There has much violence in the news, and there has been harsh astrological aspects as well. Every two years, Mars is in Libra for six weeks. However, since December, Mars has been in Libra to stay until late July. That's eight months! Meanwhile, in 2011, Uranus entered Aries for the first time since 1927-1934 to stay until 2019. Aries and Libra are 180 degrees opposite each other. This means, while Mars goes back and forth in Libra, it opposes Uranus in Aries. Specifically, December 2013, April and finally, this week. Mars is energy and activity, and when triggered, it turns angry and violent! Uranus is volatile, unpredictable and a classic trigger point. These triggered oppositions can affect us for weeks, even months. Fortunately, for most, they signify minor problems. Keep your wits about you this week. Don't leave home without them.
Please read the All Signs above to get a better picture of what you are dealing with this week, and indeed, have been dealing with for some time. Since December, life has been challenging. (Ya think?) It's been a time of conflict with friends, spouses and partners. Some of you have been at each other's throats. This week will trigger a final round of tension. (Gulp.) Therefore, it's important to know that by late July, Mars will FINALLY leave Libra and move into Scorpio, thus ending its opposition to you. This will improve all your relationships with others! Keep the hope. (Hope is the feeling you have that feeling you have isn't permanent.)
Difficulties with work, especially with coworkers or broken equipment, will not go on forever. (Although it feels like it will because it's been frustrating you since last December.) Hopefully, this week will be the last crunchy moment of conflict with others on the job. Naturally, this won't stop overnight; but it will start to fade as early as next week; and these problems will be greatly reduced by August. Therefore, be patient and cope as best you can until then. Don't do anything drastic. Incidentally, this same frustrating influence can relate to your health as well. Just remember: August brings relief!
The opposition of Mars and Uranus, which occurs this week for the third time (first in December, then in April) signals many changes and influences for you. One of them is related to your children. This influence is an accident-prone time for your kids or children in your care. Another is related to vacations, parties, social events and the entertainment world. This means you have lots of spontaneous fun - unplanned parties and vacations. And some have even had surprise news about babies! This unpredictable element could trigger love affairs because it amps your sex drive. To put it mildly, the last several months have hardly been boring. One more surprise might take place this week or next. Get ready.
The chaotic influence of Mars, especially aggravated by Uranus in December, April and this week, has created family conflicts in your home and family life. It has also introduced enough increased activity and insanity, it makes you want to pull your hair out. All this has been beyond your control. No one can really be faulted per se. It's just what it is. The main thing to know is that in a few weeks, things will calm down and by August/September, your life will return to normal - whatever that means. Generally normal is what we do and abnormal is what other people do, right, Billy Bob?
Last week I advised Leos to keep a low profile for the next month. (This is worth repeating.) Last week, I advised Leos to keep a low profile for the next month. (You get it.) The Mars/Uranus opposition that I refer to in All Signs above, makes you argumentative, impulsive, energetic, aggressive and ready to explode at a moment's notice. It can also be accident-prone; and it can introduce weird, unexpected happenings into your daily world. "Like whaaat?" Let's not dwell on this because it's almost over, although the next two weeks are definitely an accident-prone time for you! Stay well because you have so much to look forward to when Jupiter enters your sign mid July. That's just 23 sleeps!
In the All Signs above, I refer to the last opposition of Mars and Uranus that will take place this week. The first was in December, the second was in April, and this week is the last, until a brief encounter in December 2015. What this has done and continues to do is shake up your earnings, cash flow and financial picture. (Ouch.) It has made you spend erratically, as well as work in spurts to earn money. Although it has given you energy in financial matters, it is more of a pain than a gain. Too unpredictable! Once again, guard your possessions against loss or theft. Look for ways to find money and not lose it! Ka-ching!
Well, hear you are, going through this most unusual experience of Mars in your sign for eight months. In a way, it's been good because it makes you energetic, forthright, direct and willing to fight for what you want. (Awriiight!) Unfortunately, in December, April and again this week, the opposition of Mars to Uranus, is just a bit too much. In other words, you can't keep your shirt on if you need to get something off your chest. This means you been too much to handle from the point of view of others, especially partners, spouses and close friends. (No doubt they will say read that part out loud again.) But hey, this crazy energy will be over in a month. Use it is as best you can.
Although your love life shows promise, and chances to travel and explore, along with opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education look great - you have gone through a rough patch since last December. Right? It's as if hidden forces behind the scenes are conspiring against you. They certainly created interruptions and glitches to your job, and perhaps even your health. But you're coping! Bravo! This week another glitch will emerge but you will persevere because this insanity is winding down now. And by August, you will be King on the Road! "Pardon my dust!"
Your focus on shared property, taxes, debt, inheritances and dealing with the values and wealth of others continues. Fortunately, close partnerships and friendships are cozy and will continue to be so in the next few weeks. Yes, you can hear the "but" coming, can't you? This week, once again, some kind of conflict with a friend or member of a group will explode. You will be frustrated and so might they. This could create problems in romantic involvements. It can even be an accident-prone time for your kids so be aware of this and be vigilant. But it will mean a shift in your goals simply because you have no choice. And you hate it when you have no choice. Happiness is having alternatives.
Remember to get more rest because you need this right now. And remember to observe partnerships and relationships because you can learn a lot in the next few weeks while the Sun is opposite your sign. Be patient at work because silly errors and goofy mistakes in communications are unavoidable. (Since you are a perfectionist, this will irk you.) However, be careful with your ambitious efforts because something might trip up or send things sideways. You've been dealing with this unpredictable energy since December, so you know what I mean. Avoid conflict with authority figures because they will be explosive. This includes authority figures within your family as well. By August, life starts to look better!
You're working hard to get as organized as possible. You need this right now to feel on top of your game. Nevertheless, vacations, parties, romantic adventures, sports events and playful times with children continue to be sources of fun. (Thank Gawd.) What has been most frustrating, since December, has been the element of the unpredictable. Ha! You know whereof I speak. Accidents, crazy situations, cancelled travel plans and bizarre setbacks have been a plague to you. Get ready because bizarre happenings once again will occur this week - but after that, things will start to wind down. (For at least 18 months.) Even insanity has to take a rest.
Your focus on pleasure, playful activities with children, sports events, romantic adventures, the arts and vacations will continue to bless you this year. Yay me! This is a fabulous time for fun and romance - no question. It's also a great time to redecorate at home and entertain. No doubt relatives you haven't seen for a while will be back in the picture. Nevertheless, there is one major speed bump this week. This speed bump concerns cash flow, earnings, finances and anything related to inheritances, insurance matters and shared property. Steady as she goes as you ride these tall waves. Once you're through this - you will have survived.