All Signs

Last weekend, I went to town. (I live on an island, so when I take the ferry to the city, I "go to town.") I found myself telling a number of people, especially Taurus people, how much better their life is going to be; and how the difficulties they experienced since 2012 will not return for 30 years. So even though I referred to this phenomenon recently, I want to reiterate how important this shift of Saturn leaving Scorpio is. Since 2012, the placement of Saturn has been difficult for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs now feel relief! But note: all 12 signs fall in three categories: Fixed, Cardinal and Mutable. When Saturn is in a Fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) - it's tough. This means everyone will feel a sense of relief. (Please remove this label before use.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This shift of Saturn means that you are out of boot camp - finally! You've been in boot camp since 2012. During this time, you have learned how to stand on your own two feet. You have had to get along with less support, financial, practical and otherwise from partners and close friends, companies and institutions. You have survived all of this stress, and time of diminished support, and difficulty in raising money from other sources. Now you move into new phase of your life, which is much easier because for starters, you're out of boot camp. And secondly, Saturn is now in your fellow Fire Sign offering you so much support that your whole life will run smoothly. It means that the circumstances of your outer life and your inner world are working together. Obviously, you have to take advantage of this in the next two to three years, and accomplish as much as you possibly can. Quite likely, you will win recognition from others for your achievement. Bravo!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Life is definitely going to get easier for you - no question. This is what I've been saying for the last week to every Taurus I met. This is because since 2012, Saturn has been directly opposite your sign. When Saturn is opposite your sign - it creates a real obstacle. And in most cases, this obstacle manifests as difficulties with partnerships and close friendships. In part, this is because you demanded to deal with people on your own terms, the way you expect things to be. This is why many of you left friendships and partnerships in the last few years. Now and in the future, Saturn will teach you how to best use your resources so that you are financially independent. Vacations, parties, romance and fun times are on the menu for you this year. How will you handle this?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

In the last few years, Saturn has made you work hard. At times, you felt overwhelmed - but you survived. Now, for the first time since 2001, you are stepping up to the plate to take your power. However, by doing so, you might upset the apple cart with existing relationships, which always have an unwritten law about how the relationship actually works. And you are not going to back down - oh no. This means you will deal with the reality of how much you're willing to compromise to keep a relationship versus is this relationship worth keeping? Even coworkers and close friends will make demands that give you pause. (Little furry ones.) Fortunately, this year, Jupiter will be at the bottom of your chart boosting joy, happiness, wealth and good times for your family and your home. For many of you, this is a softening and welcome influence.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You are now leaving behind a time where life has taken on a sober quality, especially with respect to romance. This is one reason you will find your optimism growing on a daily basis. Without any apparent cause, you will feel happier, lighter, and you will look forward to each day more than you have for over a decade. Surrounding circumstances will also encourage you to decide to buckle down and work hard because you see this is the only way you are going to get what you want. And it's true. Einstein said, "Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work." Who can disagree with Big Al? Continue to focus on home and family right now, especially home repairs. Many of you will boost your income; and all of you will buy lovely treasures for yourself and loved ones. Ka-ching!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo is a Fixed sign. This means you are one of the four signs that feel a huge relief - just in the last few days! This relief will continue because this particular stress - the stress that you have felt since 2012 - is gone for another 30 years. Glory hallelujah! And of course, with opportunities to boost your income and earn more money - naturally, you feel happy because Leos hate to be broke. They are generous; they love to entertain; they love to give gifts; and they love vacations and fun getaways. "Come on in --the water's fine!" All this takes moolah. Yes, many fun-loving Leos have trouble acting their wage. They flaunt it even when they don't "got it!" However, now Saturn will be a support for you, making your life easier! It will be a good time to build your physical strength. This also be a good time to win recognition for your achievements. When approaching creative projects, you will have more discipline.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Of course, things are going to be lovely for you because lucky, moneybags Jupiter is in your sign for a whole year. You're laughing! And then a year later, it starts to boost your income! You wanted more? Meanwhile, this new placement of Saturn in your chart makes you want to solidify your home base and create an anchor for yourself in the world - something you know you can rely on. Something that will be a refuge for you and your family. This is why some of you will build a home, or renovate a home or do major repairs to where you now live. A few of you might even move one more time but the bottom line is that you are willing to take on increased responsibility and hard work so that you feel more secure in the world because of the physical, practical support of your home.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

In many ways, you are entering a time of preparation for things to come. Initially, you will find that you have opportunities to meet with teachers or take courses or encounter friends who encourage you to explore your inner world more. The philosophy books all say that "Know thyself" is the big answer. (Especially if you've lost your ID and can't remember your name.) These inner journeys will prompt you to ask questions about your values and what you want in life. And working hand-in-hand with this influence, is another influence that will create big change in your daily world. This change could be due to a residential move or a job change or even both. All of this is happening because you are now putting the final touches on the new you, which you began around 2010. "We're ready for your close-up, Miss Garbo."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is a time of obvious relief for you. In fact, the relief might be actually palpable, as if a load were taken off your shoulders. Since 2012, you have set out on a new journey of reinventing yourself - and now, you're moving forward, faster, easier, and in particular, you want to establish meaningful values for yourself. This is your quest. You want guidelines. You want to know what really matters. You don't want to waste your life. These are all big questions to deal with. Fortunately, this year will be popular for you, in part, because these questions will drive you to join clubs, groups, associations and classes where you will meet all kinds of new people! It will be totally fitting for you to share your hopes and dreams for the future with these people to get their feedback. It's all grist for the mill.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The last time Saturn was in Sagittarius was from 1986-89. And here it is again. One thing that certainly makes it easier for you is that you have come through the night of the dark soul, which has been going on since 2012. It created various levels of dissatisfaction and doubt within you so that you gave up people, places and possessions - searching for something in the future to replace what you were letting go of. This is damnably confusing! Now your future is clear inasmuch as you are finally on your path. It's all systems go. You might not be sure where it will end up, but I can tell you that you will reinvent yourself in the next seven years. And as usual, lucky Sagittarius that you are, as you set off on this journey, your ruler Jupiter is at the top of your chart giving you divine protection and promoting your reputation with everyone. You've got it made in the shade!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's interesting to see two different influences at play in your chart now. On one hand, you want to travel and explore the world. You might also want to go back to school or get further education because you want to learn more so that your life is enriched. Meanwhile, another influence is urging you to dismantle much of what you created since 2003. This means giving up people, places and possessions -- downsizing so that you are light on your feet and ready to move. Move? Move where? Perhaps this is what you will discover in your travels in the coming year. These travels might be afar, or they might be surprisingly close to home. But they will introduce you to fresh new possibilities for your future. Exciting!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Whether you can line dance or not - you feel like doing a jig because Saturn is no longer at odds with you, like it's been for the last three years. You're free! Ironically, it is your freedom that you will have to protect. At this time, many people are making demands on you and there's only one of you; and there's only 24 hours in the day. You can't be all things to all people all the time. So you have to give this some serious thought. You have to satisfy the demands of some people, and yet, at the same time, serve yourself. You have demands. And you have the right to have demands for yourself, don't you? So your challenge now is to find that subtle compromise between giving and taking. Meanwhile, your partner or spouse will earn more money and be more supportive to you in the coming year. The year ahead is also an excellent time to get a mortgage or ask for a loan. (Sure money talks - but it generally says "Goodbye.")

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is an important life peak for you. Depending on your age or at what stage of your life you are at, this could be a supreme career peak. It might also be a time of graduation, or your first major job, or a great promotion. But one thing is certain: now and in the next few years, you are going to experience something that makes you feel proud of your accomplishments. Ta da! "I did it!" This year, one thing that will help you in this regard is the fact that all your friendships and partnerships are beautifully blessed. In fact, the next 12 months are the perfect time to get married or to begin a major partnership. Admittedly, you are easily annoyed with partners and close friends at the moment (because Mars is opposite your sign) but that will be gone by mid-November. So until then, remind yourself that Mars is making you impatient, which is why you can consider this an opportunity to practice patience. After all, you can't practice patience when everything is just hunky-dory.