All Signs

The Full Moon in Leo on Tuesday is a strong Full Moon. A Full Moon in a Fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) is emotionally rigid. People won't budge. So those who have these signs prominent in their chart will really feel the tension of this Full Moon. But take note: Any sign can have a prominent Fixed sign in their chart, because no one is just one sign. Yes, you can run but you can't hide. Expect a buildup of tension on Sunday and Monday before Tuesday's Full Moon; after which the energy will subside on Wednesday. By Friday, the cleaners will arrive to remove all evidence, including fingerprints.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week is an interesting scenario. One thing is obvious; it's a popular time for you. Not only are you busy with friends and acquaintances in groups, you're bumping into old friends as well. Could this pose a problem with children, or lovers, or something to do with the arts, or a party or social event? This might also impact sports. So on one hand, you're busy socializing and seeing old faces; and yet, Tuesday's Full Moon will create difficulty in all these same areas (romance, the arts, sports and kids.) Will an unexpected face from your past create a challenge? Or will this person help you? Who knows? (The Shadow knows.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This particular Full Moon pulls you back and forth between home and family versus career and job. You can't please both. And because of the energy of Jupiter, this tug-of-war is magnified more than usual. Mamma Mia! Another wrench in the cog is that retrograde Mercury is close to the Sun, which opposes the Full Moon. Get it? As they say in Batman movies, "It's complicated." You must accept the fact that you cannot keep everyone happy. Accept the demands of these two areas in your life and cope as gracefully as possible. It's only for a few days. Things will settle down by the end of the week.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This particular Full Moon is accident-prone for you. One of the reasons it is accident-prone could be that you overestimate or underestimate something - in other words, your judgment is off. More likely it would be an error due to false optimism. ("It's fine, the parking brake is on.") Delays in travel plans will add to your frustrations. But hey - I'm just painting the picture as bad as it might get. It won't get this bad. In fact, the key to your success this year is your own belief in yourself and your future, which is positive! All you have to do is be mindful and aware to avoid slipups and accidents. Don't make promises you can't keep. And don't squat with your spurs on.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You face different financial scenarios this week because the Full Moon impacts the part of your chart that relates to earnings and possessions, as well as the part of your chart related to shared property and income from others, including debt and your partner's wealth. The Full Moon will throw these two areas into conflict. The classic interpretation being you can't pay a debt. Perhaps the posse is after you because elements from the past are in the picture. The main thing to know is that all of this will "go away" by Thursday or Friday. So somehow, you will successfully deal with this. In the meantime, travel for pleasure (needed escape?) looks promising!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The Full Moon on Tuesday is in your sign, which is the only time all year this happens. Jupiter in Leo makes you optimistic and gives you strength to meet obstacles and challenges. However, Jupiter can also amplify your emotional reaction to partners and close friends, which is a classic outcome of this Full Moon. Naturally, your best option is to practice patience. Zip thy lip. By doing this, you will get into less trouble. Tension with partners and close friends, including sex partners (oh yeah, the plot sickens) will be something you have to deal with at the beginning of the week. Be encouraged by the fact that by the end of the week, you can celebrate. "I survived!"

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The Full Moon this week will create problems at your work, your job, or in any tasks that you undertake. You might feel frustrated by something or someone and be tempted to take it out on anyone who is near to you. Not good. Don't do anything you will later regret. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde triggers delays, confused communications, broken equipment and silly errors in your job. And on top of this, the Full Moon this week further exacerbates your work. ("It's not fair!") Fortunately, fair Venus will help you be tactful and diplomatic with everyone, especially partners and close friends. As you well know, simple courtesy goes a long way to keeping a lid on things. Thank you. You're welcome.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Romance, parties, vacations, the theatre, movies, the arts, sports and playful times with children are the areas that are challenged by this week's Full Moon. (All the fun stuff! What's with that?) Perhaps old flames from the past will create an awkward situation that, in turn, creates difficulties with social plans or relations with children, or a love interest. This is just one possible scenario. We do know that this entire year is going to be popular for you; and this month will be romantic, fun-loving and playful. But this week, we have the challenges of this particular Full Moon, and you cannot escape them. One encouraging note is that relations with coworkers are warm and supportive.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Like Taurus, your opposite sign, you face the classic dilemma of any Full Moon: You are pulled between the demands and responsibilities of your career and job versus the demands and responsibilities of home, family and your private life. Oy vey. And of course, relatives and family members you haven't seen for a while are suddenly back in your life. Perhaps this is a hint that you can't ignore your personal life at this time. But it will be difficult because the Full Moon at the top of your chart will be amplified by its proximity to Jupiter. This might even shine a spotlight on your personal life in a way that is more public than you want. Not to worry because your career and public reputation really shine this year! You can count on that.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Do be careful this week because the Full Moon on Tuesday will encourage an accident-prone time for you that will begin Sunday and certainly exist Monday and definitely on Tuesday. There might even be a residual hangover, if you will, on Wednesday. You might consider this a mild warning for the year because after all, this year you will be travelling much more than usual! Furthermore, you will explore avenues in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. However, this week, which occurs in the midst of your busy month, has a Full Moon that challenges you in these same areas, especially travel and communications with others. Slow down and take it easy.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's interesting to note that this year, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others. This benefit could be through money from your partner or from another source like an inheritance. Basically people will be generous to you. This is also an ideal year to get a loan or mortgage. This month, your focus is on earnings and cash flow; but this week, the Full Moon will create tension with your financial scene. You will feel this the strongest on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. It's as if Peter does not have enough money to pay Paul. Some kind of financial restriction or a delay in money coming to you will be challenging. Just be patient.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a powerful month for you because the Sun is in your sign. However, you also have to deal with Mercury retrograde in your sign as well. (Yikes!) That's why silly errors, goof ups, misunderstandings and transportation delays are occurring right now. Unfortunately, the Full Moon this week is directly opposite your sign, creating tension with partners and close friends. It's all happening at once. You will just have to grin and bear it. Fortunately, angst related to the Full Moon, is always short-lived It's generally only for a day. It could occur Sunday, Monday or Tuesday - or perhaps, not at all. (A brain is only as strong as its weakest think.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Even though you have fantastic opportunities this year to improve your job as well as improve your health, ironically, this week the Full Moon will challenge all those wonderful blessings. But of course, nothing is perfect all the time, is it? Tension will likely build up on Sunday and Monday before Tuesday's Full Moon; and most likely, this tension will manifest with coworkers, customers and anyone related to your job or to any particular task you are doing. This tension might even manifest as a health issue in some way. Classic, actually. Be encouraged by the fact that this is a brief dark cloud on your horizon. You will easily triumph over whatever faces you.