The Sun is in Aquarius and Mercury, Venus and Pluto are in Capricorn. Mars is hovering (on and off) in Scorpio until August. (Most unusual! Typically, Mars is in one sign for just six weeks.) Saturn is in Sagittarius until 2018; and lucky Jupiter continues in Virgo until Sept. Tra la, tra la! This week, three notables occur: On Mon. we have the only New Moon in Aquarius all year. On Tues./Wed., Venus and Jupiter create a happy dance for us. And on the weekend, Mars lines up with Jupiter to energize everyone and we welcome this energy! (Which for some reason reminds me of the definition of "abdicate" which is to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.)
This is a positive week for your work. For those of you who are retired, this applies to any work you do. Not only will you have energy to accomplish things, but the resources that you need, especially toward the end of the week, will be available. This could include money, products or physical assistance. This is also a good time to make a great impression on bosses and people in authority. In fact, the impression you create will be so favourable, some of you might strike up a flirtation or new romance with this person. The thing to remember is that you make a great impression on VIPs now, so use this to your advantage!
Travel looks very sweet right now. In particular, you will want to travel for pleasure. These vibes are so favourable, some of you might also strike up a romance with someone from another country or a different culture. This is also a great week to explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You will also do well at courses or anything to do with higher education. Meanwhile, as the week progresses, minor irritations with partners and close friends will diminish because you might be involved with others, and this involvement acts as a buffer. Remember that you are high viz. right now because the Sun is at the top of your chart. People notice you!
You are still eager to blow town and discover adventure because you need a change of scenery. However, this week, gifts, goodies and favours from others will come your way. And yes, some of these favours could be sexual and intimate because you feel very affectionate in a cozy way. Oh yeah. By the end of the week, your energy to work is all systems go. You will be keen to give something your best shot, not only because you have the energy to do so, but also because you are enthusiastic about something. Matters related to your job and business in general look excellent. (There are always two reasons for doing anything - a good reason and the real reason.)
You are juggling a number of things now. Part of you, is keen to improve yourself or become a better person. This is something you might think about when you lie in bed at night. Yes, it might be wishful thinking but everything begins with a thought, right? Yet, another part of you is keen to socialize and party this week. Early in the week you will want to schmooze with others, especially close friends and partners. You'll even enjoy members of the general public. But by the weekend, you are really in party mode! Enjoy sports events, the theatre, movies, the entertainment world, playful times with children and just eating and drinking too much. Oy vey. (Never eat more than you can lift.)
I repeat - you need more sleep! Take naps or go to bed early - whatever. This is the one time of year when your energy is flagging and you must respect it. Most Leos tend to think they are super heroes, and therefore, they abuse their own health by ignoring their needs. (Not you, of course.) Your focus on partnerships and close friendships continues. Everything at work and even your health is doing well now. Regarding health, be careful of overdoing it with sweets and rich food at the beginning of the week. So hard to resist, especially if they are excellent. And you do excellent very well. You will improvements to your home at the end of the week.
Your desire for perfection continues. You want good health, efficiency and productivity. But hey, any improvement will be a wonderful. Do take time from your busy pace because this week is full of marvellous opportunities to express your creativity. Early in the week, you want to party! Romance will blossom. But this same influence also encourages artistic creativity. By the end of the week, your communication skills are stellar. (Very strong weekend for those who sell, market, teach, act or write.) Therefore, in the midst of your efforts to get organized - take time out to get in touch with your creative vibes. You don't have to be a professional. The magic is in the doing - not the product. We are verbs not nouns.
This is one of the most playful months of the year for Librans! You want to party, vacation, go on romantic dates, be involved with sports events and enjoy playful times with children. It's all about fun and pleasure! This week however, you want to redecorate and make where you live more attractive. (More than any other sign you are affected by your environment. Bad lighting, awful spells - yuk! You want and need harmonious, attractive, appealing surroundings.) This is a great week to entertain at home. It's also a good time to explore real-estate deals. The weekend is excellent for business and commerce. If shopping, caution against going overboard with extravagant choices. (So little time!)
Even though home, family and your private world are your primary focus this month, this week you are hopping! You've got things to do, people to see and places to go! Whether you are aware of it or not, you will be diplomatic and charming with everyone. In fact, your communication skills are so refined, this is a great week for writers, salespeople and anyone who relies on communicating for a living. You will also appreciate your daily surroundings more, including the people in your life. By the end of the week you are super pumped with energy because Mars in your sign will get a zap from lucky Jupiter. This lifts your spirits and gives you joie de vivre! "Garcon!"
This is a busy month for you. Short trips, conversations with others and a jam-packed schedule will keep you off your heels. However, this week in particular, business deals look great. This is an excellent time for financial discussions and negotiations. You might also make some important purchases that really please you. Some of you might get a better job or boost your earnings in your current job. By the end of the week, something behind the scenes will quietly surprise you and make you feel happy! Whatever it is will ultimately promote your good name among your peers. You can't lose!
Money is on your mind this month. This might be due to the fact that this is an excellent time (and it really is) for you to buy wardrobe goodies. Don't be such a sucker for labels. Just buy whatever makes you look terrific. (Yeah, yeah, you can spot a Louis Vuitton at 10 paces.) It's important for your sign to feel good about your appearance because you value the respect of others. And it is no question that in today's society, appearances count. Mark Twain pointed out that clothes really make the man because you don't see nude people sitting in boardrooms. Group activities this weekend will be upbeat and pleasing. They might also be competitive. If so, you will probably win. Yay!
You are powerful now because the Sun is in your sign. (This is the only month of the year where you have this advantage so make use of it.) This week, something behind the scenes will bless you. Someone might give you something or let you use something they own or do a favour for you. Negotiations about shared property, inheritances, taxes and debt will go in your favour. By the end of the week, you shine! You have been ambitious lately because Mars is high in your chart. Well, this weekend, Jupiter will magnify the energy of Mars making you look powerful, competent, capable and successful! (Wow, even I'm impressed.)
Because your birthday will arrive soon, you are in the wings, waiting. The best way to use this time is to decide what you want to achieve in your new year (birthday to birthday). Write down some goals with deadlines. Meanwhile, friendship is important to you this week. Enjoy hanging out with a friend or dealing with a group. In fact, a friend could become a lover. Younger, creative and artistic people will be in your life. By the end of the week, you want to travel! Others will explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. This is a lovely time for your sign. Enjoy!