All Signs

This week, the Sun moves into Leo for the first time in a year introducing a playful energy in the world because Leo governs the theatre, show business, the entertainment world, sports and children. Oh, let's not forget romance, romance, romance! For the next four weeks, expect a focus on romantic adventures, playful times with children, sports plus the entertainment world and the arts. We should all make plans to schmooze and have fun! Hey - grab the courage to ask someone for a date. Take the plunge, (but return it by Thursday). Enjoy this last ride of Jupiter in Leo before it leaves on August 11 not to return until 2026. (Do not resist temptation - it might not come your way again.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Expect a fantastic month ahead, because the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are all working with you in a favourable way. This means things will be pleasant and easy-going. You might want to just kick back and relax and do nothing. However, why miss a wonderful creative potential, which is enormous for your sign? Yes, you can enjoy good health and a feeling of well-being. But reach out! Your self-confidence is strong in the coming month. Explore the arts, crafts, sports, playful times with children, the theatre and parties and social entertainment. Find a fun hat to go with your shades!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You've been aware that this is a fabulous year for real-estate opportunities. Plus a good time to improve your home, your living arrangements and your relationships with family. In other words, everything to do with home, family and your private life can be beautifully enriched. The next four weeks will intensify this already existing, favourable influence. Now your focus will switch to home, family, your private life, and perhaps, a stronger interaction with a parent. Enjoy redecorating and refurbishing your home. Caution about coming on too strong with others. Lighten up and enjoy your surroundings.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It's been busy with social interactions, especially siblings, relatives and neighbours. Many of you have been reading and writing more than usual, as well. Nevertheless, as impossible as this sounds, in the next four weeks, your life will get even busier and more fast-paced! This is because you have something you want to say to others - you want to enlighten someone. (Don't leave home without your soapbox.) This means you will be more aggressive about socializing with others - you will reach out to them. Obviously, this is great if that's your job - selling, marketing, acting and teaching. But all of you will be very chatty talking to others this month. (Tie them up and tell them jokes.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your focus on money, cash flow, possessions and assets will be even stronger in the next four weeks. And while you'll be full of moneymaking ideas, and lending practical, hands-on energy to making money; all of this focus on money will prompt you to be a bit more philosophical. Obviously, you need money and wealth so you're not worried about shelter and food and how to pay your exorbitant cell phone bill. But wise teachers have said that the more money and power you have - the more problems you have. So somewhere in the middle is the perfect balance. Have you ever wondered where that balance is? What makes you happy?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Life has been a Leo roller coaster lately for all signs, not just you. Venus in Leo (briefly in Virgo) has introduced an overall tone of fun, pleasure, parties, sports and playful times with children for this summer. Naturally, this makes you more sociable, friendly and romantic. This is also the last run of Jupiter in Leo until 2026, so enjoy it while you can. In the next few weeks, the Sun, Mercury, and soon Mars, will also be in Leo. This means you can make hay while the Sun shines. Use this advantageous time to do something that's important to you. Doors will easily open for you; everyone wants to sit at your table. These are advantages that you can build on - why waste them? Go for baroque!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

All this activity is taking place in a hidden part of your chart, so you might feel that a lot is going on behind the scenes; or you might want to cocoon and hide. Fair Venus will slip into your sign on July 18, where it will stay until the 31st. This is, incidentally, an excellent window of time to buy wardrobe goodies. If you do this - be aware of the Moon Alert in my daily columns. (Save yourself headaches and money.) Despite your impulse to be low-key, fiery Mars is stirring up energy with friends and groups. Mars will help you to excel in competitive, physical sports, as well as come out on top in group negotiations. "Virgo rules!"

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your popularity is strong and getting stronger. Astrology can give us timelines and tell us when it's best to do certain things. So yes, if you feel social - this is exactly how you should be feeling right now. The next four weeks are the perfect time for interaction with others, especially with friends and groups. Younger people, artistic people, and people in authority all want to talk to you. Meanwhile, this is a good time to actively pursue your goals, assuming you have defined them. If not, what are your goals? Use the next four weeks to share your hopes and dreams for the future with others to get their feedback. "I want a pony and I want to be a ballerina."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Woo hoo! In the next four weeks, the Sun is at the top of your chart. This is the only time all year this happens, and when it occurs, it signifies that you're in the spotlight. People notice you more than usual; but not only that, because the light is flattering, you look fabulous! Obviously you can use this to your advantage. In fact, make the most of it. Now is the time to make your pitch to your boss or ask for permission for something. Some of you might even begin a romantic relationship with your boss or an authority figure. This is an extremely favourable time for your sign. Continue to pursue avenues in travel, publishing, the media, medicine and the law.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are a Fire sign, and all this hype and activity in Leo bodes well for you because Leo is your fellow Fire sign. Specifically, what this hype does is make you want to travel. (As if that idea never occurred to you.) Trust me, in the next four weeks, opportunities to travel and explore new avenues in publishing, the media, medicine and the law exist for you - in abundance! In addition, your gonads are in overdrive, and you're pumped with sexual energy, as well as competitive energy about shared property, inheritances and insurance issues. Look for opportunities to travel for pleasure. The next few weeks are also an excellent time to study, if study is important in your life. (Can you spell onomatopoeia?)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a very intense time for you. For starters, fiery Mars has been opposite your sign since June 25, and this has not been easy. I repeat, not easy. It has created problems with others, especially friendships and partnerships, in large measure, because people have been unreasonable and demanding. Lord knows you've tried but what can you do when others are impossible? Fortunately, the universe is generous to you now and will continue being generous in the next four weeks. This is why gifts, goodies and favours from others are flowing your way! The next month is the perfect time to ask for a loan or get a mortgage. Might as well make the most of this good luck. Ka-ching!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

All this fuss and bother in Leo is taking place 180 degrees opposite your sign. Furthermore, major groan, Leo can be so over-the-top. Pu-leeze. However, all this energy has fostered warm, friendly relations with partners and close friends, and this is a good thing. And now, the Sun will be opposite your sign for the next four weeks, further intensifying your focus on friends and partners. However, since the Sun is your source of energy, and now, it will be as far away from you as it gets all year, you will need more sleep. Go to bed. Seriously, recognize your need for power naps and such to get through the next four weeks because you are quite pumped to work hard now. This means you will need your rest.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

All this focus about your health, as well as your job or tasks that you are setting for yourself, continues. But it has made your work easy for you. Coworkers are supportive and helpful. You don't mind becoming involved in a hands-on way. You have also been able to make your work surroundings more attractive; and indeed, many of you have earned more money as well. This strong focus will continue in an even stronger way in the next four weeks. But this focus will also encompass your health. Naturally, everything is not about health and work - fiery Mars promises competitive sports and sexy love affairs! Party on!