This week, the most significant event is the New Moon in Taurus on Friday, May 6. Every month, the New Moon is in a different sign; and every month, the New Moon gives us a chance to make resolutions and set intentions to improve our lives. Read on to discover the area that you can focus on for your sign. Resolutions are important, even if we fail to keep them. They are a beginning because everything begins with a thought. From the thought springs the word. And from the word springs the deed. The deed soon becomes habit; and habit slowly hardens into character. This is why we have to watch our thoughts with care and make them loving and kind. (This is also why by the age of 50, we are responsible for our own face.)
The New Moon that takes place on Friday this week is all about money, cash flow, assets, wealth and your possessions. This is where you can improve in some way. Perhaps you can improve your earnings? You can either earn more at your current job or get a better paying job. What about saving more out of what you earn? (You save at the beginning; you don't wait for money to be left over.) And what about your attitude to money? If you think money is dirty and the root of all evil - you won't have much! Money is energy - a huge potential to do many things. And what is your relationship to the things that you own? Do you have so much they are a burden? Does your stuff own you instead of the other way around? And what about taking care of what you own? Remember: What goes around comes around. If you are generous to others, the world will be generous to you.
This week, the Sun, retrograde Mercury, Venus and the New Moon are all in your sign. The Sun energizes you and attracts opportunities and people to you. Fair Venus makes you charming, diplomatic and attractive. (This is the perfect week to buy wardrobe goodies.) Retrograde Mercury will drive you nuts because of silly errors, forgetful mistakes, delays and miscommunications. However, retrograde Mercury will also help you to reflect on past decisions and choices, which can be useful and informative. The New Moon is the only New Moon in your sign all year -- the perfect time to ask yourself what you can do to improve your appearance. Right or wrong, we are judged by our appearance. If you look the best you can, this is a gift for others. How do you feel if you see a friend coming toward you looking bedraggled and messy versus looking fantastic. Big difference!
So much is taking place behind the scenes because the Sun, retrograde Mercury, Venus and now the New Moon are all "hiding" in your chart. This means that the influence these planets trigger will be subconscious. And if you're consciously aware, then they will be subtle and not discerned by others. The placement of the Sun means this is the time for you to plan what you want your new year to be all about. Yes, think ahead! Set goals with deadlines. Venus indicates a secret love affair or a secret crush on someone. You might need to take care of a loved one who needs your help. If so, Venus will encourage selflessness and generosity on your part. Retrograde Mercury can help you discover answers to old questions. Mercury loves to research, which is why you will want to go off by yourself to think or study. The New Moon will make you ponder your spiritual values. Hmmm, a lot to think about this week! Fortunately, thinking is what you're good at.
Four planets now focus on your interactions with friends, groups, clubs and associations. You will be busy this week talking to friends plus working with groups. You might take on leadership role. You will certainly be keen to focus on goals and share your hopes and dreams for the future with others. This is a wise thing to do because their feedback will help you. Meanwhile, Venus ensures that relations with others will be warm and friendly. In fact, all group settings - business conferences, meetings and casual get-togethers will be blessed. You will like hanging out with creative, artistic types. Naturally, retrograde Mercury will attract friends and acquaintances from the past back into your world. The New Moon on Friday is your best chance in the year to ask how you can be a better friend to others. How can you improve your interactions with friends and groups?
A gaggle of planets is at high noon in your chart - the Sun, Venus, retrograde Mercury and the New Moon. This heavy concentration at the top of your chart means you are noticed by society at large. You are in the limelight and you look good to others, which is why you should take advantage of this influence. Go after what you want! Demand the advantage! In addition, it means you are also focused on the future and your life direction. For some, it means increased involvement with a parent. Venus will pave the way for all your relationships with parents, bosses and VIPs; however, Venus will attract people to you asking for your creative input about things (design, form, appearance etc.). Retrograde Mercury will put you back in touch with bosses and parents from your past - people you haven't seen for a while. How fitting that the New Moon now occurs urging you to examine your relationship with authority figures. What can you do to improve these relationships? What can you do to improve your attitude towards authority?
Strong feelings of escapism are with you now. You want to blow town! If you can travel, by all means do so because you need a change of scenery. You also want more adventure in your life; you want to learn something new and exciting! Yes, you want to grab life by the throat and rev the engines. Fortunately, fair Venus will attract opportunities for you to travel, and to travel for pleasure - oh yes! Venus might also encourage romance with someone from another culture or a different country. Meanwhile, this is the best time to finish school papers, a thesis, a book or any project you've been working on. This includes studies related to the law, medicine, publishing and the media. Use the energy of Friday's New moon to make resolutions about what further education and training would improve your life; and also, what further travel would enrich your world?
Money and possessions are on your mind now. You are concerned with debt, taxes, inheritances and insurance issues. In other words, your financial concerns are how your finances interact with others. Naturally, this includes your partner's money or anyone else's wealth if it impacts you. At a very basic level, you are trying to improve your life now. You want to be a better person. And in doing so, you want to use the resources of others to the best of your ability. You also want to reduce your debt and obligations. Fortunately, gifts, goodies and favours will come your way! Take advantage of this! Furthermore, you have a chance to clean up loose details. Many of you are also focused on your sex life because it is passionate, affectionate and rewarding. (Time for new lingerie?)
This large concentration of planets in one sign takes place in the area of your chart concerned with partnerships and close friendships. This is why you are so wrapped up in someone! The friendship might be platonic; or it might be hot, sizzling sex! The only downside is that you are tired and you need more sleep. Just recognize this fact and get more rest. Meanwhile, you will see ways you can improve your style of relating to others. Fortunately, Venus will make this easy for you because it means relationships flow smoothly right now. Many of you will have increased interaction with an ex-partner. (Mercury retrograde has a way of doing that.) Actually, this could be fortuitous because at the same time, as you might observe what went wrong with a previous relationship, the New Moon this week will encourage you to think of how you can improve your current partnerships. Yes, a chance to learn from the past.
You're so keen to get better organized! You want to be productive, effective, efficient; and you want to be fast and look great while you're doing everything. And why not? Because your standards are so high, this includes your health as well. Yes, you want to be bloody-well perfect! Examine your style of work to see how you can refine your techniques. Not only do you want to be physically efficient, you want to help others as well. Many of you will get a raise, or at least, praise at work now because you are doing your best. Unfortunately, retrograde Mercury will cause problems with delays, mistakes, mixed-up paperwork, lost items and confused communications. Aaaggghh. Just grin and bear it. Use this week's New Moon to think of ways you can improve your health. Many of you have a strong involvement with a pet at this time as well.
"Oh to be in England now that April's there." (Robert Browning was a Taurus who travelled a lot because he was Sagittarius Rising.) At this time, you want to slip away on vacation if you can because fun and pleasure are tops on your menu. You want to be free to do your own thing! Love affairs and romance will flourish. You'll enjoy social outings that include sports events and playful activities with children. Venus urges you to express yourself creatively. You feel relaxed because there is no need to pretend to be what you are not. Retrograde Mercury will attract old flames back into your world. This can be exciting. And the New Moon is the perfect opportunity to remind yourself to regularly appreciate your need for fun, pleasure and a chance to express your creativity. Don't just brush these things aside and focus on work. A well-balanced life needs creativity and play along with duty and obligation.
This cluster of planets - the Sun, Venus, retrograde Mercury and the New Moon are hovering at the bottom of your chart, making you focus on home, family and your private life. Interactions with a parent will be significant. You want to cocoon at home more than usual and enjoy being among familiar surroundings. However, Venus will encourage home decorating and home entertaining, especially with good food and drink! (Be on the lookout for real-estate opportunities as well.) Mercury retrograde is the perfect time for family reunions and get-togethers with relatives you haven't seen for a while. Mercury will also encourage tackling repairs to your home. Use the New Moon this week to make resolutions on how to improve your relationships with family members, as well as how to improve your home.
This is a busy time and you are on the go! Not only is your physical, daily pace accelerating, your mind is racing as well. This is why you will express your ideas clearly to others. You're happy to put your cards on the table. Meanwhile, as you look around you, you will delight in the beauty of your daily surroundings. And you will be pleased to note how much love there is in your daily world. People truly care! (You're so lovable.) The New Moon this week urges you to observe your style of communicating to others so you can see how you can improve. It's important to hear and to be heard. Unfortunately, retrograde Mercury will create havoc in your life with transportation delays, mixed up messages, errors and confusion. Oh well, nothing is perfect.