All Signs

Last week I mistakenly mentioned Mars entered Aries for 18 days, when I should have said Mercury. A goofy error. But whoa Nellie! I could not believe how many people wrote to me saying, "Whaaat?" This thrills me to see how many keeners are reading this column. So for the record here are the current stats: The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19, (which I discuss below); Mercury moves into Taurus April 23; Venus moves to Aries on May 3; Mars finally leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio July 26; Jupiter moves from Cancer into Leo on July 16; Saturn leaves Scorpio to move into Sagittarius in October 2015; Uranus moves into Taurus in April 2019; Neptune moves into Aries in 2026, and Pluto moves from Capricorn to Aquarius in January 2025. That's the lineup, folks. Hopefully, I will avoid errors in in in the future.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For the next four to six weeks, your focus will be on cash flow, money, earnings and your possessions because it's time to monitor your assets. Do you know what you own? Do you have stuff you haven't used or looked at in years? (What about your "ongoing, projects"?) Use this next month to get on top of your scene. Figure out what you own, what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of. This is the best time of year to examine how you use your resources. The trick is what you own should make your life easier and not the other way around. Think of the peace of mind and increased energy you will have once you organize your finances and your stuff. ("I'm so cool.")

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Happy birthday! On Saturday, the Sun enters your sign to stay for the next four weeks. This boosts your energy and gives you a chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. It also attracts important people to you as well as favourable situations. This is the one time of year when it is appropriate to put yourself first. You love good food, good wine, good sex and a nice place to live. Because you like your creature comforts and you like quality, treat yourself to some of your favourite goodies - the best bread, coffee, wine, or your favourite restaurant. Creative friends are in your life now, which means you can enjoy scintillating conversations over a great table. (Remember: Hunger is the best sauce.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Because your birthday looms ahead, this means your personal year is coming to an end. What better time to reflect on the past year and think about how you want your new year to be different? Any ideas? Studies claim if you set goals, with deadlines, that your odds of achieving those goals are far greater than if you just muddle forward in your life, reacting to whatever happens. It's like going to the supermarket with a list instead of just wandering through the aisles buying maraschino cherries and tonic water. Basically, the next few weeks are a reality check. It's time to see how well you are doing at the art of living.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Get ready for a popular month ahead as your attention turns to groups, classes, organizations and conferences. Friendships will be important. You might examine the role others play in your life. Not only will you socialize extensively, you will also receive help from others. That's why it's wise to form working units and accept the assistance of others, or in turn, offer assistance. The next six weeks are an excellent time to think about future goals. What do you want to achieve in the next five years? If you imagine yourself five years in the future, what does the perfect picture look like? Always start with perfect and then scale back as reality dictates. It's something to shoot for.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Lucky Leo! For the next six weeks, the Sun slowly crosses the top of your chart, acting like a spotlight on you and this light is flattering! Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will notice you more and see you as competent and capable. This is why you will be asked to take on increased responsibilities. Say yes because you won't have to be an action hero to satisfy their expectations. Hey --you look great, remember? This is also a good time to examine your life direction. Are you headed where you want to go? Some of you will be more involved with a parent. Just be yourself. Relax. Enjoy this great press.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You'll be excited about life in the coming month because travel opportunities and chances to get further education or training will fall in your lap. How timely! You're actually keen to explore new, unfamiliar situations because you want to expand your experience of the world. Even a casual encounter might be fascinating or prove to be a positive learning experience. Therefore, do anything different! Get out of town. If you can't travel, then explore your own city. Do anything that stimulates your intellect and gives you a new take on things. Some of you will be involved with the law more than usual. ("Step away from the fridge.")

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

It's curious, but you don't really like to talk about money. You like to spend it on nice clothes and beautiful furnishings, stemware and linens. And of course, restaurants. Nevertheless, in the next few weeks, you will be focused on debt, taxes and shared property. You want to get out of debt so you can feel more in control of your life. You will also be more aware of how your values differ from someone else's values and how you can either compromise or reach a consensus. The upside is that your sex life will be hot! This is because all your energy will be more passionate in everything you do. You might also use this passion to defend your best interests.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week the Sun will move opposite your sign, which is as far away from you as it gets all year. Since the Sun is your source of energy, this means you are going to need more sleep. Factoid. However, this opposition of the Sun to you will also draw your focus to partnerships and close friendships. Examine these relationships. Essentially, for a partnership to be successful, you have to be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. According to a Chinese proverb, "Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking." (Pssst. This hand signal means "Take out the garbage.")

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You want to turn over a new leaf and reorganize your world. Get on the stick and give yourself the right materials to do a great job -- packing boxes, labels, file folders, shelves, paint, cleaning supplies, whatever. This marvelous spring energy will energize you to not only clean and sort where you live, but also to apply this same effort to where you work. In fact, by extrapolation, you will be gung ho to improve your health. Yes, you want it all! Physical, smooth running efficiency! Not only will you refine your techniques for staying on top of your scene, you will enjoy being of service to others. (Not too shabby!)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's fun city for Capricorns! The placement of the Sun now has a six-week influence that makes you want to party and seek out pleasure. The month ahead is perfect for a vacation, especially to a theme park or a spa. Enjoy playful times with children plus sports events. This influence will rev up the romance in your life. Existing relationships will be invigorated and recharged with fun energy, while new romantic interests might enter your world. This is the perfect time to express your creativity and explore the arts or any creative expression that appeals to you. Yup. Show me an optimist, and I'll show you a happy-condriac.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Now your attention turns to home, family and your domestic world. Some will be involved with a parent; but all of you will focus more on your personal life. You might entertain at home and be involved with family, or you might want to cocoon at home with junk food, good TV, interesting books and games. You want to be among familiar surroundings. Expect to be contemplative about the past. You might do something that takes you on a trip down memory lane. They say nothing is certain except the past (but not with my memory).

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The pace of your days accelerates in the next six weeks with errands, short trips and schmoozing. You might be involved with a sibling or relative more than usual. Many of you will read and write more because your desire to enlighten others is strong. Basically, you want to get outta town and do something stimulating! Note: This is a good time to buy wardrobe goodies because you like what you see in the mirror, plus you're eager to socialize. You are aware of your daily world because you are interested in everything going on around you. ("Hey! Who stole my report on the rising crime rate?")