This week the Sun moves into Pisces and both Venus and Mars into Aries. Three changes in one week is a shift we will all feel! Read your sign (and Rising Sign if you know it) to see how these changes will affect you. Change is inevitable but we can always guide it. Woodrow Wilson said, "If you think about what you want to do for other people, your character will take care of itself." This is an example of how motivation governs change. Ah yes, there's big change, small change, but the best is loose change behind the sofa cushions.
Your birthday is a month away, which means your personal year is ending. This means the next month is the perfect time to think about what you want in the coming year. Take time to define goals to guide you this year. When you give yourself a specific goal, you increase the odds of achieving that goal. No question. It beats going through life willy-nilly, management by crisis. Both Venus and Mars move into your sign this week, as well. Mars will energize you, making you proactive and decisive for the next six weeks, while Venus will make you charming, diplomatic and magically skilled at choosing wardrobe goodies. Yay!
Your popularity will grow in the coming month. Perhaps you will join a class or a group or become more involved with a friend? Whatever happens, you will become more aware of the value of friendships in your life, and how important they are to you. You will also be aware of the benefit of cooperating with others. You will see that others help you get what you want. Therefore, focus on team efforts. Form working units. Accept invitations from others. Establish who you are with your friends and value their role in your life. (Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, secret love affairs are sparking.) Woo hoo.
During the next four to six weeks, the Sun is at the top of your chart. This is the only time all year this happens. This is a powerful phenomenon. It acts like a flattering spotlight on you, which is why everyone thinks you are fabulous and capable. This is why you will be approached to take on increased responsibilities. Just say yes, because you will dazzle everyone without doing anything special. Physical activities with groups, as well as increased interaction with artistic, creative types are in the stars as well. This is the time to examine your life as a whole, to see if you're going in the direction you want. "Second star to the right and straight on till morning."
This is an exciting time because the Sun is urging you to broaden your horizons through new experiences, study or travel. (Yup, it's time to get outta Dodge.) Basically, you want to break free from your everyday routine by expanding your experience of life. Embrace anything that stimulates your mind. Legal matters might be important. You might also have an increased interest in religious, spiritual and metaphysical areas. Meanwhile, Venus and Mars are at the top of your chart arousing your ambition and enhancing your relationships with authority figures. In fact, this "enhancement" might even lead to a romance with your boss.
Travel for pleasure will delight you in the month ahead. You might surprise yourself by how keen you are to put energy into creative, intellectual study or anything that improves your mind. You want to explore beliefs, politics, religion and metaphysics. You want to "know" more. You will enjoy debating new ideas. Because your appreciation of beauty is heightened as well, you will also focus more on art and beautiful things and places. You might strike up a new relationship with someone from a different background. Meanwhile, your approach to whatever you experience will be more intense and one-pointed, which is helpful for study. You want to be a new, improved Leo!
Heads-up! The Sun is your source of energy, and this week it moves into Pisces, which is 180 degrees opposite from your sign. Since this is as far away from you as it gets all - your energy will be flagging. You will need more sleep. You will want to take naps. So it's important for you to acknowledge this and accept it, instead of ignoring it. This polarized position of the Sun can indicate problems dealing with others, especially authority figures. You have your ideas and they have theirs. Certain issues might come to a head now; and this gives you clarity. Meanwhile, your sex drive is strong in the month ahead. Not only that, your affection for others is very real. Wow, an interesting time indeed!
Three planets change signs this week, which gives you a totally new perspective on the next month Things look great for you! For starters, you suddenly want to turn over a new leaf and pull your life together. You will make To Do lists so that you feel you are on top of your scene and being as productive and efficient as possible. Not only will you focus on accomplishing tasks, you will also focus on improving your health. (Since you're on this kick - why not go for the whole enchilada?) However, fiery Mars will be opposite your sign in the month ahead; and this might create tension with friends and partners. You might even encounter an enemy. Sheesh! Fortunately, Mars will oppose you for only six weeks, and fortunately, Venus will soften things.
A playful, creative time awaits you in the month ahead. In fact, this will be one of the most fun months of the year for you. Get out and have a good time. Accept invitations to party and attend sports events. You want a chance to express yourself and be free to be who you really are. Relations with children will be important. The month ahead is also a strong highlight on romance and love affairs. In fact, for some of you, a work-related love affair might begin. Meanwhile, all is not just fun and games because you will work hard at your job due to the fact that you take pride in what you're doing right now. Of course, you want the credit - and why not?
The month ahead is a busy swirl of fun events with family members and playful times with children. Many of you will be involved in sports, especially competitively. Your social agenda will be full of romantic dates, sports events, social occasions and even vacations. Yet, with all this focus on fun and creative times, your strongest focus will be on home, family and your personal life. It's sort of all rolled up into one. Some of you might be involved with a parent more than usual. One thing is certain, all of you will give yourself a personal report card about the way you live your life, and the choices you make. Examine how your past choices create your future. That's the secret.
You hit the pavement running this week because the month ahead is jam-packed with short trips, conversations with everyone, busy, daily errands, as well as increased reading, writing and study. Oy! You are ambitious about what you want to accomplish in your external world, your daily world, and even at home. (Gasp) In the midst of this busy pace, many of you are redecorating, renovating or doing major things to where you live. Family conflicts, as well as loving family get-togethers, are both in the picture. It was ever thus. George Burns was right. "Happiness is a large, loving, close-knit family in another city."
"Show me the money!" As the Sun changes signs this week, it introduces a month ahead where you will focus on earnings, money and cash flow, as well as your assets and possessions. Yes, you are taking stock. But at a deeper level, now more than any other time in the year, is the time to ask yourself if the things you own serve your needs. In other words, do you own your stuff or does it own you? Are you a slave to your possessions? Consciously or unconsciously, what you need to do now is gain a better control over your life through what you own. Meanwhile, Venus and Mars will affect your communicating style. Mars makes you more direct and forthright, while Venus, softens all your communications and helps you earn money with your words. Ka-ching!
Happy Birthday! The Sun has returned to your sign for the first time in 11 months. This will give you an opportunity to recharge your batteries for the coming year. It will also attract favourable circumstances and important people to you. Because the Sun is your source of energy, you will project yourself more forcefully than usual, and make a great impression on others. It also makes you want to talk to others and get your ideas out. Meanwhile, you're working hard to earn money, and spend it! Opportunities to boost your earnings along with opportunities to buy beautiful things are overlapping right now. Money in - money out! And so it goes.