All Signs

In the next few weeks, we will all feel a strong Neptune influence, which is both good and bad. Neptune is smoke and mirrors - dreams and illusions. It symbolizes that which is inaccessible but hoped for. It represents perfection. For example, Neptune is the music Beethoven heard; but Venus is what he wrote. We can never truly attain Neptune. (Especially in love!) Neptune inspires but also confuses us. It makes us believe in what isn't true and deny what is. It has rulership over everything that dissolves in water, which includes recreational drugs, pharmaceuticals and alcohol. It also rules oil and gas, the ocean - and our dreams. Mark Haggan dreamed that he wrote The Hobbit, but he was just Tolkien in his sleep. (I'm ducking now.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is an interesting week because lots of important planetary energy is hidden in your chart. "Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble!" What this means is that you will feel confused this week and not sure what's really going on. ("Where is my left-hand?") Obviously, secret love affairs, hidden business, private meetings and clandestine activities will occur. On the upside, you might make secret plans to travel, which is what you really want to do in the next three months. Expect your dreams to be more powerful. Even if you don't remember your dreams, when you wake up, you'll feel you been somewhere. And you have!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This Neptune influence will confuse issues with friends, groups and organizations. It might also affect your ability to set goals for the future. This strong Neptune influence will inspire you and confuse you. (Go figure.) For example, you might embrace lofty goals this month. You might want to climb Everest or discover the cure for cancer or open the best restaurant in the city. That's because your plans and your hopes are all mixed together, which is not a bad thing, really. However, confusion, even deception with friends or members of groups that you deal with, is also likely. Trust your gut instincts. If you think something fishy is going on - it is!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

In the next few weeks, you are super high viz.! Everyone will notice you and want to sit at your table. Specifically, bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will admire you. (In fact, you might begin a romance with your boss or someone older or more experienced.) You will also speak up more than usual. You have ideas and you want to be heard! Well, since you have a podium, why not use it? This is a good time to embrace ideals and decide to be the best that you can be, whatever age you are. (Hey, you will never again be as young as you are as you read these words. Factoid.) For the next three months, with Mars opposite your sign, you must be more patient with partners and close friends. If not - everyone loses.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your appreciation of beauty will be heightened during the next few weeks, which is why you should give yourself a chance to enjoy beautiful things and beautiful places. Visit art galleries, gorgeous, architectural buildings, museums and parks. Enjoy the arts created by other cultures and different countries. Likewise, you will be attracted to new ideas and belief systems. You might want to travel somewhere beautiful, especially for pleasure and an opportunity to learn something new. Be careful about embracing new ideologies that appeal to you, especially if they are something you normally would shun. (Don't kid yourself.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The influence of Neptune always confuses and clouds issues. And for your sign, this murky influence can affect your understanding of your involvement and shared property, taxes, debt, inheritances and insurance matters. When dealing with these areas, make sure you have your facts right. If you think someone is purposely misleading you, there's a good chance this is the case. Thoughts and fears about your own mortality might surface. Or you might fear becoming homeless or a bag lady. Crazy but true. Meanwhile, the next three months promise lots of opportunities to party, vacation, explore romantic connections and just have a good time! Yay! Playful activities with children will be rewarding.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Even in the best relationships, there is always confusion. Often what we hope for doesn't exist. And often what we fear doesn't exist. This month, these hopes and fears will be stronger, which is why they could lead to feelings of insecurity or false hope. This is a tricky time to enter into a partnership, especially if there are legal ramifications. You have to ask yourself very seriously if you know what you're doing. If everyone around you cautions you not to explore a particular relationship, you might want to listen to these warnings because it's very easy to kid yourself now. Be patient with family members because in the next three months, increased activity and chaos at home will occur. Aaggh!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

In the next few weeks, confusion on the job or with coworkers will occur. You might unwittingly forgive the bad behaviour of someone or refuse to see it for what it is. Paradoxically, you might make harsh judgments about someone based on nothing. Knowing this is possible, be very clear in all your relationships with coworkers this month because it's easy to see what you want to believe is there. Likewise, you worry about a health issue and blow something up completely out of proportion. Hopefully, people who are close to you will reassure you. You need to have your facts straight because you won't hesitate to state what you really want because your communication skills are stellar for the next three months.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Neptune is the inspiration behind all creative activities that begin with a vision. Therefore, creative activities will thrive this month because you can dream up so much and visualize what you want! The secret is to translate the abstract into the concrete. Are your ideas doable? The biggest downside with Neptune's influence now is that you might believe you are in love with someone but you might be in lust with them, or you might fabricate this potential relationship in your mind. So easy to do! Naturally, this generally leads to disappointment, doesn't it? While your head is in the clouds, keep your feet on the ground. ("Hi! I'm cute and I dress fast")

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The area of delusion, inspiration, confusion, deception, hopes and dreams for you in the next few weeks will be focused on home and family. It's important for you to know the boundaries of reality. What is possible and what is not possible. Are you expecting the impossible of a family member? In a healthy family, the scapegoat changes from one family member to another throughout the years. But in an unhealthy family, the scapegoat is always the same person. If you have to make important decisions about your home or a family member, remember that wishful thinking might cloud your logic this month.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Don't beat yourself up if you find yourself daydreaming a lot in the next few weeks or just lost in pleasurable reverie. This is par for the course with this strong Neptune influence. Your imagination will be heightened, along with your dreams. But you might act on assumptions or confusion when dealing with others, which will lead to problems. If you have to make an important decision or take a clear line of action, try your best to be realistic and not just caught up in pie-in-the-sky thinking. Those who write, dance, teach and act can use this influence to colour and flesh out whatever you're doing. You will have to strive to be as clear as you can in all your communications - definitely.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Be alert (the world needs more lerts) in the next few weeks because this confusing, Neptunian influence can affect your finances. You might think you're richer than you are; you might think you're poorer than you are. You might convince yourself that a new financial deal is a sure thing, but it's not. In fact, if you are about to overextend yourself financially, be very careful. Likewise, when shopping, you will be tempted to buy something elegant, luxurious and more than what you might usually buy. If this is the case, stop and think. At least, make sure you can return the item or undo the sale. Don't kid yourself about your money, especially money that you're counting on.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

An unusually strong influence is taking place now for your sign. You will notice this right away in your dreams. When you wake up, you will still have that otherworldly feeling that you just came from someplace else. Those of you who remember your dreams will be surprised at how vivid and lucid they are. Relationships are the main area where you can kid yourself now. You might think you have met the perfect person (and you are inclined to do this, aren't you?) You easily put someone up on a pedestal because you like to see what you want to see. This tendency will be magnified in the next few weeks so be aware of this just to protect yourself. Be on guard.