All Signs

This week is straightforward. Admittedly, the Sun opposite Pluto on Monday morning will trigger power struggles; and by Wednesday, people are contrite. Thursday and Friday are excellent days to party. Unfortunately, Saturday is a bummer. Make note of this and plan your fun for Friday. This is the last full month with Jupiter in Leo. Jupiter will not return to Leo until 2027. Next month, Jupiter enters Virgo, ushering in a whole year of fresh, new luck for everyone, with a special bonus for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Health and wellness will be even more in vogue. It will be a tough year for hypochondriacs who can't leave being well-enough alone.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Home, family and your private life continue to be a major focus. Many of you will have family meetings; and most of you will tackle home repairs. In fact, you can expect increased chaos and activity on the home front because of renovations, residential moves plus guests and visitors. One minor frustration will be that midst all this insane activity, you actually want some peace and quiet - time for yourself to ruminate, cogitate and meditate. Meanwhile, your social life is amped because both Venus and Jupiter will attract parties, good times, sports events, playful activities with children and romantic opportunities. Ah yes, love will find a lay.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a busy time because you're taking short trips, talking to everyone, running errands, and at the same time, many of you are studying, reading and writing more than usual as well. That's because you're eager to communicate and enlighten others. Interactions with siblings, neighbours and relatives are important. And of course, many of you are entertaining at home, possibly in your new, improved home or in a place that was a real-estate opportunity. Polish your diplomatic skills because it's easy to be argumentative since you identify with your beliefs. Be open minded. After all, one man's Mede is another man's Persian.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

"Show me the money!" Geminis are focused on money. This means you're looking for ways to earn money, as well as boost your income or make a little on the side. But you are also focused on cash flow, which means you are thinking about major purchases as well. In other words, the money is flowing both ways! In addition, for whatever reason, you are involved with your possessions more than usual. Maybe you have decided you have to downsize. (Yes, this would mean only one of everything, which is too cruel to think about.) Or maybe you are moving possessions? Fortunately, fair Venus guarantees that your words are sweet, in fact, so sweet, they will make you money.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

With the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in your sign, use this time to re-energize yourself for the rest of the year. Mercury makes you eager to talk to others, which is helpful if you teach, act, train or do public speaking. Fiery Mars makes you pumped with energy and confidence, which is why you're coming on so strong. Mars also attracts lots of activity in your life, and makes you much more of a fighter for your rights than usual. Your physical energy is high, which means you can accomplish a lot. Indeed, opportunities to boost your earnings exist. This is also why many of you are buying art and beautiful treasures. Veni, vidi Visa; we came, we saw, we went shopping.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Two opposing influences are at play right now. On one hand, the Sun, Mercury and Mars are hidden in your chart, which means you are happy to be in the background, taking it easy and working behind the scenes. In fact, this is an excellent time to do research and ferret out hidden truths. Nevertheless, Venus and Jupiter in your sign make you gregarious and eager to schmooze with others. You want to enjoy vacations, great meals, conversation with friends, and relaxing hours with your favourite pastime. (Movies, sports, sex, laughter and food.) Therefore, make your choices this week. Work Monday and Tuesday; play Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; then work again on the weekend. This way you're going with the flow!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This continues to be a popular time for you. Make an effort to enjoy the company of others. Join clubs and organizations because your interaction with others will not only be pleasurable, it will benefit you. You will hang out with younger people, and perhaps, be in competition with someone. Since this is a good time to define your goals and pursue them, test the waters by sharing your hopes and dreams for the future with others to get their feedback. Whether it's collaboration or encouragement - the input from others will make a difference to your goal setting. Why set goals? Dennis Waitley said, "Failures do what is tension relieving; while winners do what is goal achieving." Napoleon Hill said, "A goal is a dream with a deadline."

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The Sun is still at high noon in your chart, thrusting you in the spotlight, especially in the eyes of authority figures; and because this light is flattering, everyone thinks you're the cat's meow. This is why people are asking you to take on special jobs - you look like an action hero! Please note: You don't have to do anything special to succeed. Just say yes because good lighting is everything. ("We're ready for your close-up, Miss Garbo.") And you're ready because with Mars at the top of your chart, your ambition is stoked, while Mercury paves the way for you to schmooze and talk with important people. What more do you want? The key to the city? Actually, that's exactly what you have.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The travel bug has bitten you and you want to blow town. If you can hop on a train, take a road trip or grab a jet, you should do so because you're eager to expand your world. You're hungry for adventure and a chance to learn something new - the whole enchilada! And why not? What are you - navel lint? You deserve a chance to broaden your horizons and grab life by the throat. Any kind of study will excite you, especially the study of a foreign language. (This includes rap and text messages of 14 year-old girls.) Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter at the top of your chart make you look fabulous to everyone! Yup, if someone hands you the baton - run with it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This week is intense, passionate and sexy! Shared property, the wealth of others, inheritances and heavy-duty romance are in the mix. Wow. We're not talking pabulum. In fact, these issues might assume such importance that you end up having an argument with someone. If this is the case, you will defend yourself. This is a soul-searching time for you. Psychological self inquiry and powerful changes are taking place at this point in your life. It's thought-provoking and growth building. (No, you don't have to let out another pleat in the shower curtain.) Meanwhile, continue to look for opportunities to travel for pleasure because they exist, and will continue to exist until October. Every Sagittarius should know a fantastic trip is a heartbeat away!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is the only time all year when you need more sleep just to maintain. Furthermore, Mars is opposite your sign, which can make you easily annoyed with others. Forewarned is forearmed. Patience will be your best ally. Mercury is opposite your sign, which means you want to clarify issues and explain things to others. You definitely need to talk. Intellectual stimulation and conversation, even cheerful banter, will make you feel good. Yada, yada, yada. Meanwhile, back at the bank, you can benefit from the wealth and resources of others. Definitely. And romantically speaking, physical relationships will be affectionate, exciting, thrilling and dare we say - transcendent. (We did.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Ted Turner's motto, "Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise" -- encapsulates where you're at this week. Without question, you have had some time for play and fun. Now however, it's back to the grind stone. This is why you are determined to catch up on old business, forage ahead in new business, and work to get organized in your job and your personal life. Yes, you want it all. But hey - you're willing to work for it. Decide right now to give yourself the best tools to do a great job. Buy painting supplies, file folders, label makers, shelving or whatever you need so that you can pull your act together. Fortunately, relations with members of the general public plus close friends and partners are smooth and hunky-dory.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Lucky Pisces! This continues to be a week of play, parties, fun times, romance and opportunities to express your creative talents. You feel prankish! In fact, practical jokes, puzzles, games, and anything that you can do to amuse your mind will appeal. Physical lovemaking will also appeal because your desire nature is strong. Caution against difficulties with children because these are likely. In fact, this is an accident-prone time for your kids so be vigilant. Of course, everything is not "play and no work." However, matters connected with your work are unusually pleasant now. People endorse you. A raise or praise is likely. In fact, a work-related romance might blossom. Ain't life grand?