All Signs

Pluto is the planet of powerful evolution. Uranus is the planet of revolution and sudden change. Between 2012 and 2015, these two planets bang heads seven times. (The apex being Oct./Nov. 2013 when typhoon Yolanda claimed over 6000 lives.) This week, the sixth of the seven times is occurring; and we see revolutions taking place around us -- racial violence and campus demonstrations against rape to name a few. Revolutions take place in our personal lives, too. Emerson said, "Every reform was once a private opinion." Got any opinions?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

More than other signs, you feel the need for improvement and change in your life. For several years, you have rebelled against issues and restrictions that confound you and work against your best interests. In many cases, this rebellion is against authority figures or the authority of the government or the authority of your community. Much of this will be resolved, at least in your own mind, in early 2015. Right now, you are ready to rally your troops and fight for a worthy cause! Travel, adventure, and perhaps, romance with your boss are the keynotes of this week. Remember: Don't take a fence down unless you know why it was put up.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The revolution taking place in your life is subtle. You might be aware of it; you might not, because it is taking place in the part of your chart that rules your subconscious. Nevertheless, you have experienced inner turmoil building up in you since 2012. More likely, Uranus will reveal the pressures and problems that have been building up within you for years. Uranus gives energy to repressed elements and forces you to deal with problems you have ignored. ("I'm Queen of Denial!") Meanwhile, travel for pleasure will beckon in the next few weeks, even though your ambition is super aroused! You've got big plans!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The revolutionary aspects that have taken place in the last few years have been twofold: On one hand, you are radically changing your goals. Like the Little Engine That Could, you are entertaining bigger ideas and hopes for your future. "I think I can, I think I can." Some of these involve your participation in shared property or the financial arrangements and responsibilities you have with others. The second area that is undergoing a revolution relates to your friends and groups to which you belong. Certain relationships just don't cut it anymore. Or you might find that a club or organization that you once embraced is no longer for you. This just means your changing. Both of you.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Many of you have struggled with big changes in your life direction now in the last few years. Basically, you're asking, "What do I really want to be when I grow up?" More than any other sign, you have stick-to-itiveness. When you make a commitment to a job or a career, you stay. (Unless you also have a lot of Gemini in your chart.) Therefore, for you to switch horses midstream is a big deal. But you want more freedom, especially more freedom to work without someone micromanaging you and staring over your shoulder. Thoughts of self-employment and breaking free are strong. This week, you're working hard, no matter what you do. By April 2015, much of this will be resolved.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You have been questioning life belief systems recently, including organized religion. It might even include the laws of the land. Other areas where you feel independent and rebellious relate to publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You are changing your views about these things and feeling more bold and adventurous about exploring new avenues in these same areas. Maybe it's time for you to run something up the flagpole to see if someone salutes? Yet again, some of you are involved in higher education (as a student or teacher) and likewise question your role. Well, education is expensive - but so is ignorance.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

I suspect you are aware of the revolutionary ideas that you have been nursing in the last few years. That's because to begin with, you are the sign of service. ("It's a joy to labour for those you love.") You understand the happiness and rewards that are derived from doing a good job, especially a job that benefits and pleases others. But recently, you are rethinking some of this. Yes, it's wonderful to have high standards and be supportive; but you don't want to be used or taken for granted. There's a big difference. You're a willing helper but not a sucker. This is why you are questioning the responsibilities you have to someone. Hmmm.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

More than any other sign, you need company. You like someone on the other end of your seesaw because it's pleasant, reassuring, and hey - it's not lonely. To maintain this, you are loathe to say something that upsets others. You don't want to rock the boat. You like to keep everyone happy. But ya know? You can only do this for so long without starting to grind your teeth at night. In the last few years, you are questioning the price of partnerships and close friendships. Some of them cost more than they are worth - it's just that simple. But you agonize about this! You don't like to cut others off. Sometimes it's not easy being Libra; on the other hand, you dress well.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

In the last few years you have nursed thoughts of gaining greater freedom in your work. In fact, some of you have gone so far as to quit your day job and spin off into self-employment. You want the freedom of deciding when and how you work without being chained to a system. Of course, this means giving up the security of a steady paycheck. Scary! Not all of you are contemplating self-employment. Others want to introduce reforms and improvements to your existing job. This is why you have been letting go of many things, as you begin to turn in a new direction. It takes guts, but it's personally exciting and rewarding.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are a future oriented sign. You always wonder what's coming down the pipe or what is around the next bend in the road. Your hope about the possibilities of an exciting future is what really pumps you. In the last few years, you have been excited about many different creative projects. You have travelled spontaneously or taken sudden vacations that really opened up your world. Personal, romantic relationships have undergone radical changes as well. Yet again, others have had unexpected changes regarding their responsibilities with children. These are all the areas that you are redefining at this stage in your life. Your relationship to kids, your relationship to romance, your relationship to your own personal freedom, your relationship to your ability to express your creative drive and even your relationship to your own freedom to have fun.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The most revolutionary aspects taking place in your life have pertained to home, family and real estate in the last few years. For example, at this time, many of you are receiving inheritances or an increase in wealth indirectly through your partner. In turn, this translates into changes where you live, in terms of moving to better digs or fixing up your current home. These are just physical, outer examples of some of these changes - even rebellion - that you now experience. At an inner level, this rebellion and change has taken place within your family dynamic. This could relate to your relationship to parents or other relatives. One thing is certain, you refuse to be oppressed and ignored. You will stand up for your rights.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

In one way, it's a bit amusing when one thinks about you undergoing revolutionary ideas because the very soul of your being is revolutionary! You constantly question how things are. You constantly work to make the world a better place. Nevertheless, in the last few years, some of the biggest changes in your life have taken place with your relationship to siblings, neighbours, daily contacts and relatives. You are asserting your right to be who you want to be, and think how you want to think, in terms of daily relationships and everyday activities. It's not always easy but the alternative is no longer acceptable. Eat your spinach. Smack your lips. "I yam what I yam."

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The revolutionary rumblings of Uranus and Pluto over the last two years have directly impacted your style of earning money. This also includes your value system and how you choose to earn your money, and even how you choose to care for (or not) your possessions and whatever you own. This is where you have made major changes! And if you have not made these changes yet, this is where you intend to make them. If at all possible, you want to be self-employed or at least, have more freedom in your job. You want the freedom to call the shots about how you work and what you do. You also want greater freedom in friendships with others. You have no time for friends who bring you down. (After all, you can do this all by yourself.)