A rare Cardinal Cross will occur this week with four planets in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) all at 13 degrees, pitted against each other by either 90 degrees or 180 degrees angles. This intense energy has been building for about seven months. (Although Uranus and Pluto have not done this dance since the 1930s.) It is violent in nature and ready to explode. Upheavals in the world, including natural disasters, financial and political shifts of power and random acts of violence are some indications of its build up. This week, the Cardinal Cross peaks on April 23/24. We will continue to feel its influence until August this year; and by mid 2015, it will fade away. Until then, what can we do? Just live each day with patience and tolerance for others, and go gently. Avoid rash actions and words. Be aware. After all, the heavens impel but they do not compel.
People with strong Cardinal signs in their chart (and certainly you are one of them) have felt the challenges of this energy building up for months. Partnerships and close friendships continue to be difficult; power struggles with authority figures are tough; plus you have a strong desire to right the wrongs of the world as well as to improve your home, your environment and even your life direction. When the dust settles, one likely outcome will be that you will be freer and more independent. And hopefully, your home environment will be improved, expanded or enriched. Guard your temper now. This is no time for a short fuse. Remember that anger serves no purpose except to make everyone miserable.
Many Taurus natives have Aries planets in their chart, so you might feel this energy that has been building for the last seven months. Although your partnerships and close friendships are challenged at this time, the tension of the Grand Cross will more likely affect your health and your job, as well as your day-to-day world and your belief system. You might feel the need for a radical shift. Your work might suddenly change, especially with technology and electronics. Be careful driving, walking, jogging and moving about in your everyday world. Keep your eyes open. One influence of the tension in this Grand Cross relates to your health, your job and your pets. Woof!
It's common to have planets in the sign that is right next to your own sign. This means that many Geminis have Cancer planets in their chart, and Cancer is one of the Cardinal signs. The more Cardinal signs that you have, then the more likely you will feel the impact of this Grand Cross. One change that is taking place will be reflected in your financial sphere and even your personal wealth. This could go either way. You might feel stripped of money and power or you might feel richer and stronger. Romantic relationships will be tempestuous, as will relationships with your kids. But out of this will come a better understanding of what everyone can expect from each other.
As one of the Cardinal signs of this Grand Cross, you feel its energy reverberating through your life. Chaos and increased activity plus friction on the home-front have been agitating for months. This has not been easy for you because you like a home that is a cozy nest - a refuge from the world. Relations with parents and authority figures have been challenging as well. As a result, you have sought relief in partnerships and close friendships, which in turn, have undergone a complete evolutionary change. Fortunately, travel for pleasure has been a pleasant escape for many, along with increased popularity with your friends. Just hang in there.
The Grand Cross that I describe in All Signs above has made your day-to-day life busy plus full of surprises and detours. Relations with siblings, neighbours and relatives have been tumultuous. On the upside, lots of brilliant, clever ideas keep popping in into your mind. "Eureka!" Do not ignore your health now because excess of any kind will take its toll. Yet ironically, at the same time, you have a chance to turn over a new leaf and dramatically improve your health, especially through weight loss. (To ignore this opportunity will lead to weight gain.) Go figure. Use the wealth and assets of others now because this is available to you. And remember that you look mahvelous dahling to people in authority.
You yearn for escape, adventure and something new and different. But you cannot ignore changing financial circumstances that affect your earnings and your wealth because this is one of the things that is triggered by the Grand Cross, which I mention in All Signs above. Sudden events might rob you of wealth or give you an opportunity to boost earnings. Could go either way. Meanwhile, your relationship to friends, lovers and groups has been changeing. The upside of some of this energy is that your creative talents are recharged. Act on your bright ideas and clever impulses. You will not regret it.
As I mentioned in the All Signs above, there are four Cardinal signs in the Grand Cross that is occurring now and one of them is Libra. For the last seven months, your relationships have been potentially volatile. (Hissy fits? Meltdowns? Enraged outbursts?) Be careful because not only will this anger harm your relationship, it can actually create an accident-prone situation for you. Meanwhile, your career might undergo a huge transformation, and you might be excited about a new career direction. Continue to clean your home and divest it of whatever is no longer necessary or useful. "Out, out damned spot!"
Part of this Grand Cross takes place in a hidden part of your chart, which is totally appropriate, because the Scorpio archetype embraces all that is hidden and secretive. It's possible that unexpected possibilities to change or improve your job exist. However, hidden enemies might also sabotage you at work. Could go either way. Meanwhile, your day-to-day world is expanding in an unexpected, exciting way that might be too fast for you to handle. It will reveal new aspects of what is possible for you. You might be more interested in politics, religion, or methods for self transformation. Continue to focus on partnerships and close friendships because romance is sweet. (Gosh.)
The energy of this Grand Cross affects your cash flow, earnings plus banking, debt, inheritances, insurance matters, taxes and shared property. Although there could be stress in these areas, in the long run, it looks like you come out smelling like a rose. Meanwhile, your relationship with friends and groups might be tumultuous. In the last seven months, you might have lost friends or experienced upsets with others. In fact, upsets with your kids or a romantic partner are classic for this current influence. Continue to spruce up your digs because this will give you pleasure. Work hard now because a lovely career peak awaits you in about a year. Yay!
You are one of the Cardinal signs involved in the Grand Cross. That's why you have felt tension building up within you for months. It has impacted your relationships, but particularly your relationships with authority figures. Some of you have completely changed your career direction and your lofty ambitions. If you follow through on this, it might also necessitate a change at home. (This could be a sudden change.) Meanwhile, partnerships and close friendships are being stripped down to the bones so that you can rebuild them or renegotiate. Fortunately, relations with siblings, relatives and neighbours are excellent. Continue to look for fun this week because pleasure is your password. Yay! (We like!)
I'm not going to sugarcoat this. This week is an accident-prone time for you. Factoid. At the very least, your daily surroundings will change in a stunning, surprising, sudden way. (With or without alliteration.) You will experience something totally new and different, which could involve travel to a foreign country. Similar surprises related to the law, medicine and higher education might also occur. Meanwhile, something basic and evolutionary could affect your job - right from scratch. In the long run, whatever it is will ultimately make your life easier. Your focus continues to be on home and family, especially with repairs and important family discussions. You might buy gifts and goodies for yourself and loved ones. Ka-ching!
Disputes and conflict about taxes, debt, insurance matters, inheritances and shared property might blow you out of water this week. Guard your possessions against loss or theft. Something unexpected related to your wealth or the wealth of someone else, for which you might be responsible, could catch you off guard - in a painful way. Keep your eyes open! Meanwhile, romance, vacations and pleasure are intense and over the top. Your busy pace continues with short trips plus new faces and new places. This is a great time to shop for wardrobe goodies because fair Venus is still in your sign, which means you like what you see in the mirror. Fortunately, this will also help you smooth over financial disputes with others.