All Signs

The word retrograde is from Latin meaning to step backwards. I mention this just to remind everyone that Mercury is already slowing down getting ready to go retrograde on the 28th. Unfortunately, this means we must postpone big purchases like cars, trucks, computers and cell phones. The official retrograde is over on the 23rd but we're not reeeeally in the clear until June 8. It's interesting to know that by the end of this month, five planets will be retrograde - Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. (I don't regard retrograde motion as a major influence except for Mercury. But that's because I like my car to work. Ditto for my computer. I'm fussy that way.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week the Sun changes signs, which means you have a whole new perspective, namely - money, cash flow, earnings and a focus on your possessions. The bottom line is you want what you own to make your life work more smoothly. You want your wealth to work for you. Duh? This is a given! Therefore, take inventory of what you own. Make sure that things you like are in working order. Repair what you value. Consider what items you might like to own to enrich your life in a positive way. And finally, what can you do to boost your income? And in the same vein (different arm) how can you reduce squandering money?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For the next four weeks, the Sun will be in your sign. This is the only time all year this happens, which is why it's your birthday! However, this also means that the Sun will boost your energy and recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. It also has the power to attract favourable situations and important people to you that make your life easier. It's totally appropriate to put yourself first now and think about how you look, how you impact your world, what you want to do, what you want to be and where you want to go because it's all about you for the next month. Yes!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

At this time of year, it's best to be low-key. For one thing, your personal year is drawing to an end because your birthday is just a month away. Among other things, this means that the next four weeks are a perfect time to plan what you want your new year to be all about. Write down some goals and set deadlines with them. The deadline is the crucial thing. A deadline spurs action! Friendships are warm and affectionate now; however, with Mars opposite your sign, you must be patient with close friends and partners. This continues to be a wonderful time for you to make home improvements. In fact, some of your goals for your new year will include home and family.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

In the next four weeks, your focus will be on groups, clubs and organizations. You will also give more thought to your friendships. Because friendships will be more important, you will examine the role they play in your life. Ideally, this will grow the question - what kind of friend am I? Yeah, would you like to have you as a friend? The people we hang out with are a reflection of who we are. Furthermore, the people we hang out with will influence us and our decisions, which mean they ultimately, influence our future. And of course, the old adage is true - the only way to have a friend is to be one.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

For the next four weeks, the Sun is at high noon in your chart. This is the only time all year this happens; and it symbolizes that you are high viz. in the eyes of important people - bosses, VIPs, parents and the police. You are noticed! Not only that, this "spotlight" is flattering, which means others admire you more than usual even if you don't act differently. Hey, you can use this! Demand the advantage! Now is the time to make your pitch to the head honcho. This is also the perfect time to examine your life as a whole to see if you're going in the direction you want. You can still have a Five-Year Plan even if you don't know what you're going to have for dinner tonight.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You feel restless because it's starting to feel like you gotta get outta Dodge. You want to jet somewhere or watch those telephone poles going by on a road trip. Basically, this is because you're eager for adventure and a chance to expand your world. If you can't travel, you might be surprised at how thrilling it can be to be a tourist in your own city. I've tried it and it's fun. Another way you can expand your world is by learning something new. Sign up for a course. Attend a talk or a lecture. Enrich your life by meeting people from other backgrounds and different countries. Meanwhile, fair Venus continues to attract gifts, goodies and favours your way. People will buy you things or give you things. Romance will also be sweet and affectionate. Sigh.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Money, cash flow and earnings are on your mind now and will continue to be for the next four weeks. That's because you're trying to sort out things in your life; and much of it depends on how much money you're making now and how much money you hope to make in the future. Some of that might also be predicated on - how much money you hope to save in the future. But it all comes down to cash flow, earnings and how you are handling your assets. This could entail serious discussions about inheritances, shared property, taxes and insurance issues, as well. (Sure, two can live as cheaply as one, but only half as long.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week, the only Full Moon in your sign all year occurs on Thursday night. This is good to know because before every Full Moon, our problems tend to intensify. Then, after the Full Moon peaks, these same problems diminish or even disappear. Of course, you will be focused on partners and close friends because this is also the only time of the year when the Sun is directly opposite your sign; and this polarization causes you to focus more on partnerships and close friendships. However, it also means that you will need more sleep, because symbolically, the Sun is now as far away from you as it can get all year. Respect your need for more rest. Go to bed. Don't be grumpy.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're looking at a productive month ahead! For starters, both Mercury and the Sun motivate you to want to be better organized. Yes, you want to be efficient, productive and effective in all your actions! You want results for your efforts. That's because in the bigger picture, you feel the need to manage your life better. While you are focusing on physical efficiency, by extrapolation, you will focus more on your health. Time to buff that bod! Your chance to get outdoors excites you because all Sagittarians love to be outdoors. On top of this, fiery Mars is in your sign now and Mars rules your muscles and your blood - so you are pumped! "Look out world!"

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is perhaps the most playful month of the year for you. You are a hard-working sign, but now you will take time for love, romance, vacations, parties, social get-togethers, the arts, movies, the theatre, musical performances, sports events and playful times with children. Plan to have fun! In addition, seek out ways that you can express your creative talents because this will please you so much. Don't let the Full Moon on Thursday create problems with romantic partners, which it could. Remember love is blond; and patience is the antidote to anger. It was ever so.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your attention will definitely turn to home, family and your personal life for the next month. In fact, many of you will tackle home repairs, as well as have family meetings and get-togethers. This week, Thursday's Full Moon could trigger tension between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career or public reputation. Naturally, you can't ignore home and family. However, at this time, Mars continues to rev your energy with groups and friends, and attracts a competitive situation with someone. Fortunately, fair Venus makes you extra diplomatic and charming, which is why everyone loves you. Victor Hugo said, "The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved."

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You will notice that your daily tempo will accelerate in the coming month because you have a jam-packed schedule! Like, what's with that? Short trips, increased errands, much to-ing and fro-ing, as well as conversations with everyone will keep you off your heels. In addition, many of you will be reading, writing and studying more than usual. Yes, you're busy! But it will be fun busy. You are also ambitious to achieve a lot right now, which certainly adds to the mix. Fair Venus not only helps to boost your earnings now but wants you to spend money on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Hmmm, yes -- new summer sandals.