All Signs

Ta da! Big news! This week Jupiter moves into Libra where it will stay for the next year. This introduces a whole new area of good fortune and rich expansion for each of us. This does not happen often. The last time Jupiter was in Libra was from Oct. 2004 - Nov. 2005. The next time will be Sept. 2028 - Oct. 2029; and after that, Aug. 2040 - Sept. 2041. You get the picture. (And some of us won't even be in the picture!) Each of us has about three chances (maybe four) in our adult life to benefit from this wonderful influence. Read on to learn how it will manifest for your sign. They say luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. And this is true. However, luck is also the only explanation for the success of an enemy. Definitely!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For the next 12 months, lucky Jupiter will sit directly opposite your sign. Because of this oppositional position, it will affect your one-to-one encounters with partners and close friends. This will be its main influence. However, it will also affect your one-to-one encounters with members of the general public. In a nutshell, it means that the people you encounter will somehow be able to help you in various ways. Sometimes this assistance will be professional, even assistance that you might pay for. Other times it will just be spontaneous. But since it is the case that others will benefit you in the coming year, it behooves you to engage! Speaking of which, the next 12 months are a fabulous time for Aries to get married.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

As Jupiter changes positions in your chart this week, it starts to introduce a fabulous year ahead where you can improve your job, or get a better job, or get better duties, or get a better workspace, or be free of unpleasant coworkers or bosses. But there's more. It also means that your job will become more fulfilling and enjoyable because somehow you start to get a new sense of purpose. It seems that your job now provides a kind of structure that is reassuring for you. You might even be willing to take on more work. The next 12 months are also excellent for your health because Jupiter will boost your physical strength and vitality. (The only downside is it could cause you to gain weight. Beware the Cobb Salad!)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

In some ways, you are the big winner for this change in Jupiter. That's because for the next 12 months, Jupiter will travel through the part of your chart that is all about fun and pleasure! Opportunities for romance and love affairs will abound. Likewise, opportunities to enjoy vacations, sports events and fun, social diversions will increase. Your relationship with your children will improve. You will also be more comfortable about expressing your creative talents because basically, in the next 12 months, you will have the courage to be yourself and express who you are to others without fear or apology. You will enjoy a greater freedom of self-expression and feel more confident! Yeah!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This new journey of Jupiter is excellent news for your sign because basically, you are a nester. Therefore, it will delight you to know that in the next 12 months, you will have wonderful opportunities to improve your home in any way possible. For starters, it's a fabulous window of time to explore real-estate opportunities. The best in over a decade! You can't go wrong! But even if you do not buy or sell real estate, you will do something to improve where you live for sure. It could be a renovation, an expansion or the purchase of something that makes you feel richer and happier at home. Likewise, your relations with family members will improve in a warm, lovely way. In fact, you might even expand your family through marriage, birth or adoption. Wow!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You will definitely notice thisa shift of Jupiter because it will affect your everyday surroundings in a super positive way. For starters, you will learn more. Many of you will take some kind of training in a field of study that can be useful. You might travel more and learn that way. Jupiter will also make your attitude to the world around you more generous, more understanding and more tolerant. Plans for the future that you entertain will become larger and more expansive. In fact, it improves your everyday communications with everyone! Basically, Jupiter will be impacting your everyday world, which includes improving relations with siblings. Hmmm, not too shabby.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

"Show me the money!" (Jerry Maguire gave us that great line as well as "You had me at hello.") Indeed, you are now entering a 12 to 18 month window (depending on when you were born) where you can boost your income and make more money. Read All Signs above to realize how rare this opportunity is. But truthfully, although the opportunity to earn more money definitely exists, the true interpretation of this Jupiter journey is that you will easily actualize in your life whatever it is that you most value. This is enriching, but it means something a bit different. For example, if your values are more spiritual, you will increase this dimension of your life. But there is no doubt that your life will be enriched in a way that is meaningful to you in the coming year. (No whining.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Oh me oh my, lucky Jupiter is moving into your sign this week. Basically, this marks the beginning of a new 12-year cycle of growth for you. (Time to let out another pleat in your shower curtain?) This is a cycle during which you are intended to discover who you really are as a person. Jupiter is naturally associated with wealth and expansion but it is also a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, this year will be a time of learning and gaining new experiences for you. It will also be excellent in terms of your own personal good fortune. For example, important people and resources will be drawn to you almost by magic. Things will suddenly fit in place, which is why you will be considered to be "lucky." And yes, Jupiter will attract things to you including flesh to the bone. Aaggghh!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Because Jupiter will be in a hidden part of your chart for the next 12 months, the benefits to your sign are more subtle - but they are truly there. It means that you will have opportunities to discover more about your spiritual and religious life. You will explore new dimensions that are important to you. This placement of Jupiter will also soften your ego so that you will look upon others with more compassion and a deeper understanding. Some of you will find a spiritual teacher. Some of you will become a spiritual teacher. Certainly, your study of metaphysics, the occult, astrology and anything esoteric will be meaningful for you. In October, 2017, Jupiter will enter your sign!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You will be more popular in the next 12 months - no question. In fact, not only will you interact more with friends, as well as join clubs, groups and associations, you will enjoy these interactions more than usual. In addition, these interactions will benefit you and be supportive because Jupiter always brings a benefit. This benefit will be practical, financial, inspirational plus instructive and educational. You will also find that for whatever reason, you will be more idealistic than usual. Your interest in social reform will grow. Do note that whatever you put out during the next year will come back to you two fold, perhaps more.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The year ahead is important for you because Jupiter will travel across the top of your chart. If you read All Signs, you will see that the last time this happened was 2005, and the next time it happens will be 2028. Therefore, this is not a common opportunity! It is rare! It means that you will work very hard to make a name for yourself. The coming year will be a time of getting ahead in your profession, your social status, and your overall reputation in life. Many of you will get a promotion at work or public recognition in some way. You will certainly be noticed for your achievements, which is why I say you can put your name up in lights! Your confidence will grow. Many of you will travel more and meet people from other cultures. Good luck!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The next 12 months will be an exciting time for you because you have an inquiring, scientific mind, and the coming year will be full of opportunities to go to school, take courses, and learn more about practically anything. It will also be an excellent time to explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and jobs that are related to higher education. Because the theme of this Jupiter transit for your sign is to expand your experience and knowledge of life, you will travel more than usual. Make definite plans to travel somewhere because this is one of the most fun ways to learn and modify your views on life, which is something that you will do. You no longer want to just believe - you will want to "know" first hand.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

For your sign, the wealth of Jupiter will truly manifest because it will travel through one of your Money Houses, specifically the house of shared income and other people's money and resources. Some of you will get an inheritance in the next 12 months. Others will become richer indirectly because your partner gets a raise or a bonus. You might also enter into a partnership or pool your resources with someone in a way that benefits you. Obviously, the next 12 months are the perfect time to ask for a mortgage or a loan because people will be inclined to give you what you ask for, which is why your life will become richer and more rewarding. For a few, this can also be a time of religious regeneration. "I believe!"