All Signs

This week Saturn moves into Sagittarius. The last time Saturn was in Sagittarius was from November 1985 until November 1988. This definitely triggers a change of direction and focus for everyone, because Saturn is the planet that has domain over structure, and a lot of the practical ways that we live in the world. Although Saturn will return to Scorpio for three months from June to September, 2015; really - for all intensive purposes, this week marks beginning of a new 30-year cycle that will affect everyone. Want will it mean? Well, first, we must take into account that an object in motion, tends to remain in motion; and an object that is stationary, tends to stay glued to the couch.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Although you will explore vacations, love affairs, romance, creative opportunities and fun times with children in 2015, you will also start to prepare for a career peak that occurs in 2018-2019. Therefore, you have to ask yourself what you need to do to get performance ready? Will further schooling, formal education or training help you? Perhaps travel will enhance your experience, so that you can be ready to make the most of the opportunities that come your way three years from now? These are all things to think about right now. Late this year, and next year, your job scene will so improve! Oh yeah!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Because friendships, committed relationships, marriages and professional partnerships have been challenged for the last two years, you can definitely breathe easier in the coming year, because things will be settled one way or the other. However, it does appear you will receive less from your partner or from other sources. In other words, money that came to you in the past, from some external sources, will be diminished or removed. This simply throws you back on your own resources, and forces you to stand on your own two feet. Meanwhile, family, home and real estate look fantastic! Late in 2015-2016, a wonderful vacation awaits you!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It means something when Saturn moves opposite your sign this week. Please note as mentioned in All Signs above, that the last time this occurred was from November 1985 until November 1988. This is by no means a bad thing. Saturn opposite your sign represents a culmination of past efforts. You will definitely begin to get recognition for much of what you have done since 2008. You might get kudos, acknowledgement and a promotion. This will also turn your focus more to your external world; whereas since 2003, your focus has been more on your own personal development. One tiny caveat: It will create stress in close relationships. Fortunately, Jupiter will boost your joy and optimism this year. Gotta have hope.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It's time to roll up your sleeves and get busy, because as Saturn changes signs this week, it signals that you are entering a three-year window where you will work hard. Really hard. But this will be your choice. No doubt, it is triggered by the fact that you see ways of making money now, and you are so right. Make hay while the Sun shines! Please keep in mind that no matter how hard you work (and even if at times, you feel overwhelmed) you can do this. Keep the faith. Increased earnings and an overall increase in your assets will be all the encouragement you need. (Money is so handy when you want to buy things.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Life will get easier for you because this week Saturn moves into your fellow Fire Sign. This means you are no longer fighting the energy of Saturn. Au contraire. Saturn will now start to help you for the next few years. Yay! From your point of view, life will seem to run more smoothly, and whatever you do will just work out. But that's because Saturn is in the background, removing obstacles and giving you the energy to work. Take note that the next few years will be an excellent time for you to build up your physical strength, especially your skeletal structure. You will get increased benefits from doing physical exercise. (See All Signs above. Are you glued to the couch?)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your primary focus in the year ahead will be to establish a firm base for yourself in the world. Basically, this refers to your home. You want to know that you have a firm anchor in the world. So this will mean you might move, yet again, or at the very least, you will do repairs to where you now live, because the bottom line is you want to feel good about your home situation. Family, especially a parent, might become an increased responsibility in the coming year as well. But hey - lucky Jupiter will return to your sign in August to stay for a whole year bringing you wonderful good fortune and increased confidence and poise. You're laughing!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Well, there's a strong likelihood that in the next two years, you will either have a change of residence or a change of jobs or both. This influence is starting right now. "Right here in River City!" Even if you don't think this will happen, the chances are that it will. So start thinking about what this might mean for you. This continues to be a very popular year for you. Your interactions with others will benefit you, so by all means, join clubs, groups, associations or classes. Reach out to help others because in turn, they will help you. Share your hopes and dreams for the future with others because their feedback will also benefit you. And there you have it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You begin this year with lucky Jupiter at the top of your chart. Jupiter can only travel across the top of your chart once every 12 years, which means it will happen about four times in your adult working life. This is a rare opportunity! It's your chance to promote your career and make a name for yourself. Many of you will get promotions, kudos, accolades - whatever. Meanwhile, another planetary influence wants you to get more serious about money, cash flow and how you handle your assets. You want to feel that you are getting the most bang for your buck. And you want to know that in 2015 your assets and possessions are helping you - not dragging you down. You can do this.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a dramatic shift for you right now as Saturn moves into your sign. It means you're starting a whole new 30-year transit. The last time this happened in your life was late 1985 and 1986. (Older Sagittarians might be able to relate to that time.) It's exciting! This means you're entering a whole new sandbox. The coming year might be so radically different for you, that you will actually change your daily wardrobe. Meanwhile, travel opportunities and chances to explore new avenues in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education abound! You love exciting change - and that's what's coming down the pipe.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The year 2015 is a fortuitous time for you because you can benefit from the wealth and resources of others. This could mean that an inheritance will come your way, or you will get money back from the government. It's certainly an excellent time to get a loan or a mortgage from a bank. You might also benefit indirectly through your partner or someone else. Grab every opportunity to increase your wealth because meanwhile, you're entering a three-year window of time, where you will begin to streamline your life and dismantle much of what you created and acquired since 2003. This means people, places, possessions and jobs that are no longer meaningful to you - will go. Gone!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Marriages, close friendships and professional partnerships will be a source of joy and benefit to you in 2015. This means you are entering a year where it is not in your best interests to go it alone. Au contraire. Work with others. Form working units. Schmooze with others. Consult experts. All of this means that people will benefit you. Naturally, it also means that close relationships will be more joyful and mutually generous. Meanwhile, your success continues to be strong. In fact, your greatest challenge will be to learn how to take time for yourself, and not try to be all things to all people all the time. After all, you count, too.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is quite a stellar year that you are heading into, because it promises marvellous job opportunities for you. You will improve your existing job, get better working conditions, get a better boss, or just get a better job! Work-related travel is also likely. In addition, you're coming to a point in your life - and this is in a 30-year cycle - where it is a time of harvest for you. This means that all the seeds that you have planted, certainly since 2008, and really, since 2001, are now coming to fruition. This depends on where you are in your life, so it might mean graduation, marriage, a first child, a chance to leap into self-employment or a major promotion. Whatever it is - it's going to be good!