Once a month, I write about the month ahead. This is because every month, the Sun changes signs i.e. moving into Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc. according to Western astrology. (Not according to the sky.) When the Sun changes signs in astrological terms, it means there is a shift of emphasis and activity for all of us. Partly this is due to the sign the Sun is in, which brings a new flavour for everyone; but also due to the astrological House in the chart of each sign where the new Sun now sits. This week, the Sun moves into Gemini a chatty, curious, busy sign. This brings to mind what Alice Roosevelt (daughter of President Theodore Roosevelt) used to say, "If you can't say something nice about someone, come sit by me."
The next month is the perfect time for a short trip because you want a change of scenery and you want to learn something! You want to see new places and new faces. You want to talk to people who are different or unusual. You have an increased curiosity about your surroundings and you want be stimulated! Because you're in an eager frame of mind, this is a great time to take a course or start a new study. It's also an excellent time to write and read. Relations with siblings will be important. You will notice that your daily pace will accelerate with increased activities and a general sense of excitement. Expect fun, thrilling times ahead!
As the Sun shifts signs this week, it will cause your attention to turn more to money issues - cash flow, earnings, investments plus shopping and major purchases. In addition, many of you will also focus more on your possessions or something specific that you own. For example, you might buy something and then you feel proud of it and want to show it off. At a deeper level, this placement of the Sun is an opportunity for you to see how well you are using your wealth and your possessions. Does what you own help you or hinder you? In other words, do you own your stuff or does it own you?
This week the Sun enters your sign to stay for four weeks. This happens only once a year. That's why I say - and it's true -this is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. When the Sun is in your sign, it attracts people and favourable circumstances to you. In other words, it's a fortunate time! Therefore, you should be aware of this and make the most of it. Think of it as rowing with the tide. It's also a good time to take a quick report card of your life. It's most appropriate to put yourself first now and think about how well you are doing at the art of living. What kind of grade would you give yourself?
Your birthday is a month away, which means your personal year is coming to an end. That further means that the month ahead is the perfect time for you to think about what you want your new personal year to be all about. Cast a glance over your shoulder and think about this past year. How do you want things to be different? What do you want to introduce that might be new or beneficial or perhaps expand your world? You have about four weeks to give this some serious thought. Studies show that people who are successful know where they're going. They know what they want. They set goals, especially with deadlines. (The true litmus test.)
Expect a popular month ahead because the new placement of the Sun will attract social situations and people to you, and you to them. You will enjoy friendships more in the month ahead and many of you will even join classes, clubs, groups and associations. But know this: It's important that you respond to these opportunities because in the month ahead your interactions with others will benefit you. This is not a time to go it alone. Furthermore, if you share your ideas, hopes and dreams for the future with others - their feedback will help you, perhaps literally or financially! Try it.
This is the only time of the year when the Sun is high in your chart acting like a spotlight. Furthermore, this light not only makes everyone notice you more than usual, it is favourable and flattering! This means you easily impress people in authority - parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs and the police. Obviously, you can use this to your advantage. For one thing, it only happens once a year and you have about a one-month run. Why wouldn't you use it to promote your agenda or go after what you want or make your pitch? The trick is Mercury is retrograde in the month of June, so you have to work with this as well. In other words, get all the help you want to finish something.
The next four weeks will be exciting because the Sun will attract travel opportunities and a change of scenery. You'll be hungry to learn and discover new things. Profound discussions about philosophy, religion, politics and lofty ideas will appeal; plus you will talk to people from different backgrounds and other countries. It's also an excellent time to pursue publishing, the media, medicine and the law, especially if you are dealing with people you dealt with before. And anything related to higher education and training will flow easily. What fabulous, fresh areas to explore! This is not the time to sit around getting dusty.
This new Sun will help you clear up old business related to shared property, taxes, debt and anything you own jointly with others. It will be a good time to write a will (so easy to put off) and wrap up loose ends with inheritances, insurance matters and red-tape details. These are mundane issues that you will find it easy to take care of. As you tackle them - they will fall into place quickly. Another area that will be highlighted is your sex life. (Did I hear laughter?) That's because your passions will be aroused! In fact, you might be forced to deal with people who have different values from yours. Expect an intense, memorable month ahead. (Gasp.)
This week the Sun will move opposite your sign, which is the only time this occurs all year. It will last for about four weeks. Since the Sun is your source of energy, and now it will be as far away from your sign as it gets all year, you will need more rest. It's important to accept this and not run yourself ragged. (As my Mom used to say.) In addition, this polarized position of the Sun will focus your attention on partnerships and close friendships. It will be an opportunity for you to see how to improve these relationships. Remember: For a relationship to be successful, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you.
You are a worker. It's not that you don't enjoy having fun because you do! But you hate to waste time. To put it another way, you like to make your time count. You want results for your efforts. In the month ahead, your desire to be efficient, effective and productive will increase, which is why you will tackle To Do lists and tasks and be focused on your job. You will get great satisfaction from whatever you produce. In addition, certain situations will arise that cause you to be more aware of your health and how you can promote wellness and a better sense of well-being. Fear not because fair Venus still promises fun, parties, romance and social schmoozing.
Lucky you! Once a year, the Sun takes four weeks to move through the part of your chart linked with love affairs, romance, vacations, the arts, parties, social affairs, sports events and playful times with children. Yup, all the fun stuff! That time has arrived. So get out your social calendar and plan to meet people for fun occasions. By all means, slip away on a vacation if you can. Plan on seeing or participating in sports and make more time for your kids or young people in your life. Needless to say, look sexy because new flirtations are around every corner! Of course, you can still work (but you won't do much overtime).
This is the one time of year when the Sun makes it easy for you to focus on home, family and your domestic life. You might find yourself gardening, painting or doing renovations. You certainly will entertain more at home and be more inclined to see family members or have the gang over for a barbecue. Many of you might relate to a parent more than usual as well. Despite all this, you will also want to carve out more time for your own privacy so that you can cocoon at home and enjoy your own refuge. Get as much done as you can because in four weeks, you will flee your home to party and go on a vacation!