Friday the 16th; and there will be tension building up towards it. On Monday, Mercury is fighting with Mars; on Tuesday, the Sun is fighting with Mars; Wednesday looks good (whew!) except Wednesday is a Moon Alert day. (Good day to goof off.) On Thursday, the Moon is fighting with Saturn just before Friday's Full Moon, which also fights with fiery Mars. Holy Solar Panels! The thing to know is that patience is the antidote to anger. (And anger has no purpose other than to make everyone miserable.) The Dutch say that a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. And of course, the brain is only as strong as its weakest think.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You are working hard this week! Expect frustrations because Mercury retrograde takes place in the part of your chart relating to your job and your health. This means old health issues might arise. It also means your job will suffer from mixed-up communications, delays, transportation problems and broken equipment. Furthermore, on Thurs. and Fri., the Full Moon will create tension with coworkers; and you have a short fuse! Use this an opportunity to demonstrate grace under pressure. To lift your spirits, make travel plans for the future and explore opportunities in higher education, medicine, the law, the media and publishing. "I'm outta here!"

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Children, vacations, fun escapes, romance, love affairs, the arts and pleasurable dinners with friends are tops on your menu. Plus your sex drive is amped! Yeah, it's hard to get serious about back-to-school responsibilities cuz you want to party! Old flames from the past as well as old issues regarding children are back on your plate because of Mercury retrograde. Disputes about shared property and jointly-held wealth will occur. Fortunately, relations with coworkers are smooth. Be patient towards the end of the week to avoid conflict with kids and romantic partners. Plan a celebratory dinner for Saturday. Ah yes, a meal without wine is called breakfast.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Your focus on home, family and your private life continues. Relatives have emptied your fridge, created laundry and messy kitchens. But hey, it's just what happens when you wrap up the summer. Your biggest challenge is fiery Mars is opposite your sign, creating tension between you and a partner or close friend. (Someone wants more freedom. Someone wants to change the rules.) Nevertheless, fair Venus promotes fun, entertaining diversions, love affairs and playful activities with children. Look for ways to express your creative talents. Relax and be yourself. There is no need to pretend to be what you are not.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a busy, fast-paced time for you; and Mercury retrograde has not made things easy. Car problems, transportation delays, cancelled trips and confused communications are frustrating. ("Where's my phone?" "WhereI can't find my Kindle!" "I can't find my kids!") Fortunately, you have the energy to work hard now. New high-tech equipment might challenge you; but you're keen to see ways to make improvements in your job. Where you are blessed is in matters related to home and family. This is a good time to tackle redecorating projects and make your home look more attractive. It's also a good time to explore real-estate opportunities, which are coming your way this year.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Sigh. Money is so useful when you want to buy things. Although cheques in the mail are late and issues related to your finances are delayed (thanks to Mercury retrograde), there are still ways for you to boost your income, so keep your eyes peeled. However, Leos are also still in party mode! (Someone has to take one for the team.) Fortunately, your schmooze skills are tops because fair Venus now greases the wheels in all your social interactions. Be aware that the Harvest Moon on Friday will a financial arrangement to culmination. This might please you; or it might mean that you have a standoff with someone. (More likely the former because your money scene looks very good right now. Ka-ching!)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

There are some frustrating issues for Virgos to deal with right now. For starters, retrograde Mercury is in your sign creating glitches, lost items, broken equipment, mixed-up communications, missed appointments and delays. (Oh well, there is a downside to punctuality: Nobody is there to appreciate it!) Just relax. You have lots of energy for renovations and home improvements right now. (Some of which are last-minute decisions.) The good news is that both Venus and Jupiter are in your Money House attracting money to you. They will also urge you to spend money on beautiful things. (Money can't buy love but it does improve your bargaining position!)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Because your birthday is approaching, it means your personal year is coming to an end. Use this time to make plans for your new year. Write down some goals with deadlines. These are not chiseled in stone. You do not have to fear doing this. But if you specifically define some goals with deadlines for the coming year, it will help you to focus on achieving them. It's a smarter way to live. Plus with Jupiter in your sign for the next 12 months, your life will be more fortunate and content, which means something favourable is going to happen. Factoid. Why not consciously steer your life in the direction you want it to go? Even if you're in a witness protection program.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This continues to be a popular time for you! Enjoy warm friendships plus an increased involvement with clubs, groups and associations. Contact with old friends and acquaintances from your past will be meaningful because it's good to have history with others. Because Venus is hiding in your chart, many of you are exploring secret love affairs. (This could be the reason some of you are spending more money.) Parents need to be patient with their kids this week because the Full Harvest Moon will create tension with them. (No matter how much I childproof the house, they still keep getting in!)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a powerful time for you because fiery Mars is in Sagittarius, and the Sun is at high noon in your chart. This means you have energy, drive and focus; and whatever you do will be noticed by authority figures. In fact, this position of the Sun is flattering to you, so not only are you noticed by people in power - they admire you! Hmmm, connect the dots. Use this influence to push your agenda and go after what you want. "More porridge?" The energy of this week leading up to the Harvest Moon on Friday will be challenging because you'll be pulled between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your job and career. And you can't please both. Oy vey.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your desire to travel and explore the world is strong now. Some will explore the world through education, reading, film and talking to people from other cultures. In fact, you might be making big decisions about where you want to live in the future because right now, you're letting go of things. You are saying goodbye to places, people, possessions, jobs and relationships. The reason for this is you are gearing up to that time around 2018 when you will begin something completely new, which could include moving to a new area. In fact, the change might be so dramatic you start to wear a different kind of wardrobe every day. Be cautious from Wednesday onwards because the end of the week is an accident-prone time for you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Past issues as well as something coming to a culmination now force you to focus on shared property, shared responsibilities, taxes, debt and anything that you own jointly with someone else. Your mind is on money, assets and wealth. It's particularly focused on your financial relationship with a partner. (Present or past.) You have to deal with these issues, and in doing so this week you will see that they will come to a head by Friday. After that, you have a clearer idea of the lay of the land, including your relationship to banks and financial institutions. Meanwhile, back at the gym, you will enjoy physically active sports and competitions. You want to show the world what you can do!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is an eventful week for you because the Full Harvest Moon on Friday is in Pisces (the only Full Moon in your sign all year). It's a given that this will create tension between you and others, especially partners and close friends. To add fuel to this mix, fiery Mars is at the top of your chart arousing your ambition. This means you are a handful! If you have difficulty with others, don't project your problems on someone else. Relationships are two-way street that is unpaved and full of potholes. Fortunately, intimate relationships will be affectionate and sexy. Furthermore, in the next few weeks, people will give you things. Literally. It's a good time to ask for a loan or a mortgage, or to borrow something. Gifts don't have to be hooks. Sometimes they're just gifts, and all you have to do is say, "Thank you!"