This week we have a New Moon. It's important to know how to use a New Moon because it lasts about 48 hours and is the perfect time to make resolutions. Each month has a different New Moon because a New Moon is when the Moon and the Sun are in the same sign. This is an auspicious time! Every New Moon occurs in a different part of our chart, which means we have an opportunity for different resolutions. Of course, we make resolutions and don't keep them because we're all frail mortals. But "Without a wish to avoid faults, one cannot keep from them." (I've had that on my fridge for 20 years.)
The New Moon this week provides the best motivation all year for you to grab hold of your life and get better organized. You feel this urge so why not act on it? What can you do to make your life run more smoothly? Look around you and make a list. Be realistic. You might make a long term "ideal" wish list, but what about a short term list that will make your life easier right away? List the projects, big and small, that you want to tackle, and then get the right materials and tools to do a good job. You're also keen to improve your health. Think how pleased you will feel to get these things done. Excavate your bedroom closet.
This is a playful, fun-loving time! It's the only New Moon all year urging you to get in touch with your creative urges and have fun. How often do you indulge your creative talents? Most Tauruses are musical and like to sing. Pick up an instrument. Explore your talents. You are a verb not a noun. It's the doing that counts. Move out of your comfort zone and enjoy socializing with others. Invite people over. Accept invitations from others. You will love sports events, playful activities with kids, and a chance to attract romance into your life. Hey -- life is like a 10-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
Home, family and your personal life are the areas you can improve right now. Two approaches are cleaning and tidying where you live. (Hey, your home is your refuge so why not make it pleasant and comfy?) And the second approach involves the relationships you have with family members and those where you live. The latter requires more than just spit and polish. Have you noticed how we are often nicer to strangers than to our own loved ones? Like, what's with that? Not to frighten you, but it's good to remember that you never know how long anyone will be with you. Appreciate them while you can.
This is the best week of the entire year to take a look at your style of communicating to the people you see everyday. Next to direct physical contact, or the physical assistance you offer to others - it is your communications that are the building blocks of your daily relationships. Yes, words! And not just your words because conversations are a two-way street. How well do you listen to others? How well do others grasp what you say? Use this New Moon energy to improve your relations with everyone through your style of communicating... speech, emails, texts, phone calls and smoke signals.
In the aftermath of Leo celebrations, it's time to check the royal coffers. And sure enough, the New Moon takes place in your Money House! It urges you to get a strategy on how to handle your money better. For starters, you need money coming in. Right? Think about your job, or a better job, or ways to make money on the side or all of the above. Are you doing whatever you can to generate cash? Next, how much money is left over? Ah ha! Now we get to the nitty-gritty, which is how you spend your money. You are a generous sign who loves a good time. You will go into debt to treat others. How can you improve your overall financial picture? Ideas?
This week the only New Moon in your sign all year is happening. It's your best chance to look in the mirror to see how you can improve your appearance because we are all judged by our appearance. (And you never get a second chance to make a first impression.) So why not look your best? When the New Moon is in your sign, it's also a primo opportunity to figure out how to improve your closest relationships - intimate and professional. How can you look better and relate to others more successfully? This is a "clean-up-your-act" week. You take care of yourself, and as a result, you often look younger than you are. Of course the best way to look young is get lots of sleep, cut out coffee and booze and lie about your age.
Despite the fact that Jupiter and Venus encourage social schmoozing, nevertheless, the Sun, the New Moon and Mercury are all hidden in your chart right now. This means you are pulled in two directions. On one hand, you want to meet friends, be active with groups, attend gatherings and be in the swim of things! (Really your style.) Nevertheless, these hidden planets make you want to withdraw from the busyness of life. Since this is the only New Moon all year in this "hidden" position, it means it's totally appropriate to be contemplative and seek out privacy so you can ponder your values and your future. What's up in your life?
Jupiter is now boosting your popularity for the coming year. (You can put your name up in lights.) And this month, fair Venus enhances your relationships with others, even to the point you might have a romance with a boss or someone older, richer or worldlier. In addition, the Sun, the New Moon and Mercury give you lots of energy to socialize, especially with younger people. You are out there flying your colours, enjoying the company of everyone! But this week in particular, the New Moon offers you a chance to make resolutions about improving and scrutinizing your friendships. After all, your friends influence you! Do you hang out with quality people?
This week is the only time all year that the New Moon occurs at the top of your chart. This is something you can use! It's your chance to give some serious consideration to your life direction in general. Where are you headed? Are you going in the direction you want or are you just drifting? Are your goals your goals or the goals of other people? These are all things to think about. What progress have you made recently? Looking ahead, where do you want to be five years from now? One year from now? What do you have to do to get there? Do you need further skills, education or perhaps a relocation? This is the best week to think about this stuff.
As mentioned in All Signs above, each month the New Moon is in a different sign. This week, this particular New Moon is urging you to take stock of your education, training and skills. How prepared are you to reach the goals you want to achieve? More than another signs, you intend to "be" someone. This New Moon not only urges you to assess your education and training but also draws your attention to religion, philosophy and belief systems. Even if you have rejected religion - you still have a "belief" system. Whether or not you can succinctly state your belief system, it does affect you, and hence, it affects your choices, which basically create your future.
The New Moon this week is the only New Moon all year in the part of your chart related to debt, taxes, shared property and anything you own jointly with others. There's an old saying: "Out of debt, out of danger." So true. And yet, today millions are chained by debt. Me, too. Look at the balance in your life between what you give others and what they give you in return. Do you owe too much to others - personally, privately or in credit? If you are in debt, take time this week to strategize how you can ruthlessly slash your debt so that you will be freer. After all, you are freedom-loving sign!
This week the only New Moon that is directly opposite your sign all year is taking place. This means the New Moon is in Virgo, which is 180 degrees opposite from Pisces. This polarization offers you the best chance all year to think about how you can improve your closest relationships and partnerships. It's also a chance to study your underlying beliefs about relationships. For example, if you believe others only want something from you - then you will attract takers. We script our lives to support our core beliefs. Finish the sentence "What people want from me is___." Or "Every time I'm in a relationship ____." Our lives are movies and each of us is writing the script.