On Wednesday, we have the only Full Moon in Aries all year. This will be a fighting Full Moon because Aries is a feisty sign; plus this Full Moon lines up with explosive, unpredictable Uranus. (Gulp.) Meanwhile Venus is passionately at odds with Pluto and fiery Mars (the ruler of Aries) is zapping Jupiter with energy! Confused? Well, some of this is positive, but some of it is positively stressful. It is a harsh Full Moon for violent parts of the world. But for most of us, it means we have to keep our mouths shut because after all, a closed mouth gathers no feet.
The only Full Moon in your sign takes place this week on Wednesday. This means Monday and Tuesday will be prickly because it will be all too easy to fly off the handle at someone. Most likely your challenging relationships will be with partners and close friends. This could be because ex-partners are back on the scene and jealous moments or stirred-up anger is present. Because you will feel restless and impulsive, be careful you don't say or do something you later regret. You can never take back the words once they have left your mouth. The positive energy from all this can be used in sports, playful times with children, social events, the arts and passionate, romantic moments.
Be gracious and diplomatic this week, especially at work because the Full Moon energy that begins to build right away on Monday, and culminates on Wednesday, will probably create stress on your job. Furthermore, the stress will be detrimental to your health as well. Don't overreact to minor errors and mistakes that will happen around you, including lost paperwork, late deliveries, cancelled appointments and silly misunderstandings. Naturally, these are frustrating! They're frustrating for everyone! But you have a choice of response. If you let these frustrating things irritate you, you lose. Rise above this. (Use a footstool.) After Wednesday, when the Full Moon has peaked, things will get much easier.
Be forewarned that the Full Moon this week will be stressful for romantic relationships, as well as your relationships with your kids. Since old flames are back on the scene, the stress to existing romantic relationships is obvious. But there is also stress with social situations, and anything to do with the arts, movies, the theatre, professional sports and fun diversions. Someone will get their belly in a rash over details or timing. But is it really worth it? Fortunately, others will help you in your daily affairs and you can cope with all this. You really can. Avoid arguments with a female friend or a member of a group. Think positive. ("I'm cute and I dress quickly, too!")
The Moon is your ruler and you probably know that some Full Moons are easier than others. Regretfully, this ain't one of them. It is quite at odds with your sign, and in a fiery, prickly sign (Aries) and at the same time, it is lined up with unpredictable, explosive Uranus. Naturally the fur will fly! In particular, you will feel stress at home, with family members and with bosses, especially female bosses, mothers and women in authority. Don't try to win an argument. That would be crazy. Instead do everything to placate the situation and make sure that everyone is still talking to each other. Remember, at the end of the game, the king and pawn go back in the same box.
Do be careful because this entire week is a bit accident prone for your sign. Forewarned is forearmed. This includes verbal accidents as well as physical. The Full Moon will be on Wednesday, but Monday and Tuesday will have a lot of tension because the Moon is building up at that point. This tension will manifest in your daily communications with others, especially with siblings, neighbours and relatives. It will also manifest in your driving and your writing style. Therefore, think before you act and speak. It's really a matter of just three days where you have to keep your cool. Ironically, it will also be a fun-loving, adventurous time for you but that's because of Mars not the Full Moon. Surely you can juggle all this.
The Full Moon this week will create financial stress and money worries for you. (Why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?) Something will come to a head regarding your finances or your relationship with debt (credit cards or mortgages) or shared property and inheritances. Someone might throw down the gauntlet. (Hopefully, not you.) Issues from the past plus your desire to buy something or make more money will make you feel you have a vested interest in something which is why you won't want to be crossed or blocked. But you might have no choice. Better to fold your tent like the Arabs and silently steal away.
This week is the only Full Moon opposite your sign that occurs all year. For starters, it means that at the beginning of the week (Monday Tuesday and Wednesday) you will easily feel impatient with others and annoyed with them. (Of course, it's their fault. They are annoying!) But why lose your cool and become agitated and upset when this is the last thing you want to happen. You like harmony, peace, colour-coordinated surroundings and a good table at a nice restaurant. Therefore avoid fighting. And to do this, you will have to zip thy lip. No words of criticism. No words of indignation. The garbage can wait for another week. Meanwhile, in your personal life, your communications are positive, enthusiastic and successful! Go figure.
This will be an unsettling week, there is no doubt about that. The Full Moon midweek will introduce stress to your job, which would even manifest as stress to your health. In fact, it likely will. Therefore, reduce this stress. Since you cannot control the actions of others, the only thing you can control is your own reaction to them. Don't take the bait. Let them go to hell in their own hand-basket. You can remain calm, supportive and be someone who wants to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. You will spend money this week - possibly shopping therapy. Keep your receipts and your shoeboxes. Happiness is having alternatives.
The Full Moon this week could create a lot of tension between you and friends or members of groups. In fact, it could create friction with romantic partners or friends on vacation. Do be aware that with Mars in your sign, you're full of lots of energy now and coming on like gangbusters! But you can't always have centre stage. Be prepared to graciously bow out to allow others to voice their opinions and have the limelight. When the dust settles, you will still be performance ready and keen to spring into action. Therefore, when difficulties with others arise this week, demonstrate grace under pressure. Be a classy Sagittarian.
Like Cancer, you will find this Full Moon difficult. (There is no sugarcoating this.) Expect problems and arguments with parents, bosses, authority figures and anyone who holds sway over you. These difficulties might manifest with a family member, especially a female. But they will also be public because people at work will be aware that you are agitated and challenged. Since you value your public reputation, be cool! Don't let others know you're rattled. Think like an executive: Decide quickly and get someone else to do the work. Seriously, be gracious because your difficulties are public and the public never forgets.
Do be careful because the Full Moon this week is an accident-prone time. It could promote accidents physically or verbally. Naturally, these accidents don't have to happen. They are more likely prompted by anger, emotional frustration or being distracted at a critical moment. In other words, it's up to you and you control your destiny. ("You Are My Destineeee" Sorry, not now Paul.) Important communications might come to a head this week regarding siblings, publishing, the media, your ambitions in education or anything to do with medicine and the law. Whatever happens gives you the energy and enthusiasm to rouse others. You might bring people together to pursue goals close to your heart. (You always want to make the world a better place.)
This week Wednesday is truly Hump Day because the beginning of the week will lead up to the Full Moon on that day, and as such, there will be a buildup of tension on Monday and Tuesday. For your sign, this tension could relate to money, debt and shared property. It might focus on inheritances, insurance matters or red-tape details but essentially, it will involve what you owe to others and what you expect from them. You will be confident about protecting your own best interests because you're unusually ambitious now, especially with regard to your job. When these financial matters are resolved, things could come out in your favour. In addition, intimate relationships might be especially affectionate. Well, that's always a bonus.