This week, we all face a big speed bump on Wednesday, the day of the New Moon. It's not the New Moon that causes the problem; it's because Mercury is lined up with Mars and they oppose Pluto. This planetary opposition creates power struggles. Yikes! Meanwhile, back at the galactic laboratory, we know every New Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions. It just so happens that the opposition of these planets will create problems in the very areas the New Moon wants to make improvements. Coincidence? I think not. Each sign will experience this differently and have its own wake-up call. I call this an obstacle blessing. (Dontcha hate having to smell the coffee?)
There's been frustration at home, which might have started with home improvements or visiting relatives. But now chaos and increased activity on the home front frazzle your nerves and make tempers fray. All this buzz (including involvement with parents) has been tough to handle. That's why something is going to come to a head by midweek in the form of heavy-duty power struggles or family quarrels. Of course, you just want to make improvements at home but at what price? Oy vey. Use Wednesday's New Moon to take a moment and ask yourself how you can improve not only your home, but your relationship with family members. It will involve patience.
You want to enlighten others, which is why your communications with daily contacts are important now. On the upside, the Sun, Mercury and Mars will energize and intensify your speech. You will be able to sell, teach, market, promote, act and talk to others with enthusiasm and convincing vigour. So far so good. It's handy to have strong verbal skills. But this week, by Wednesday, something will turn sour. Your efforts to make improvements and introduce new ideas will boomerang. Others will be angry with you for interfering or getting your way. Yes it's good to make positive changes but remember this: Every year the snake sheds its skin in order to stay alive. However, if you pull the skin off a snake - you'll kill it.
You've been focused on money, cash flow and your possessions, especially how to take care and organize them. This can be exhausting. Unfortunately, by Wednesday, you're at odds with someone about financial matters or your possessions. This might be a debate of ownership. It might also be a quarrel of how they are used or where they are stored. Whatever the case, things could get nasty by midweek with harsh words and ultimatums. (An ultimato is the choice of eating your vegetables or going to bed without supper.) Small wonder that the New Moon on Wednesday urges you to think about how to improve how you handle your money and possessions. Quelle coincidence!
There's been lots of activity in your life because the Sun, Mercury, and fiery Mars are all in Cancer. On Wednesday, the only New Moon all year in your sign will also occur. The Sun and Mars make you forceful, aggressive and energetic, while Mercury makes you more talkative than usual. You're coming on a bit strong for some. This will become apparent by midweek when clashes and confrontations with others will occur. Be aware that this might be due to the fact that you want to improve others or make them over. Hmmm? No matter how well intended, you're interfering in someone else's life. Use the New Moon energy on Wednesday to think how to improve your closest relationships.
Lately, your life has been like the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good, and when she was bad, she was horrid. With both Jupiter and Venus in your sign, it can't get better than this. However, lately, so much insanity has been taking place behind the scenes, you're drained and exhausted because of worry and responsibilities that most people are not aware of. (And because Leo is royalty, you just soldier on.) You will find however, that things come to a head by Wednesday this week. This could relate to someone working behind the scenes against your best interests. Use the New Moon energy to think how you can protect yourself from this.
Your popularity is strong. It's fun relating to friends and groups. Some of you have also been in competition with someone, officially or unofficially. This is also a good time to share your hopes and dreams for the future with others because their feedback will help you. Nevertheless, some kind of competition, aggression or challenge with someone will come to a head by Wednesday, and things could get nasty. "I'm taking my ball and bat and going home!" A severe interpersonal power struggle could be ruthless. It's hard to control someone else's attitude and actions, but at least, you can control your own. Take the high road because you have to live with yourself later.
This week, you're caught in a classic astrological squeeze play. This is the only time all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart; and it is joined by Mercury and Mars. This means you are high viz., ambitious and talking to important people including parents, bosses, VIPs and the police. However, serious conflicts at home or within the family will create dissension; and by Wednesday, you'll be at odds with someone; and it won't be pretty. Because you have been striving to get ahead, you might get a pay off. Nevertheless, conflict with others will be tough to avoid. Use your Libran diplomacy and charm to help you. And privately, ask yourself where you're going? What is your life direction?
You still want to get outta Dodge. However, in your zeal to encompass bigger issues - politics, religion, racial issues and such - you might be so enthusiastic that you're closed to anyone who doesn't agree with you. This is not cool; and no benefit to you. This could also be why heated arguments come to a head on Wednesday. Ideally, you want to make creative positive changes in your life. But if you don't handle this correctly, you will create opposition to you, especially if you try to gain control over others. Back off and don't try to improve the world or anyone in it just right now. Just deal with yourself. What is the best life belief system (or guideline) to follow? Just for you.
You're caught up with details of shared property, investments and the wealth and resources of others as well as inheritances, taxes and debt. Even though travel plans look sweet, differences with someone about how things are shared or divided are testy. Ironically, the more you discuss this problem - the more divisive things become between you and someone else. Quite likely, these differences will come to a head midweek, which actually gives you a chance to put your cards on the table and establish some boundaries about what you are willing and not willing to do. Use Wednesday's New Moon to make resolutions about how to handle shared finances with others.
The Sun continues to be opposite your sign, which means you need more sleep. Plus Mercury and Mars, also opposite your sign, make you eager to talk to others, and yet, you're annoyed with someone. The problem is that this week, differences with others will heat up into arguments. You're not looking for this but they will find you. By midweek, a nasty confrontation is likely. Do not say anything you will later regret. You like to work with groups, especially in your community; and because of this, you want the respect of others. Don't do anything to blow this. In fact, on Wednesday's New Moon, think of one or two things you can do to improve your closest relationships.
You've been in work mode lately; and you're getting things done. However, you might be bossy delegating to others, which creates conflict in your job. If you examine what's going on, you will see that this is a conflict of wills. A power struggle. Like Taurus, you can be stubborn. Admit it. (Hmmm, too obstinate to confess?) Be careful because when you become emotionally agitated at work, even computers and electronics will break down - not just working relationships. You are that powerful! By Wednesday, something will come to a head, which will provoke you to ask yourself what you can do to improve your working relationships with others. Ideas?
You've been wrapped up in romance, sports and children -- fun stuff, including vacations and playful getaways. But there has also been pain and confusion; and this sucks. What should be fun, loving and supportive is a power struggle or some kind of ego manipulation. Something related to the above, especially romantic partners and kids, will come to a head on Wednesday. In some ways, it might be good to get things out in the open because you often delude yourself into thinking things are better than they are. Wishing and hoping. If someone isn't treating you right, don't kid yourself. Mahatma Gandhi said, "Golden shackles are far worse than iron ones."