This week the Sun shifts from Leo to Virgo, which creates a new focus for everyone for the next month. Here is the current line up: The Sun is in Virgo for the next four weeks; Mercury is in Virgo until Sept. 1; Venus is in Leo until Sept. 5; Mars is in Scorpio until Sept 13. And in the back stretch, Jupiter is in Leo and will stay there until mid August next year; and Saturn will be in Scorpio until Sept. 2015. Read on to learn more about the coming month ahead because the future really does matter. Hey, you're going to spend the rest of your life there!
You've been in party mode for a while and it's been fun. However, now it's time to pull your act together. This always happens when you see September looming on the calendar, right? It's probably that back-to-school headspace that affects you for the rest of your life, especially if it is reinforced because you are a parent. This is why you will want to become more efficient and more effective in everything you do. Many of you will make To Do list and be eager to accomplish a lot. Give yourself the right tools to do a good job because it makes things easier and always get a better result. Set your standards high because in effect, you're working to improve your life.
While many feel the need to get more focused and pull their act together, ironically, you are going to slip into serious party mode! If you can slip away on a vacation in the next month - you will love it. Many of you are involved in music (Taurus rules the throat), which means you will love the chance to express your creative talents in the next 4 to 6 weeks. Enjoy movies, the theatre, sports events, the arts, cultural events and musical performances. You will also enjoy entertaining at home because you're still keen to redecorate and make your digs more comfy and palatial. You love your creature comforts. Romance will flourish as well!
Your attention now shifts to home, family and your domestic scene. This might mean family reunions and increased interaction with relatives. However, this month will also offer a chance to cocoon at home and enjoy quiet moments in familiar surroundings. You can use this month to replenish and restore yourself, which is a good idea because October will be full of social engagements and plans to have fun. Your interaction with a parent could be more significant in the next few weeks. Expect lots of family memories to come back to you, no doubt due to discussions with others about the bad old days. "We were so poor we lived in a hole in the middle of the road."
Fasten your seatbelt for a busy month ahead! Your schedule will be jam-packed with people to see, places to go and things to do. Short trips will be a factor along with increased study, reading and writing. You're keen to talk to others because you want to enlighten them. You're full of bright, clever ideas you want to share. One reason, you might be wheeling and dealing is you see financial opportunities you want to explore. (Your money scene is excellent now!) You might boost your earnings, or get a better job, or see how to make money on the side. Plus you will buy treasures for yourself and loved ones. Ka-ching!
Even though the Sun leaves your sign this week, Venus and Jupiter are still in Leo bringing all kinds of good stuff your way. This is an excellent time to shop for wardrobe treasures because you feel good about yourself. "Look at me - I'm hot!" And that is the frame of mind you want to have when buying clothes that create the image you want to project onto the world. The month ahead will be focused on money, cash flow and earnings as well as your possessions. It's time to take stock. Do a reality check. At a deeper level, you will ponder your values and what really matters in life. It's important to define what matters to you, so that you can make the right choices.
For the first time in a year, the Sun has returned to your sign, giving you a chance to recharge your batteries for the next 12 months. This will be a fortunate time for you because when the Sun is in your sign (this happens only once a year for four weeks) it has the ability to attract favourable situations and important people to you. Make the most of this. Milk this for all it's worth! Mars will help you to go after what you want because it now lends energy to all your communications - including your writing skills. This is a powerful month ahead and you're ready for it. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
Venus and Jupiter continue to boost your popularity with friends and groups, which is wonderful. In particular, you will welcome the chance to enjoy the creativity of others, especially younger artistic types. Nevertheless, you can't be all things to all people all of the time. This means that the month ahead is a good time to pull in your reins and get some serious R&R. Grab every opportunity to seek solutions so that you can start to plan your new year ahead (from birthday to birthday). Make a plan, Stan! You can either approach your future willy-nilly, responding to what happens and putting out fires; or you can set some goals and march to the beat of your own drum. What's it going to be? Ideas?
Prepare for a popular month ahead because everyone is going to want to see your face. Just accept this and go with the flow. Invitations to clubs, organizations, parties and social events will pour in. Say yes, because it will benefit you to interact with others. In fact, the month ahead is a good time to share your hopes and dreams for the future with others because their feedback will help you. Don't work in a vacuum. Get the benefit of think-tank discussions where ideas build to new levels with new perspectives and vistas. This continues to be an excellent time to talk to authority figures, which is why some of you are having an affair with someone older, richer or more worldly. "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain."
This is the only time all year when the Sun slowly crosses the top of your chart. This phenomena acts like a spotlight on you, which means you are noticed! Furthermore, this lighting is flattering, which means people in authority (as well as others) see you as competent, desirable and talented. Don't do anything to correct this impression. (Kidding!) This placement of the Sun is an excellent time for you to think about your life direction in general. Are you headed in the direction you want to go? You are a forward thinking sign who is always planning your future. Meanwhile, travel for pleasure looks sweet.
You will have an exciting month ahead because you will make it so. Suddenly, you're keen to travel and explore more of the world because you want adventure and a sense of being alive and getting the most out of life. By all means travel if you can, but the coming month is also perfect for signing up for a course or undertaking studies that broaden your understanding of anything. Talk to people from other countries and different cultures. Explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Do anything that gives you a thrill, a sense of adventure and a chance to learn something new and exciting!
Venus and Jupiter continue to sweeten your partnerships and close friendships, which is quite lovely. However, as the Sun now shifts signs, you will find that the coming month is more intense and primarily focused in two directions: Sex and money. Oy! Physical relationships will be powerful and transformative - for sure. (The stuff of movies.) But you will feel equally as intense about taxes, debt, inheritances and shared property because you want to sort these things out. Your ambition is strong now with Mars at the top of your chart, which means you will easily defend your own best interests. Think like an executive: Decide quickly and get someone else to do the work.
During the next four weeks, the Sun will be directly opposite your sign. This is the only time all year this happens and because the Sun is your source of energy, and it is as far away from your sign as it gets all year, you will need more sleep. Factoid. Respect your need for more rest. Meanwhile, this polarized position of the Sun will focus your attention on partnerships and close friendships. Examine them to see how they add up in your life. For a relationship to be successful, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. And remember, a rich partner is wonderful laboursaving device.