All Signs

If Wednesday is Hump Day, is June 15th the beginning of Hump Week? Since we're undergoing transportation delays, computer mixups and confused communications - it's reassuring to know we are half way through this month. Indeed, this week, the Sun enters Cancer bringing all of us a new shift in our lives - one that we haven't experienced for a year. This Cancer Sun encourages a greater interest in the home and a desire to be more social with family. Deck parties, barbecues, gardening and picnics will be fun opportunities for family get-togethers. This is good. But have you ever noticed that you never see kids going around showing off pictures of their grandparents?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It's been a year since you had such a strong focus on home, family and your domestic life. This personal shift will manifest in several ways. Some will focus on home decorating and gardening because you'll enjoy making your digs more beautiful for the summer. Being the artisan of the zodiac, you will dream up fun projects to build or create something at home. And your attention will turn outdoors to decks and landscaping. However, others will want to cocoon at home for the next few weeks. ("I'm hiding.") One certainty is that all Aries natives will have moments of contemplation and memories of their youth - their green and salad days.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Get ready for a busy month because this Sun energizes you! Suddenly, you've got things to do, places to go and people to see! Your schedule will be jam-packed with short trips, errands and conversations with everyone. The daily pace of your life will accelerate. Zoom, zoon! Many of you will read, write and study more than usual as well. Expect increased involvement with siblings and relatives. Some of you will tie up loose ends regarding property and possessions with siblings. This is a good week to buy my wardrobe goodies. It's not so much the clothes that make the man - it's that you don't see many naked people in politics.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

As the Sun shifts signs this week, you'll notice the coming month will emphasize money, cash flow, earnings and your job. Not only will you think more about your assets, you'll be pondering your self-worth. You might also wonder if what you are doing is meaningful or worthwhile. This is the time to take stock. Nobody wants to be in a dead-end job unless it fulfills some requirements on another level. In addition to contemplating major purchases, many of you will ask yourself what it is you really want in life? Which begs the question - what really matters? It's a curious that in our culture, what costs little is valued less. Duh?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This week the Sun returns to your sign for the first time in a year, to recharge your batteries for months to come. This is a wonderful opportunity for you! It will also attract people and favourable circumstances to you. Quite literally, this is your hour! Naturally, you want to make the most of this. Think big and expect a miracle. The next few weeks are a great time to schmooze with friends, especially artistic, creative people. This will give you a nice relief from the pandemonium, tension and chaos at home, (which won't last forever because nothing does). Courage.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Once a year for a month, the Sun "hides" in your chart. It's waiting in the wings ready to make its entrance centre stage when your birthday arrives. But until then, it behooves you to work alone or behind the scenes and keep a low profile. Yoga, meditation and quiet activities will appeal because you are also more introspective and given to self scrutiny. ("Is that broccoli in my teeth?" "Does this room make me look fat?") Nevertheless, your communications with others will be strong (as they have been for some time). With Venus at the top of your chart, relations with bosses and authority figures are warm and smooth, which is why some of you will begin an affair.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Expect a popular month ahead, dear Virgo. Plan on spending time with friends and groups. Accept all invitations and make overtures to get together with people because your interactions with others will actually benefit you. These benefits could be direct or perhaps indirect. For example, you might seek advice from others or their opinion about your future ideas. If so, their feedback will be helpful. Plus travel for pleasure will appeal and this too, could be a wonderful reason to reconnect with friends and acquaintances. Although you're working hard to earn money, you're blowing it just as fast. Oh well, money is only useful if you spend it.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This week, the Sun moves to the top of your chart where it will be like a spotlight shining down on you. But do take note: This "lighting" is flattering! That's why bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will think so highly of you. In fact, you might be approached to take on increased responsibilities because of this. (You look like a winner.) Just accept because you will please everyone, without doing anything special. (Plus, with Mars in your sign now, you are forthright, direct and powerful anyhow. Interaction with authority figures, especially parents, are likely in the month ahead. This is the perfect time to examine your life as a whole to see if you're going in the direction you want. This is a strong month for you!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Travel appeals to you in the coming month because you want a change of scenery! You want adventure and the buzz of something different. You also want to be stimulated by learning something new, which means this will be a great time to sign up for a course or get further education. You will also be enthused to talk to people from other countries and different cultures. The main thing is -- do something different! Vary your routine. Instead of dinner at home - have a picnic by the beach. With Venus opposite your sign right now, this is a good time to get a better understanding of relationships, especially the needs of your partner. It's also a good time to work out conflicts with loved ones.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

For the next month, the Sun is in a part of your chart that increases your passion about life. (Yes, it also increases your sex drive.) This amped verve for life will make you want to be a better person, which is why you will work out and jog, row, cycle or whatever to buff your bod. (You like the outdoors, whereas for me - outdoors is where the car is.) You will also focus on your psychological health and want to experience life not just learn about it. Fling out your arms like Evita and cry "I want to live!" Perhaps this was prompted by meeting an ex-partner recently? Plus your competitive spirit makes you want to win in sports contests with others (including sex).

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Ah ha! For the first time in a year, this week the Sun moves opposite your sign to stay for a month. Since the Sun is your source of energy, it is now as far away from you as it gets all year. Connect the dots: You will need more sleep. However, this polarized position of the Sun will give you a chance to learn more about how you handle your closest relationships. ("Must I?") You will see more clearly what wants and needs of others are, and also how they fill (or do not) your wants and needs. Nevertheless, it's a given that you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you to have a successful relationship. Fair Venus will help things by making you playful, flirtatious and eager for fun and pleasure. Romance will flourish! Oo la la!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

In the next four weeks, you will roll up your sleeves and get busy because you want to be efficient, productive and effective! You want your actions to count. And to do this, you need to have an organized home and an organized work place as the bottom line before you begin to refine your techniques. Therefore, physical efficiency will be your byword. Naturally, while you're on this roll, you'll also be keen to improve your health. Decorating projects at home will appeal because you might also want to entertain. Yet at odds with this, you have a strong desire to travel and see new places and talk to new faces. Busy you!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

With the promise of vacations, fun and sweet romance - who is surprises that the shift of the Sun this week ushers in a month of even more fun and pleasure? (Mom always liked you best.) You're making out like a bandit! Sports and playful times with children will appeal. Just be yourself without fear or apology. Enjoy this carefree freedom. Venus sweetens your tongue promoting relations with everyone and helping those who sell, write, edit, market, teach or act. Yes, there's money in your words! One area of possible conflict concerns your need to defend your interests with inheritances, shared property and such. Pleasure might not be happiness but don't knock it.