Let's start the New Year on an upbeat note by seeing what we can all look forward to. Different planetary configurations portend different things -- challenges, loss and change; but some of them offer the hope of better things to come. Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent. Read on to discover what will raise your spirits for the coming year. Speaking of the raising of spirits, remember to never mix the grain and the grape. This will help to avoid a hangover, whether it is the wrath of grapes or the woeful burden of proof.
Aries people enter this New Year with great good fortune! You are the artisan of the zodiac. You're creative and you love to do anything with your hands. This year, your creative potential will be fantastic because you will discover lots of opportunities to express your artistic aptitudes. Count on a vacation. Love affairs, romance and playful, social excursions are guaranteed. In fact, a romance with someone different or from another culture is likely. You won't have to hide your light under a bushel because you will love the chance to have greater freedom of self-expression. A fun year ahead!
Every Taurus is essentially a country squire, wishing they had acres of land where lambs gambled at play. Believe it or not, this year you can come closer to that dream than ever before because 2015 will be the best year to explore real-estate opportunities that you have had in over a decade. Everything to do with home and real estate will benefit you. This means you can buy, sell or improve and invest in your own existing home. By extrapolation, even your family life will become richer, and everyone will be happier and more mutually generous. The kids will get straight A's and no one will have cavities.
This year your attitude to the world around you will be more generous; hence, others will respond to you more favourably. Likewise, your positive state of mind will encourage plans for the future that are larger and more expansive. It will bring you opportunities for courses or further training. You'll be involved with relatives and siblings. It's a great year for those who write, sell, teach or act because your communication skills will be tops! Jackie Gleason said, "If you have it and you know you have it, then you have it. If you have it but you don't know you have it, then you don't have it. If you don't have it but you think you have it, then you have it."
This year you have the best chance in over a decade to boost your earnings. For some, this will be sizable; others will increase their assets or wealth indirectly; yet others, will feel richer because they buy goodies for themselves. But the end result will be the same: For some reason, you will, feel richer this year! You might also get a better job or a raise in your current job. You will certainly be working hard, that's a given. The essence of this astrological influence is this: You have a chance to actualize in your life what it is that you value. If it's money - then that is what you will attract.
The last time you entered a New Year with Jupiter in your sign was in 2003. However, at that time, you were also giving up many things. Now, you're in a different stage of your life; and the good fortune of having Jupiter in your sign (which occurs only once every 12 years) is with you again! This blessing comes you only four or five times in your adult life, so this is a major deal. Use this to your advantage! People and resources will be drawn to you. Good fortune will come to you in many ways. In addition, this signals the beginning of a new 12-year cycle of growth when you will want to discover who you really are as a person. (Save time. Check your ID.)
In the year ahead, you will explore the subtle, spiritual aspects of your life. Some of you might check out yoga, meditation or different philosophies and religions that impact your belief system. In the same way that you want to solidify your home base, in terms of where you live, you also want to solidify your inner world so that you have a warm feeling in your tummy. Around the time of your birthday this year, lucky Jupiter will enter your sign for the first time since 2004. When this happens, Jupiter will stay in Virgo for an entire year, which means you have much good luck ahead of you! You're on a roll. Plan on how to use this to your advantage.
The year 2015 will be a popular year for you. This suits you perfectly because you are a social sign. You can expect to enjoy the company of others and enjoy warm friendships. In addition, many of you will become more involved with groups, clubs and associations. Discussions with others, especially if you share your hopes and dreams for the future with them, will benefit you. People will give you hot tips and good ideas. The key thing to remember this year is that all your interactions with others will benefit you, so it behooves you to be friendly. Offer to help others. Be sociable. Let others take you for lunch.
For the first time since 2003, lucky Jupiter is crossing the top of your chart. Basically, this happens only four or five times in your adult life, depending on how long you live. Jupiter augments and magnifies wherever it moves through your chart; and in your case, this year, it will augment and magnify your reputation among your peers. This could be due to a promotion, an award, a prize or some kind of special acknowledgement of your talents and efforts. In other words, you're the big winner! People will see you as being more successful. You might also travel more, in fact, this is a guarantee. Got your bag packed?
Sagittarius is the traveller of the zodiac. You constantly want the thrill of new faces, new places, exciting adventure, and a chance to learn fascinating, thought-provoking ideas. Well, this is exactly what 2015 is going to offer you because your ruler, lucky Jupiter, will travel through the part of your chart that affects all of these things. Make big travel plans! Look for ways to explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. This is a great year to go back to school or further your studies in some way. Whatever you do will broaden your views on life. (You were never one to let gravity bring you down.)
As you enter this year, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto will all be in your sign. (It's all about you.) However, the main blessing that you will notice in 2015 is that you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others. This means you might get an inheritance or money back from the government or gifts and goodies from others, or you might have a chance to use something that someone else owns. You will also benefit indirectly through your partner or someone else who becomes enriched with a bonus or increased wealth in some way. Obviously, this is the perfect year to go for a loan or a mortgage. Ya think?
Your great blessing in 2015 will be your closest friendships and partnerships. You can count on this. That's why this is a good year to marry or form new partnerships or working units. You will discover that others will help you out in many ways. This means this is definitely not be year to go it alone. Let others into your life. Consult experts. Many of you will also interact more, or form a new relationship with someone from a foreign country or a different culture. If you marry this year, it could be to someone who is slightly older or richer or more established. Almost everyone that you encounter on a close one-to-one basis will have a consciousness-expanding effect on you this year. (That's not quite the same thing as hair-raising.)
Not since 2003-2004, have you had the kind of opportunities to improve your job that you will have in 2015. Since this kind of blessing comes only perhaps four times in your adult life, you have to make the most of this! Make hay while the Sun shines! Not only will you improve your job this year, but you will find that whatever you do, in terms of your work, will give you a greater sense of fulfilment and joy. This could be due to better working conditions, a better job, better duties or a corner office with windows. In addition, this is a great year for you to improve your health. The only downside is all this benefit could mean weight gain. Oops. Time to let out another pleat in the shower curtain?