All Signs

On May 28th, Mercury starts to slow down before it goes retrograde on June 7th. Therefore, if you plan to purchase a car, truck or bike; or a computer or cell phone; or if you want to open a new business or begin a new project - do it in the next four weeks before May 28th. (The month of June will have reunions and tape loops from the past; and yes, we can expect silly errors and transportation delays; but June will also be a great time to finish what is already begun.) Please make note: You have four weeks ahead to begin something new or buy certain items. If you can't do this in the next four weeks, wait until mid July. To err is human; to admit it is not.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

On Sunday/Monday, this week we have the only New Moon in Taurus all year taking place. Every New Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions. In addition, every New Moon occurs in a different sign; hence, in a different part of your chart. They are not all the same! This New Moon is your best chance all year to think how you can improve your money and your assets. Can you boost your earnings? Do your possessions need attention or care? Give this some thought. At a deeper level, think about your attitude to money and wealth. Your attitude to something will affect how it manifests in your life. Ya think? (Oh yeah.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a week of many flavours for you, which is a great thing because who has more refined taste buds than you? (Taurus the Gourmet.) On Monday/Tuesday, the only New Moon in your sign all year will take place. (In fact, a Solar Eclipse!) Among other things, this means this is the best time of year for you to check out your wardrobe and your image. Take a realistic look in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to look stellar. On Wednesday, you are optimistic but by Friday afternoon, someone will raise their arm and say, "Talk to the hand!" Fear not - you'll be laughing by the weekend.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This week secrets might be revealed to you. Something will happen that makes you take stock and ask yourself, "What's it all about Alfie?" This won't be serious and heavy-handed. It will more likely be like a light epiphany. You will learn something about your inner values and who you really are. This could increase your confidence and ultimately boost your income or lead to a better job. (Curious but true.) But you might also encounter opposition on Friday. No biggie. This long journey of Mars in Libra makes you playful, frisky and flirtatious. You're having fun and grateful for the chance to do so. Then in about three weeks - you will shine when the Sun enters your sign!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Because the Moon is your ruler, you are naturally sensitive to what is going on with the Moon. You feel the Full Moon; and you often feel the New Moon. On Monday/Tuesday this week, the New Moon will be your best chance in the year to think about the role your friendships play in your life. Are you happy with the friends you have? Friends influence us because they affect our thinking, and in turn, our choices then create our future! Don't hang out with people who bring you down. Life is too short for that. And if you want to have more friends - be friendly! It's that simple. This particular New Moon also urges you to think about how you can make your dreams for the future a reality.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

At this time, the Sun is at high noon in your chart casting a flattering light on you, which is why you so easily impress everyone. "But soft! what yonder light through window breaks?" - tis the New Moon on Monday/Tuesday joining the Sun to give you a double whammy at the top of your chart. This means you look fabulous, capable and competent, and at the same time, this is your best chance all year to think about your life direction and where you are headed. Wow. Do you know where you are headed? Do you know where you want to be five years from now? That's your homework for this week. (There will be a surprise midterm on Thursday.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The beginning of this week is the best time all year to ask yourself what further education or training you could you get to help your job, or help get a different job, or simply enrich your life. In other words, give thought to how you can expand your experience and knowledge through education, training or travel. Instead of taking a course, you might apprentice with someone or hang out with people who can expand your skills. Be open to new ideas and methods. Talk to friends and schmooze with groups because someone might help you. On Friday, do not be discouraged by opposition. This is just a temporary dark cloud on your horizon.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The Sun, the New Moon and Mercury create a combined vortex this week to make you focus on debt, taxes and shared property, as well as mortgages, loans, inheritances and insurance matters. This also highlights your responsibilities to others and what they expect from you. This includes your values versus the values of others that might be different from yours. These are all things you need to sort out. Figure out where your boundaries are so that you know what you owe and what you own. Don't leave things fuzzy hoping they will just fade away. This stuff doesn't fade away. It collects interest! And then -- they send out the posse.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The New Moon on Monday/Tuesday is the only New Moon all year that is directly opposite your sign. Each New Moon is different; however, each new Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions and improve your life in some way. This New Moon urges you to focus on partnerships and close friendships. Basically, you need to determine if these relationships are beneficial for you. Are you better off because these people are in your life? And if you want them in your life - what do you offer in return? Beyond love and affection, practicality is a strong component for bonding. (A padded headboard can help, too.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This week, especially Monday/Tuesday, it's appropriate to focus on your job and your daily tasks. But the New Moon is tricky. It's subtle. What turns you on? What kind of work makes you feel alive, creative and eager to do a good job? Surprisingly, money has little to do with this. When we feel satisfaction from our efforts, it builds our self-respect. Everything is interconnected and essentially, whatever you do is a service for others. Your work can affect your health because your health is tied up with beliefs and attitudes. What can you do to feel more fulfilled and take pride in your sense of usefulness and productivity? Work smarter, not harder and be careful of your speling.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Every two years, Mars sits at the top of your chart for about seven weeks. Right now it's been there since December and it will stay until August. Most rare! This placement of Mars totally ignites your ambition! Meanwhile, this week, the New Moon, the Sun and Mercury urge you to be creative and playful. In fact, this is the only New Moon all year giving you a chance to look at the balance in your life between play and work. It's important and healthy to play; and it's equally important to express yourself creatively. That's because you are a verb, not a noun. It's the doing that counts, not the result.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your energy is now focused on home, family and your personal life. You can't ignore this. And on Monday/Tuesday, the New Moon is the only New Moon all year that offers you a wonderful opportunity to make some resolutions about how to improve your home or where you live; plus how to improve your family relationships. This is so important. Family is gold. And your home is your safe refuge. Why wouldn't you want them both to be as supportive to you as possible? When home and family are running smoothly, life is easier. It's just that simple. Continue to focus on major repairs, especially where you have to redo, rebuild or refinish something from the ground up.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The planetary focus in your chart right now is on your daily routine plus relatives, siblings and your communications with others, especially through sales, marketing, writing, teaching, acting and all your general conversations. Although three planets highlight your communications, the New Moon on Monday/Tuesday offers you the best chance all year to think about your style of communicating. This is important. Humans are social and gregarious. We need to see others and to be seen. And we need to hear others and be heard. Does your communicating style encourage others to listen to you? "Boris?" "Natasha!" Think about how others hear you.