All Signs

Astrology is based on mathematical cycles plus the angles between the planets. Some angles (like 60 degrees or 120 degrees) mean these two planets are mutually supportive. Other angles (like 90 degrees or 180 degrees) mean the relationship of the planets is mutually challenging. This week, the Sun in Cancer is at odds with wild, wacky Uranus in Aries. But all is not lost because the Sun in Cancer is supported by Jupiter in Virgo and Mars in Scorpio. So - it's a mixed bag. This is why things flow along smoothly, and then POW! Something out of the blue knocks us off our feet. (Whaaat?) Let's look at the unpredictable energy of Uranus. After all, "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" (Especially if all you have to eat is Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, and Spam!)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Lots of influences happening now! Primarily, you are focused on home, family and your private life. Many of you are wading through home repairs, renovations and redecorating projects. However, both Mercury and Venus want you to party and have fun! Grab opportunities to enjoy sports events, playful times with children, the theatre, and fun schmoozing with friends. This will offset disputes about shared property, debt, inheritances and insurance issues. Meanwhile, Jupiter not only gives you opportunities to get a better job, it will help you to enjoy your home more, especially perhaps through bigger digs It will also increase the value of your home. Yes!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Even though your pace is busy, you enjoy meeting new faces and see new places. Be careful because there is an accident-prone quality hovering around you, which means you have to be mindful and think before you speak or do anything. Be aware! Meanwhile, you're entering a lovely window of time that encourages home decorations, home repairs and entertaining at home. Who sets a better table than you? Be patient with partners and close friends. This challenge will be gone by August, so hang in there. Meanwhile, keep planning vacations and fun getaways because your chart shows so many opportunities to do this. And if you have just had a vacation - then you really need one! (Ain't it the truth?)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Unexpected news that impacts your financial situation might occur this week. The maddening thing about surprises and anything that is unexpected is you never know if it's positive or negative! In other words, it could be good news, it could be bad news. To be on the safe side, guard your possessions against loss or theft. Keep your eyes open and stay on top of your money scene. Meanwhile, your schmooze skills are tops, which means you can negotiate very well on your behalf. You're also working hard; and you will continue to have opportunities to improve your home or make money from real estate. Don't fall asleep at the switch.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Something will disrupt your world this week. It could be minor; it could be major. Machinery, or an appliance, or a car might break down. You might have a family argument. Relationships might break up because someone wants more freedom. Whenever Uranus is in the picture, people are rebellious, impulsive and they invariably want more air! "I'm suffocating!" And yes, it can also trigger accidents. But sometimes the unexpected is something fabulous! Nevertheless, to protect yourself, be mindful and aware. Guard against impulsive behaviour. All the other planets are supportive to you! Your financial opportunities look good; plus you have lots of opportunities for fun and socializing. Be alert! (The world needs more lerts.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week fair Venus moves into your sign to stay until August 5. The next time it enters your sign will be a year from now. This means you have a chance to benefit from it for the next four weeks. For starters, this is a great window to buy wardrobe items because you will like what you see in the mirror. Act on your impulse to socialize with others because you will enjoy schmoozing with people because these interactions will be warm and friendly. You will attract people to you as well. Your health will feel strong. You will also want to be more creative. Meanwhile, Jupiter is waiting in the wings for you to see ways to boost your income. Lucky you!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

A friend might surprise you this week. Or the surprise could come from a group of which you are a member. (Let's face it, it also could be a group of which you would never be a member.) Alternatively, you might meet a real character who impacts your life in an unexpected way. Jupiter will be in your sign until September (nine more weeks) increasing your good fortune and attracting favourable opportunities to you -- so make the most of this! It will not return to your sign until 2027. But do not weep, because Jupiter next enters your House of Earnings giving you a chance to boost your salary, assets and general wealth in the next year. Meanwhile, secret love affairs are happening for many of you. (Is it wise to risk a long-lasting relationship for a mere bonbon?)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This week, Uranus will trigger a few upsets that involve parents, bosses, VIPs and the police. (Yikes!) This might mean a little spat or an argument - or worse. Some of you might get fired. It can manifest in many ways and be minor or major. However, forewarned is forearmed. Therefore, be diplomatic when talking to authority figures and resist the urge to mouth off because you might regret it. This warning is to let you know you could be on thin ice. Meanwhile, relations with friends and groups are dandy! And you find it easy to work hard to earn money, even though - let's face it - you're spending a lot. (Oh well, some things are too beautiful to resist!)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Be careful if you are travelling this week because it is an accident-prone time for you, in addition to which travel plans will be changed, cancelled or rescheduled. Expect detours and speed bumps! Note: Whatever happens that is unexpected will also teach you something new and exciting. With fiery Mars in your sign, you are still coming on like gangbusters, so try to go easy on the little people. Fortunately, with Mercury and Venus at the top of your chart, relations with bosses and parents are excellent. In fact, others will approach you now for your advice about how to make something more attractive or look good. Physical exercise will benefit you now - trust me.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Travel for pleasure beckons in the next three weeks. If you can get out of town, you will love exploring new places and meeting new faces. The only snag is that something to do with shared property, loans, debt and the property and resources of others might suddenly change, which means you won't have the resources to travel or the free place to stay. You might also break off a relationship regarding shared property or shared responsibilities for something. Nevertheless, with your ruler Jupiter at the top of your chart, you have divine protection. You'll come out smelling like a rose! In three weeks, fiery Mars will enter your sign giving you a chance to show the world what you can do because you will be pumped!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Partnerships and close friendships are unpredictable this week. In fact, a relationship might suddenly end. This is the classic time for someone to demand more space or more freedom. But I think that mostly, this will not be the case because when it comes to shared property and benefiting from the wealth of others - your chart looks great for the next month. In fact, you can indirectly benefit through a partner. Sex also looks passionate and cozy. Travel opportunities continue to tempt you. Do act on these temptations because later, your desire to travel will be much less. This is a good time to define your goals and start to pursue them. Difficulties with a friend or a group might prompt you to leave. Perhaps it's time to move on?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Something unexpected will impact your work or your job this week. In extreme cases, you will quit. Others might have to deal with technology - either breaking down or the arrival of new, confounding high-tech equipment. Coworkers might be feisty and independent. It might even be something related to your health. Because your ambition is so aroused now, you are intent about going after what you want. Be careful this doesn't land you in hot water because someone feels threatened. Partnerships and close friendships are warm and supportive - and chatty! This part of your life is just fine. It's also a good time to benefit from the wealth of others, including partners and banks, especially if you need a loan or a mortgage.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This week is an accident-prone time for your kids, which means you must be vigilant. Know where they are at all times and make sure they are free from hazardous situations as well as you can, because of course, it's impossible. Just be aware of this. Similarly, romantic relationships will be buffeted on rocky shores because of something unexpected. Fear not, solid relationships will weather this. But yes, some romance will end. Meanwhile, travel appeals because you want to expand your horizons and experience new situations. Fortunately, things at work are solid and coworkers are supportive. You might get praise or even a raise! (Praise is nice but it doesn't pay the rent.)