All Signs

This week Mercury moves into Taurus and Venus moves into Aries. In addition, we have the only New Moon in Aries all year taking place. Let's take a quick look at how these changes affect us. Some weeks, the changes are dramatic; some weeks they are minor. The same applies to a single day. Sometimes what happens between 10 AM to 11 AM makes very little difference; and on an unusual day, one hour might change your world. So let's think like an executive: Decide quietly and get someone else to do the work. (This is a bit different from the game of "Bureaucracy" where everyone stands in a circle and the first person to move loses.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a significant week because the Sun is in your sign; and on Tuesday, fair Venus moves into Aries to stay for three weeks. (Venus will not return to your sign again until Feb. next year.) To add to the mix, the only New Moon in your sign all year is also taking place on Thursday. The Sun will continue to invigorate you and attract people and favourable situations to you. Venus will make you especially charming, diplomatic and attractive to others; plus it means this is the best time of the year to buy wardrobe goodies! (Including glasses and hats.) The New Moon is your chance to make resolutions about how you want to make your life better. Wow! Shop for clothes, schmooze with others and make resolutions for your New Year.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

On Tuesday, Mercury moves into your sign where it will stay until mid June. Usually, Mercury is in one sign for about two weeks. Why this lengthy stay? You guessed it - Mercury is going to go retrograde at the end of this month (the 28th) and stay that way until May 22. "Holy Delays and Mistakes, Batman!" Actually, there is an upside to Mercury retrograde. (We know the downside is goofy mistakes, transportation delays and mixed-up communications to name just a few.) But the upside is that you will easily finish old business and wrap up staff already on your plate. Mercury retrograde is also an excellent time for introspection and self scrutiny. Sit quietly, perhaps light a candle, and ask yourself, "Where did all my money go?"

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This continues to be a busy, popular time for you. In fact, starting this week, the rest of the month will be even more fun because you will attract creative, artistic people to you. Not only that, you will be fond of the people you're hanging out with, perhaps to the point where a friend becomes a lover. This week is an excellent time to make long-range plans for the future, especially regarding partnerships. Remember that fiery Mars is opposite your sign now and will stay there until the beginning of June. Unfortunately, this tends to make you annoyed with others, especially those closest to you. Just be patient because by June, this irritating factor will not return again until the two months (August and September) of this year. Then after that, you won't experience it again until February 2018. That's ecouraging.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a lovely time for you because this is the only time all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart casting a flattering light on you This makes other people impressed with you, especially bosses and VIPs. Since this is the case, use this to your advantage. This week, fair Venus will also move to the top of your chart to join the Sun; thereby paving the way for successful negotiations with bosses, parents and authority figures. This adds a beautiful energy to the Sun making you even more attractive to others! This is why someone will ask for your advice about design, office redecorating, layout, gardening or how to make something look better. Some of you will even fall in love with someone older, richer or a mentor figure. Not too shabby.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week Venus joins the Sun in a part of your chart that spurs your desire to travel and "get away from all this." Of course, you want to travel for pleasure and good times. Imagine elegant hotels with perfect service. Leos are fond of fawning. In fact, you are so fond of fawning, you often fawn over others, but generally, you like it coming the other way. ("I think my daiquiri is warm.") If you cannot travel this week, it is definitely an excellent week to make plans for future vacations and travel. Some will also make plans for fun activities with kids. Romance with someone from another culture or a different country might also percolate. (That's the most fun way to learn a new language.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a passionate time for Virgos. Even before this week, your gonads were already in overdrive; but now, with Venus in the picture, your sex life will become more intense, more passionate and more affectionate for the rest of this month. Ay carumba! However, Venus also has another influence that will please and benefit you. It will attract money to you through your spouse, your partner or a financial institution. That's why this is an excellent month to ask for a loan or a mortgage (which might be great timing because many of you are into renovations or improvements at home). This is also a profitable time to enter into a business relationship with someone. Good to know.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Even you might be surprised at how aggressive, forthright and direct you are conversing to others now. You won't hesitate to ask for what you want or share your views. Take note: This bold approach will last for the whole month. Pow! This is why it's a good time for you to negotiate with others because this month Venus is opposite your sign, and Mercury is in one of your Money houses. This means it's time to roll up your sleeves and do some serious financial negotiations or wheeling and dealing that will ultimately benefit you at work and at home. This week is a good time to make long-range plans. You need to know where you want to live. And if you know this, then you need to repair or fix your home so it feels reliable and solid.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a productive time for you because not only are you motivated to clean up your act and back get better organized; you have the energy and drive to follow through on your plans. It's always twofold: you have to have the idea, the plan and the motivation; but to make anything a reality it takes energy, effort and probably some money. Everything in your chart points toward a successful outcome in whatever you do that is job-related or about getting better organized at home. Therefore, psych yourself up and begin. You can change your daily world just because you want to - it's that simple. Churchill said it was a mistake to look too far ahead. "Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It's your turn to play! (And many of you will do so for the rest of the month.) You must grab every opportunity to enjoy a vacation or a weekend getaway. Focus your energy on sports events, parties, social occasions, the arts, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry because this will give you the outlet you need right now for your pumped energy. Your enthusiasm needs a place to go! This is also an excellent time for romance, which means that some of you will strike up a new love with someone, while others will rekindle existing partnerships into something more playful and fun loving.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is the perfect time to focus on home, family and your private life. You will particularly enjoy entertaining at home, especially if you do some redecorating, which is on your mind. Some of you might also explore real-estate deals. It is a good idea to improve things at home because next year, your reputation will be stellar, which means you will be focused on career matters and dealing with the public. Your peers will respect you and want your input and assistance. Therefore, use this time to improve and strengthen your home scene so that you feel comfortable living in it and proud to show it. "Welcome to my humble abode."

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

For the rest of this month, you'll buzz at an accelerated, pace, talking to siblings, relatives and neighbours. It's a strong time for those who write, sell, teach and act because you are keen to express yourself. Someone older might have wise advice for you. Competition with a friend or perhaps even a group will continue until the end of the month. In addition, family discussions will be significant, which might encourage you to tackle home repairs. Meanwhile, this month, you can make money from your words and your writing. Ideas? (No worries. Writing is easy. You just stare at your keyboard until little drops of blood appear on your forehead.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

"Money, money, money!" This is a money month for you. You might spend more money than usual but you might earn more money as well. Trust your moneymaking ideas! And trust your impulses with your ideas on how to use your possessions to make your life easier. In fact, first and foremost, you can do is have a big favour by going through drawers, closets and cupboards and getting rid of junk and stuff you just don't use anymore. Recycle it, sell it, give it away or turf it. Make your world lighter! Once you get rid of things, you will attract what you really want to you. This is also a good time to make long-range plans about your life direction in general. Dig your well before you get thirsty.