All Signs

Astrologers predict events and influences by observing the cycles of different planets. For example, Saturn goes through your sign every 29 years; and Jupiter goes through your sign every 12 years. It's a looping effect. It's not precise because other planets are in different signs, but it's still a good indicator. Let's take a look at Jupiter and Saturn to see what might occur because let's face it - it's handy to have an idea about your future because you're going to spend the rest of your life there.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Boot camp continues until 2016-17, which means that you have to get along with less. (Yeah, this is still going on.) Help from partners or third parties is diminished. What this means is you are thrown back on your own resources and forced to stand on your own two feet. Fear not because a lovely career peak awaits you in 2018-19. Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter is in one of the best places for your sign that it could possibly be! Yay! Jupiter is helping you find the courage to be yourself and express yourself without fear or apology. Children will become a source of joy and your creative potential will increase. A vacation is guaranteed - along with fun times and flirtations!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Partnerships are stressed now (as well as close friendships) because Saturn is opposite your sign. (The last time this happened was 1983-85.) But the good new is it means you are taking your power and starting to focus on your external world. "I'm goin' places!" Meanwhile, back at the ranch, things have never looked better for home and family. The next 18 months are a fabulous time for you - the best in over a decade - to explore real-estate opportunities or invest in your home to make things look more attractive and feel more luxurious. Likewise, relationships with family members will improve because everyone is happier and more generous to each other. Ah yes, home is where the art is.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

At the turn of the millennium, you gave up a lot. (Ouch.) And then you set out on a new path around 2001-02. That was when you began to reinvent yourself and by around 2008-09 -tad da! You had given birth to the New You. Now is a time of hard work. You must get your life in order because your effectiveness as a human being is being tested. Fortunately, Jupiter will give you the necessary positive frame of mind to do this. Your attitude to the world around you is becoming more generous, understanding and tolerant. Along with this, your communications with daily contacts are improving and your plans for the future are bigger and more ambitious. Your future is waiting!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is a trying time for those of you with children. They may be an increased responsibility now. In fact, in all aspects of your life, you feel that whatever you produce is the result of hard work. Fortunately, this hard work will pay off because you have chance to boost your income or get a better job in the coming year. Ka-ching! Indeed, many of you will invest money or buy things for your own enjoyment. (Open your wallet and let a few moths out.) This is also a time where a love affair with someone older or more established might occur. Or you could play this role for someone else. (Cradle robber.) This is not a good year to take risks, especially with speculation and gambling.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Lucky Leo! Jupiter is in your sign for the next year for the first time since 2002-03. (Before that Jupiter was in Leo in 1990-91.) This means it's all systems go for you! Lady Luck is smiling on you bringing you opportunities, favourable circumstances plus increased confidence and a sense of well-being. This is also the beginning of a 12-year cycle of new growth for you. Not only will you be more fortunate every day, you will benefit because the spiritual dimension of your life will increase as well. Meanwhile, this is the perfect time to shore up your home. Make it more reliable and secure. Tackle repairs, renovations or residential moves. Graciously accept increased responsibilities with family members.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a challenging time because you are in a three-year window where you might have a change of residence or a change of jobs or both. It's a time of flux! Basically, you started off on a new path that would redefine who you are around 2008, and you will finish this process around 2016-17. So these changes that you have to undergo are about putting the finishing touches to the New You. It's time to hone and refine your way of communicating and thinking and seeing the world. This is why many of you will be thrust into a new situation, which forces you to become more aware. You will also become spiritually deeper and more aware as well.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You have been doing a lot of serious thinking lately because something internally or externally has prompted you to weigh and ponder your values. In other words, you want to make sure that you're putting your money on the right horse. You want to know what really matters in life so that you aren't 90 years old, saying, "I blew it." You might also feel financially squeezed because you have increased financial burdens. And you want to make sure you are getting the best use out of what you own. Fortunately, the next 12-18 months are fun-loving and popular! You will enjoy warm friendships more than you have in a long time. You will also benefit from others. "Hey, thanks for this!"

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is an eventful time for you because Saturn is in your sign for the first time since 1983-85. Younger Scorpions have never experienced this in their adult life. It means you have to run a tighter ship. You have responsibilities and lots of work; yet, this is also a time of accomplishment. You have to come to terms with who you are in your own mind and not the minds of others. Be the person you've always wanted to be! You are laying the foundation for things that will unfold in the next 30 years. Meanwhile, Jupiter will help you shine by bringing you opportunities to promote your good name and reputation and perhaps travel as well. Enjoy!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your struggle right now is letting go. It's a time to say goodbye and give up people, places and possessions. Actually, this is relatively easy for you because you are so forward-looking. ("What's around the next corner?") This will continue well into next year but it will help you lighten your load and make it easier to enter a whole new world in 2016-17. That's when you will really start a journey to reinvent yourself. Exciting! Meanwhile, you are blessed because your ruler Jupiter will now bring you lots of opportunities to travel and explore the world. It also brings opportunities to learn, succeed at school and explore publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Lookin' sweet!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a strong time for you because other people respect you and you can be successful in going after what you want. (Lord knows you've paid your dues in the past.) What you have to learn is how to meet the demands of society - clubs, organizations and groups, and yet at the same time, not sell out. After all, you count, too. It's a delicate juggling act that you must master. Meanwhile, you are laughing all the way to the bank because in the next 18 months, you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others through inheritances, gifts, favours and the indirect benefit of your partner. Others will let you use things they own. How cool is that?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a fabulous time for you! (Life rushes by like a game of musical chairs.) This is a time of harvest when you will reap the rewards of the past seven years, and to a lesser extent, the past 14 years. Where you planted well, you see success. And where you weren't so smart, you will see the results of that. But it's a good time for most of you even though you have great responsibilities. As if these rewards were not enough, you will also benefit from improved partnerships and friendships in the coming year - in a lovely way. People will help you! The coming year is a great time to marry or enter into new partnerships.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a time of preparation. You are learning a lot (literally) and discovering what skills and information you need to learn to be even better at whatever you want to do. Some of this learning will be through coursework and schools but also through travel and hands-on experience. Meanwhile, and this is your good fortune, while you are pushing forward to a lovely career peak in a few years, this year, you can improve your job, or get a better job, or get better duties, or a more attractive workspace, or you will escape the clutches of an evil boss. So much is in your favour!