All Signs

Mercury Retrograde is over this week, which means the resurrection of the past coming back to haunt us will diminish. Plus the sheer inefficiency and stupidity of silly errors and mistakes (including transportation delays) will abate. Nevertheless, if you want to buy a computer, cell phone, car, truck or bike - wait until after Mercury catches up to the degree it was at when it first went backward (relative to Earth) and that date is Valentines! Incidentally, for romantic Valentines plans, Saturday the 13th is a better night for fun and pleasure than Sunday, which is Valentines Day. (And Tues, Feb. 9, is a fantastic evening to schmooze!) Hmmm, this prompts my fav reminder: Hear no evil, see no evil, date no evil.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This continues to be a popular time for you. Enjoy schmoozing with others and make a point of talking about your hopes, dreams and goals for the future with someone because their feedback will help you. Midweek is lovely. In fact, Wednesday is a great day for work travel or doing anything to expand positive contacts at your job. It's also a good time to explore anything that will promote your health. Friday is a crunchy day for talking to bosses, parents and VIPs. Hold your Aries temper then or you will regret it. Disputes and concerns about shared property, taxes, debt and anything you own jointly with others continue to haunt you. Is there no justice?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

With the Sun still high in your chart, people notice you now. Furthermore, they are impressed with you, so continue to use this to your best advantage. Ya think? Travel for pleasure still looks strong; however, on Friday, something might glitch your plans or you might have a quarrel with someone about travel plans or anything related to publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. Meanwhile, take note: Wednesday is a fabulous night for dinner plans, parties, sports events, social occasions and playful times with kids! Yes, you will have to continue to be patient with partners and close friends. Oy vey.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The placement of Mars right now gives you high energy, and this will continue for months! Lucky you! This week you are keen to blow town and discover adventure. You want something fresh and new to stimulate your life. Make a note that real-estate deals look good midweek, especially Wednesday. In fact, Wednesday is a great day to entertain at home or buy something to make your home nicer. Good time to invite the gang over for pizza and beer (or crab cakes and Pinot Blanc). People are generous to you right now, which is a good thing. However, tread carefully on Friday because conversations about shared property, inheritances and such are downright pushy! Be patient.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Life is intense for you right now. It's just what it is. You might be on a self-improvement kick. You might be focused on shared property, inheritances taxes and debt. You might also be caught up with your sex life. (Was that laughter I heard?) If you are discussing contentious subjects with partners and close friends - avoid Friday because Friday is a crunchy day, especially in your relations with others. Don't let others push you around; and likewise, don't be pushy with others. Fortunately, Wednesday is a lovely time to take a short trip and enjoy the company of others, especially siblings and relatives. Just have a good time! Bake a cake!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

With the Sun still opposite your sign this week, you will need more sleep. No question. That's because the Sun is the source of your energy and the Sun is now as far away from you as it gets all year. This weakened state will last until February 19. All you can do is try to get more sleep and respect your health. Leos who have Virgo in their charts are keen about wellness; nevertheless, Leo is a sign that tends to push themselves by trying to do everything, which means their health can suffer. You know who you are. Money deals look fantastic on Wednesday. This is an excellent day for business and commerce. However, Friday is a day to be patient, diplomatic and not let others get under your skin.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You wish you could be perfectly organized with a colour-coded closet and alphabetized books, CDs, whatever. Alas, this is rarely the case because you are a frail mortal like everyone else. Nevertheless, the placement of the Sun right now and in February will make you want to get better organized. You will want to be efficient, effective and productive. You will want to get the most bang for your back in terms of your energy. Make a note to be sweet and charming on Friday when dealing with romantic partners, children and social situations because you will be challenged! However, Wednesday is perfect for good times. (Caution about going overboard.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

To begin with, this is a fabulous time for you to party and enjoy vacations. This lovely blessing will last for you until mid to late February, which means it's your turn to live it up, baby! With this in mind, make note that this Wednesday is a charming day to schmooze. Go for dinner, invite people over or do whatever you like to do to have a good time with friends and loved ones. By contrast, Friday is touch and go, especially at home or with family members. Avoid arguments that day. You're working hard to earn money now and you are spending it freely as well because good times are tops on your list! Make hay while the Sun shines!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Well, you are certainly feisty aren't you? This is because by nature, you are already a strong-willed, focused individual but now with fiery Mars in your sign, you are going to be gangbusters until August. Look out world! Use this increased energy to accomplish as much as you can because you will not always have this to rely on. Home, family and your private life continue to be your primary focus. However, Wednesday, especially in the evening, is a lovely time to enjoy the company of others and schmooze with friends and groups. By contrast, pull in your reins on Friday to avoid arguments with siblings, relatives and daily contacts. Yikes!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your busy pace continues because you have short trips, errands and lots of people to see. Fortunately, you like some action, which means you can handle this with ease. This is also a strong time for writers, actors, teachers and those of you in sales and marketing because you are keen to enlighten others with your views. On Wednesday, especially later in the day, you make a fabulous impression on bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. Milk this for all it's worth. However, on Friday, caution against financial disputes or problems with a possession or something you own. Keep a low profile and don't let anyone bully you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Money, earnings, cash flow and your assets in general are your primary focus now. This is nothing you take for granted because you are serious about your security. Well, so is everyone - but you, especially so. You should know that right now Mercury, Venus and Pluto are in your sign; and there will be a squeeze play for you on Friday this week. Knowing this ahead of time, you can plan to be calm and diplomatic and not caught up in someone's insanity (especially your own). You have lots of high energy now, especially dealing with groups and friends, which means be careful about coming on too strong. Meanwhile, Wednesday is a lovely day to travel and expand your world in some way. Enjoy! Find someone to take you for an ethic dinner.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This continues to be one of the most powerful times of the year for you because the Sun is in your sign where it will stay until February 19. Make the most of this because it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. In addition, fiery Mars is at the top of your chart until August, which ignites your ambition in a major way! Business and commerce are favoured on Wednesday. This is also an excellent day to discuss inheritances and shared property because whatever happens will be in your favour. (Nice!) By contrast, Friday is a crunchy day. Keep your head down and your powder dry.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a low-key time for you because you are waiting in the wings for the Sun to enter your sign, which will not happen until February 19. Until then, this is the perfect time to strategize and plan what you want your new personal year to be i.e. birthday to birthday. Travel plans will almost certainly be in the picture because for most of this year, Pisces will travel and pursue opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and anything to do with further training and higher education. Make plans to schmooze with partners and close friends this Wednesday because it's a party day, especially in the evening. (Friends don't let friends drive naked.)