There are several heavy duty planetary aspects this week and there is no sugarcoating this. It starts right on Monday and does not soften until Saturday. Run for cover! This energy will create ego conflicts, violence, arguments and strong rebellion. Definitely avoid dangerous neighbourhoods and do not choose this week to have a Mexican standoff with anyone The good news is this same energy can be used to do heavy work and work long, hard hours. Knowing this going into the week is half the battle. Just decide not to get caught up in a battle of wills with anyone. Be tolerant, patient and avoid sticky situations and bossy people. And if you feel the need to crayon on the wall - do it behind the sofa.
The power struggles that arise this week almost entirely will involve authority figures - parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs and the police. Many Aries people have a short fuse. You value your independence and you don't like to be told what to do. And you can be bossy! (Most Fire Signs are this way.) But hey, you value your peace of mind and want cooperation from others. If you have been working under intolerable conditions, don't wait until they are impossible. Make the change now. Introduce reforms in your life. Don't wait until you are ready to snap. If you are upset with authority figures, this is not the week to get them to listen to you. Stay chill.
Ideological differences related to politics, religion and belief systems might create conflict for you this week. Just remember: you cannot reason someone out of an unreasonable position. They didn't get into that position by reasoning in the first place. Give this situation a wide berth. This energy could disrupt travel plans and might be potentially accident prone for travel. The main thing is to give others some breathing space and not insist on coercing agreement of others, especially about politics and religion. Just be content with your own viewpoint, and lighten up about proselytizing to others. You know who you are.
Nasty disputes about shared property, inheritances, taxes, debt and anything that you own jointly with others might erupt this week. The fact of the matter is, this is a poor week for these discussions. They are challenging at the best of times, but why enter into them when the "weather conditions" are bad for discussions. People will dig in their heels and not compromise - not an inch. Severe disagreements could become violent. Avoid dangerous neighbourhoods. Make an extra effort to protect your own property, especially if it is owned jointly with others. Keep a low profile and don't go looking for trouble. And remember that it's always darkest before it gets pitch black.
This will be a challenging week for you because this intense influence that is floating around this week will impact your close friendships and partnerships. Many of you will have explosive arguments with loved ones. But you don't need to, obviously. For starters, postpone touchy subjects that could set off arguments. Wait a week to discuss these matters. Keep your head down and your powder dry. Just attend to your own business and don't take the bait if someone says something to upset you. Ironically, other planets are encouraging you to play and have a good time! Guard against sports accidents as well because competitors will be ruthless. Yikes!
Use all your Leo charm and charisma to keep the peace at work this week because coworkers will easily chafe at anything they could construe as an insult or a slight. And of course, you will feel the same way. Angry arguments will not give you any satisfaction. The fact is that anger has only one purpose, which is to create misery for everyone. (Even if you wanted to plan a great revenge - you need a clear mind to do so; and anger only clouds one's thinking.) Instead use this same energy to accomplish lots of hard work. This will give you a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Physical effort is a great way to channel this aggressive energy. Good luck.
This is an accident-prone week for your kids or children in your care so be careful. It's also an accident-prone time for sports both amateur and professional. Take precautions and avoid dangerous situations. This same unpredictable energy is also tough on romantic relationships, which will have flare ups and arguments. One way to use this intense energy is to tackle creative projects with vigour and physicality. You can also blow off steam by working out at a gym - but don't overdo it. Parents will need to be especially patient with children because these relationships will be challenging. (Hey, it goes with the territory.) Fortunately, your ability to communicate is excellent right now. Use your words to avoid problematic situations.
You are affected by your environment more than any other side. Lighting, smells, colours actually influence you. But what influences you the most are the vibes of those people around you. If people are angry and aggressive, this shatters your nervous system and peace of mind. This week it's all too easy to have domestic arguments and upsets at home. This could be because of renovations, repairs and an insane situation that is tough to cope with; or it could be because of a clash with family members. Whatever the case, be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Use your physical energy to restore calm and order to where you live. Remember The Big Lebowski? "That rug really tied the room together."
Tread carefully this week because the Sun is in your sign giving you lots of energy. However, Mars is lined up with Pluto and squaring off with wild, unpredictable Uranus. This explosive energy lands in the part of your chart that deals with your everyday communications and your relationships with siblings. This means it will be easy to fly off the handle and rip a strip off someone. You are a willful sign, which also means you have a lot of self-discipline, if you want to exercise it. Demonstrate grace under pressure. Hold back an impulsive retort or sarcastic response. Take the high road for the benefit of yourself and others because you can do this. Avoid dangerous neighbourhoods and aggressive, unhappy people.
Quarrels about money, cash flow, possessions or something you own might easily erupt this week. You might have a big difference of opinion about something that is job-related, especially if it impacts your earnings. Do not overreact because what is the point of winning the battle if you lose the war? Don't quit your day job. Guard against hasty impulses. Do your best to keep a low profile until this ruthless, intense energy that is floating around this week blows over. By Saturday, things are mellow again and you can celebrate! In the meantime, do not trifle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
You're ready for bear this week. Mars and Pluto are lined up in your sign, which means you have an almost ruthless energy to get your own way. You will think you know best and you want everyone to follow your suggestions. You could be dictatorial. But this will get you nowhere. Others will simply resent you. Furthermore, they will lose their respect for you and you know you like to be respected. It takes years to build up a reputation that can be lost in one minute. Don't be a fool. Pull your punches and be ready to compromise or just say nothing. Guard your own health against accidents and aggressive situations. Avoid dangerous neighbourhoods.
Be careful this week because something going on behind the scenes (and this includes crime and dangerous activities) might suddenly erupt and grab you by the throat. Slow down and take it easy. Practice patience with everyone you meet, including your own family members. If you have been angry about something for a long time and have not expressed it - you might suddenly explode. Don't let something intolerable buildup within you. Take steps to remedy the situation. Don't be a victim of anyone or anything; and of course, don't victimize others. Meanwhile, you are high viz. right now because everyone notices you. For your own good, be on your best behaviour. Ignore vuja de, that feeling that this has never happened to you before.
In many ways, this is a lighthearted, breezy time for you because you want to travel and explore your world so that you can discover adventure and learn new knowledge. This is the energy you want to encourage. Instead, battles with others, especially in group situations, might erupt. Essentially, these battles are simply a clash of egos where each party is determined they are in the right and they want to get their own way. Don't even get involved in this. Run the other way! You don't have to be a doormat but be advised that this week is not the time to stand your ground. Far better to escape to some luxurious place with great room service.