In 2014, there are two times when Jupiter will square Uranus. The first time is this week; the second time is in April. When these two planets dance together, everyone feels a surge of energy to enlighten and reform everyone and everything. Along with this, everyone feels a desire to be free. We want to be liberated! Naturally, this will fuel political revolutions wherever they occur; but this will also fuel tiny rebellions taking place within families, companies and organizations. Mutiny on the home front? Could be major; could be minor. When I was a teenager, my dad always said, "When your daughter gets married, don't think of it as losing a daughter - think of it as gaining a bathroom." Everything is relative.
By nature, you are always rebellious and freedom loving. This week however, you feel a huge desire to test the waters both in terms of your own personal freedom and also with respect to how you want things to be at home. You want the support of family and loved ones, but you also want the freedom to do your own thing. You want the freedom to be angry at others who annoy or insult you; and you want the reassurance of a family dynamic that will protect you from these attacks. It's tricky, isn't it? If you want to be treated with respect, then you have to treat others likewise. William A. White said, "Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it to others." (Yeah, there's always a catch.)
You have an increasing passion about certain issues but you're being quiet about it. You know what you want but you're playing your cards close to your chest and working on something privately, behind the scenes. Nevertheless, when you do finally show your hand, it will affect your day-to-day relationships, your relationships with siblings and relatives, and even your daily routine. Yes, this smacks of big plans. Partnerships have been a challenge, lately. What is happening there? You have the energy to work hard now but old issues with bosses and authority figures are back on your plate. Soon, your home and family scene will improve. Take heart in this.
Your life is always changing. And now, you face big changes related to your earnings, your cash flow and your job. If certain changes unfold, you will feel freer and more excited about life. A new stream of income will give you greater freedom along with more confidence. The freedom will come in the form of increased independence - money talks. And the confidence is knowing you have some coin in your pocket. Work with others to encourage this to happen because they will help you. At the least, a friend can be a sounding board for you so you can test some ideas before you act.
This month you are in the public eye, especially from the point of view of bosses and authority figures. They are watching you! Fear not because your new spotlight is flattering to you. This means you can grab the baton and run with it except for one thing: Mercury is retrograde. So if you have to run, you have to run back to where you were before. Whatever territory you want to claim for yourself or however you want to change your forward direction, make sure it is connected to your past. You are not a free-floating agent with all choices possible. Fortunately, a partner or close friend will help you now. Be patient with challenges at home.
You're dramatic and colourful. It's just who you are and you wouldn't want it any other way. Others will agree because they love your entertaining theatrics. Only you know that you are actually like the lion in the Wizard of Oz. Lots of flair and bluff but kinda timid. Oh you are courageous; but that timid part is there as well. This week you see a chance for a break for freedom by travelling somewhere or getting further education or exploring opportunities in publishing, medicine and the law. You want to do something big! That's just fine. But first, focus on solidifying your home base. Reduce your debt and secure your anchor in the world.
Whether you are aware of it or not, you are probably looking at a residential or job change in the next year. For some, this has already happened. What excites you now is the possibility of an inheritance, a boost to your partner's income or an increase from an external source that will help you physically, financially and practically. What a windfall this will be! And more than a windfall - it will mean greater freedom for you. You can call your own shots. You can walk your talk. Just remember to practice generosity because what goes around comes around. Generosity creates a generous universe for you.
You've been cranky lately because you're not getting enough sleep. Don't worry, cut yourself some slack. Partnerships are tough right now because the Sun is opposite your sign. On top of that, with Mars in your sign for months to come - you're a lot to handle! (I know you don't see this but believe me, others do.) While you are focused on redecorating and tweaking your digs this month, this week in particular, you want to define things in your closest relationships so that they please you. You want the freedom to have the kind of relationship you want. Sounds good. The only catch is that there are two people in the relationship - not just you.
So much is happening! In the last year, you set off on a whole new course that will ultimately redefine who you are in the next five-six years. It's exciting. At the moment, your job holds great potential for increased independence and freedom. Something is shaping up that will allow you to call the shots. It might also involve increased travel or working in another location. If you can expand your work scene now, by all means do so because in the next two years, your career will really shine! Why not have a bigger platform? Why not play to a bigger audience? Continue to focus on home repairs this month because it's the perfect time to get this stuff done.
Everyone loves their freedom, but for Sagittarians - it's a survival issue. You need to be physically active and you need to believe that you have the power to change your future. This week you want the freedom to express who you are and what you want. You can almost taste it. You need to express your creativity through any talent you have - photography, dance, writing, building, drawing, singing, sports, whatever. You also want the freedom to blast off on a vacation and explore other worlds. And you just might get this because a sudden release of funds from another source might come your way so that you can write the ticket. Yes!
Your ambition is still aroused (and will be for months); but now you are focused on home, family and your private life. This week however, you're determined to redefine your closest relationships and friendships so that they meet your needs. You also want them to be the kind of relationships that give you the freedom you want, along with the security you need. Is that asking too much? I don't think so. For some years now, you have been evolving and changing, and part of this evolution has been the growing knowledge that you can foster the kind of relationship you want. Remember: In a successful relationship, you are as good for your partner as he or she is for you.
This is a powerful year for you because you know that you are on top of your game. It is your time of harvest. It's relatively easy for you to improve your job or get a better job as well as improve your health. What you seek now is greater freedom in your day-to-day life. You want to be liberated from daily relationships, especially with siblings and relatives, that no longer work. If possible, you want self-employment. You want the freedom to chart your course, day by day, year by year. Well, there's no time like the pleasant. Don't hesitate to act because the wind is at your back. Cut your losses. Move forward with ease because you can do it.
The only New Moon in your sign all year takes place at the end of this week, which makes it the perfect time for you to take a realistic look in the mirror and ask what you can do to improve your image. (Naturally, buy shoes.) You feel friendly and social and your sex drive is amped! And on top of this, you will see ways to generate income to have a vacation or explore the arts or entertain in style. Perhaps all of the above. You see that by boosting your income you will have the wherewithal to play and have fun with family and friends. Yay! This is just what the doctor ordered.