This week mighty Saturn moves into Sagittarius where it will stay until 2018. Saturn represents the way we program our lives at a fundamental, practical level. The real deal. Although it is often associated with limitations, challenges and restrictions, in point of fact, Saturn is always helping us get what we want in our life. The so-called loss that Saturn brings are simply things we no longer need. Saturn is a major wake-up call -- a reality check. Wherever Saturn is in our chart shows us where we have to pay attention and deal with things. This is why Saturn is called the Great Teacher. It's been said, and it's a thought-provoking notion, that if you educate a man, you educate an individual; but if you educate a woman, you educate a family. Oh well - old teachers never die, they just grade away.
Saturn has a 30-year cycle. As it changes signs this week, it indicates that you are moving into a stage of your life where you are preparing and getting ready, in every sense of the word, for an important time of culmination beginning in 2018. At that time, something important to you will occur. It will be something that makes you feel proud - a meaningful achievement. It could be graduation; it could be marriage; it could be fame or a huge promotion. Whatever it is, it will be a time of accomplishment! Therefore, now is the time to think of what further training or education you can get to prepare for this. Perhaps travel will enrich your life and give you a cosmopolitan sophistication that sets the stage for what is to come.
Life will get easier for you as Saturn changes signs this week because since the latter part of 2012, it has been directly opposite your sign. (Gulp) This opposition is never easy and it is something that happens only once every 30 years. The good thing about it was that it signalled that you were entering a phase of your life where you are dealing more successfully with your external world. And this has happened. You are out there with your colours flying, taking your power, and starting to show the world what you can or cannot do. However, since 2012, your relations with partners, spouses and close friends have been tested. This is why those relationships that demanded more than they were worth fell by the wayside. In this respect, in the next few years, you will be standing on your own two feet because the support from others - practical, financial, whatever, has been withdrawn. Now, and in the next few years, you must understand the terms of your relationships and live up to them.
There's good news and there's bad news about this shift of Saturn moving opposite your sign. The good news is it represents the completion of a 14-year process where you redefined who you were as a person, and figured out where to live and what it is that you wanted to do. All of this took place "under the table" because it was a personal journey. Now you will step up to stand "on top of the table"- major difference! Huge! This means you are starting to take your power and your focus will go away from your inner journey of the last 14 years, to a new journey where you focus more on the external qualities of your world. Because this is a big change in the balance of power in relationships, your closest partnerships and friendships will be threatened. So the bad news is that relationships that are more trouble than they're worth will end. All relationships will undergo a major readjustment because you are changing, and along with your personal change - the unwritten rules of the relationships you're in will also change. It's a breakout year for Geminis!
As Saturn changes signs this week, it signifies that you are entering a two to three-year window where you will work very hard to get things in order. The reason you will work hard - and you will bust your buns! - is you are getting ready for a debut of sorts. In order to make your debut have its strongest impact, you really have to pull your act together now and in the next few years. In a way, your effectiveness as a human being will be tested. Since 2003, you have reinvented yourself; and by 2010-2012, you worked hard to solidify your home base. Your home, your nest, is very important to you. (Ya think?) But all of these efforts have been in your private life. No matter what your age, for some reason, everything you do in the next two years leading up to 2018, will bear fruit. Protect your health so that you are strong and capable.
This shift of Saturn is good news for your sign because Saturn is the symbol of work, support and construction; and now that it is moving into your fellow Fire sign, it means it will more easily offer you support for anything that you want to construct. Your future plans, especially regarding children and creative projects, will unfold more easily. Much more easily! Actually, this includes involvement with sports, especially professional sports, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. In these areas of your life, everything will flourish because they will encounter fewer obstacles. Like a hot knife slicing through butter. Things just flow more easily! This is fortuitous because (Hello?) you are also entering a 12 to 18 month window where you will boost your earnings. It's all coming together! Yes!
Sometimes when Saturn changes signs, it's of lesser impact in our lives - and other times it's more significant. This is one of the more significant changes for you because Saturn will now be travelling through the bottom of your chart - the area that denotes home, family and your personal world. Since Saturn is all about solidity and strength, without question, the demand of the next two years is that you solidify your home base in terms of home and family. You might change residences, yet again. Or, if you like where you live, then you will work to fix it up and repair it, so that you feel it is reliable. This is the key word. You want a home that is reliable. You want your home to be a refuge for you and your family. You might also find yourself being more involved with a parent or the responsibilities of taking care of a parent. Conversely, you might play a parental role to someone. This is because Saturn will be sitting in the foundation of your chart - wanting you to strengthen and secure this foundation. This is also a time of new beginnings for many of you, which is most fortuitous considering that lucky Jupiter is in your sign for the next year. How suite it is!
Between 2008-2012, many of you gave up places, people and possessions. That's because you set off on a new journey around 2012-2013. One aspect of this journey was that it was the process of you reinventing yourself. And in this process of reinventing yourself, you now enter a phase where you will put on the final touches of the "new you." These touches are about how you relate to others - how you communicate to people - how you speak to them, and also how you listen to them. For this process to mature, quite likely, you will change your daily milieu. Your workspace will change, or your residence will change, or both. And it is this change that will force you to really look, see and listen with fresh, alert senses. Be open to what this change might be in your life. (But never take a fence down until you know why it was put up in the first place.)
You will feel a great sense of relief starting this week as Saturn moves away from your sign. In the bigger picture, it was an indication that several years ago, you began a new 30-year cycle. You are still in the first leg of this journey, which lasts about seven years, and consists of you reinventing yourself. But the beginning stretch, when Saturn was quite literally in your sign, was a time of heavy responsibilities. Oy vey. You were singing the Song of the Volga Boatmen. "Once more, once more! Yo heave ho!" (You get the picture.) Now your focus turns to money, earnings, your job and your wealth and assets. You will wonder what you're worth, and what you can earn, and what is possible? But at the bottom of it all, what you're really wondering is what are your values? What really matters in life? This is what you have to ascertain in the next few years.
This shift of Saturn into your sign will affect you, perhaps more than any other sign. The last time Saturn was in your sign was from Nov. 1985 until Feb. 1988. This is a defining moment for you. But to be more specific, it is the beginning of you redefining who you are. It could introduce a change in your life that is drastic enough that you even change your daily wardrobe. As you set off on this new 30-year journey, the first thing you will do is to reinvent yourself in the next seven years. You will ask yourself what you really want and need. You will begin to restructure your life to satisfy this question. It will be a time of looking inward, which is why it's the perfect time to explore psychotherapy, consciousness-raising groups and such. Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter is at the top of your chart for a whole year boosting your reputation in the eyes of bosses and VIPs. You couldn't pick a better time to get this endorsement!
Your sign is nearing the end of this 30-year Saturn cycle, which first began in the late 80s. Now you will enter a window of 2 to 3 years, where you will begin to dismantle much of what you created since 2003. That's why you will start to go through closets, garages, attics and storage areas to get rid of what is no longer relevant in your life. In the next few years, you will be giving up people, places and possessions. This does not mean everything has to go. Au contraire! The loss you experience will only be the things that you no longer need. In other words, you will be getting rid of deadwood. So do not think of it as loss but rather, as a time of lightening up and freeing yourself to go forward in 2018 into a completely new world! And of course, you will go through this time very sensibly because you hate waste. And you love organization. You will do this beautifully!
This is a wonderful time for Aquarians. In the next year, you will receive benefits from the wealth and resources of others because Jupiter will ensure this. You might receive an inheritance, or your partner might earn more money, which indirectly benefits you. Meanwhile, Saturn is also changing signs, indicating that you will have to work to establish a delicate balance between putting out energy to satisfy the demands of others, and yet, making sure you have enough energy for your own life, so that you are not shortchanged. In other words, everyone wants a piece of you! (You are at the mercy of your own success!) So your task is to integrate your individuality with some kind of group expression. It's time to work with others and learn to be successful in team efforts. It's not just about you; and it's not just about them, either. It's about Dr. Who.
According to the traditional interpretation of the 30-year journey of Saturn, you are entering a time in your life, which is considered to be a career peak or a life peak - a time of culmination. Where you have planted seeds well, you will see the fruition of your efforts. Where you have made mistakes, you will also see these results. In other words, you will see clearly what is working and what is not. Do not obsess with what is not working. Just get rid of it and move on. (Your first loss is your cheapest loss.) This is the time of many responsibilities, but for most of you, it will be a time where you achieve something that makes you proud. You may not yet see what this will be (or it could be obvious) - but you will be proud of your achievements. The only danger of this time is that you might be so focused on your prestige, status and success that you overlook your personal life. Traditionally, this is considered to be one of the most rewarding times in your life because you have earned it. Bravo!